HIV Prevention for HIV-Negative Men Via Reduction of Social Anxiety
Social AnxietySubstance UseMen who have sex with men (MSM) bear a disproportionate burden of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic in Canada, and HIV incidence appears to be rising among Canadian MSM (1). MSM comprised nearly half (44.1%) of new positive HIV tests in 2009 (2). Among MSM in Ontario, from 2001 to 2006, HIV diagnoses increased 26% (3). Given the alarmingly high HIV prevalence rates among MSM in North American cities, there is a critical need for HIV prevention interventions for MSM in Canada. Social anxiety, or anxiety about being evaluated in interpersonal situations, is a reliable risk factor for unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) among MSM (4 and 5). Social anxiety is highly modifiable via cognitive-behavioural therapy, a form of psychotherapy (6). Social anxiety may also increase substance use in sexual situations, which is another risk factor for HIV among MSM (7 and 8). As such, an empirically-based social anxiety treatment may also reduce HIV risk behaviours among MSM. The present study will provide Phase I trial data for a novel and innovative HIV prevention intervention for MSM. This is a proposal to test a novel integrated HIV prevention intervention that combines empirically supported treatments for social anxiety with HIV risk reduction counseling to reduce HIV sexual risk behaviour.

Coping Kids: Early Intervention for Anxiety and Depression
AnxietyDepressionThe purpose of this study is to provide knowledge regarding the effect of early intervention and prevention on the development of anxiety and depression in children. The focus of the intervention is to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and help children develop skills to enhance self-esteem in order to improve life quality. Gender and ethnicity will be studied as moderating factors. Primary care givers will be trained in the use of evidence based methods for children with internalizing difficulties. Children in need will be identified and receive improved services, based on international standards. Active collaboration will be established nationally between three Centers for child and adolescent mental health (RKBU/RBUP) and internationally with Philip C. Kendall at the Temple University in Philadelphia and Kevin Stark at University of Texas at Austin. Primary aims are to examine if an indicated group and school based program, Coping Kids, is more effective than treatment as usual (TAU) in reducing high levels of symptoms of both anxiety and depression among 8-12 year old schoolchildren, and if the the effects are stable over 12 months.

Use of Handheld Audiovisual Devices to Treat Pediatric Preoperative Anxiety
Pediatric Preoperative AnxietyAnxiety in children undergoing surgery is a central concern to both parents and healthcare workers, including nurses, surgeons, and anesthesiologists. It has been ranked by anesthesiologists as one of the top five important low-morbidity anesthesia outcomes (1). This study would determine whether such devices would decrease anxiety in children prior to induction of anesthesia for outpatient surgery. Two hundred children ages 2-12 will be enrolled.

Preoperative Massage in Breast Surgery Patients
AnxietyPresurgical Anxiety1 moreThis randomized controlled interventional study is designed to determine whether breast cancer surgical patients receiving presurgical massage therapy performed by a licensed massage therapist have decreased average anxiety levels compared to the control group of breast cancer surgical patients who do not receive massage therapy.

Mirtazapine Reduces ICD Shocks in ICD Patients With Depression and Anxiety
DepressionAnxietyThe purpose of this study is to evaluate if the use of antidepressant medication in depressed patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator reduces the number of ICD's shocks as it improves depressive affect.

A Study To Investigate Effects Of GSK561679 On Brain Activation During Emotional Processing In Healthy...
Depressive Disorder and Anxiety DisordersThis study will be conducted in healthy volunteers to investigate the effect of single dose GSK561679 on the changes of brain activation, as it compares to an active comparator, lorazepam.

Lorazepam-Induced Toxicity in the Aged
Anxiety DisordersGeneralized Anxiety DisorderThis study will compare the effects of an acute dose of lorazepam to a placebo in elderly patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

The Effect of Virtual Reality Application on Pain, Anxiety and Satisfaction of Patients
PainAnxiety1 moreToday, common and easily accessible android-based smart devices capable of running virtual reality are used. The image is obtained using a combination of framed simple optical lenses that hold the phone at a fixed distance perpendicular to the user's gaze direction. The working system of three-dimensional resuscitation devices is based on stereographic vision properties. After the relevant applications are installed on the smartphone, the device divides the screen into two, and thanks to the acquisition of different images for the right and left eyes, the illusion of the spatial existence of three-dimensional animated objects is obtained. The use of virtual reality application, which is used as a non-pharmacological method in different studies, has not been found in IUD (Intrauterine device) applications. This study was planned to examine the effect of virtual reality applications, which will distract their attention during the procedure, on the pain and anxiety levels experienced in women who underwent IUD in the septic area in Esenyurt Necmi Kadıoğlu State Hospital.

Super Skills for Life Effectiveness in the Online Modality
Depressive DisorderDepressive Symptoms5 moreThe study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the transdiagnostic program Super Skills for Life (SSL). This protocol targets children aged 8 to 12 with emotional problems (anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and lack of social skills). SSL consists of eight sessions targeting common risk factors for internalizing disorders such as cognitive distortions, avoidance, emotional management, low self-esteem, social skills deficits, and coping strategies. The present research focuses on assessing the effectiveness of SSL applied online (through a virtual platform).

The Effect of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) Program on Anxiety, Work-Related Emotional...
MidwivesMindfulness3 moreMindfulness; It is the state of paying attention and being aware of what is happening right now. Mindfulness, includes noticing what is happening in the present moment and the way of meeting all that is noticed. The research will be conducted in a randomized controlled manner in order to determine the Effect of MBSR (Conscious Awareness Based Stress Reduction) Program on Anxiety, Work Related Emotional Burnout and Job Satisfaction in midwives. Data will be collected from midwives working at Gaziantep Cengiz Gökçek Gynecology and Childhood Hospital between September 1 and December 30, 2022. Midwives who agree to participate in the study and meet the criteria will be sent and asked to fill in web-based online questionnaires (Whatsapp) prepared by the researchers through Google Forms. As a pre-test, "Descriptive Information Form", "Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI)", "Work-Related Emotional Burnout Scale" and "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale (MSQ) Short Form" will be administered to midwives in the experimental and control groups. After the stress reduction program based on mindfulness was applied online by the researcher to the experimental group, 2 sessions a week for 4 weeks (1 month), a total of 8 sessions; Post-test data will be obtained by re-applying the "Beck Anxiety Scale (BAS)", "Work-Related Emotional Burnout Scale" and "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale (MSQ) Short Form" scale to the experimental group and simultaneously to the control group. The universe of the research will be composed of midwives working at Gaziantep Cengiz Gökçek Gynecology and Childhood Hospital on the relevant dates. The minimum number of individuals to be included in the sample of the study was determined by power analysis. Sample size when power analysis is done; Assuming that the method applied with 5% error level, bidirectional significance level, 95% confidence interval and 80% ability to represent the universe, would reduce the anxiety score averages (8.20±8.64) by 6 points, a total of 66 midwives (33 experimental, 33 control) calculated. A total of 80 midwives (40 experimental, 40 control) are planned to be included in the study, taking into account possible case losses (approximately 20%).