The Effect of Virtual Reality Application on Pain, Anxiety and Satisfaction of Patients
PainAnxiety1 moreToday, common and easily accessible android-based smart devices capable of running virtual reality are used. The image is obtained using a combination of framed simple optical lenses that hold the phone at a fixed distance perpendicular to the user's gaze direction. The working system of three-dimensional resuscitation devices is based on stereographic vision properties. After the relevant applications are installed on the smartphone, the device divides the screen into two, and thanks to the acquisition of different images for the right and left eyes, the illusion of the spatial existence of three-dimensional animated objects is obtained. The use of virtual reality application, which is used as a non-pharmacological method in different studies, has not been found in IUD (Intrauterine device) applications. This study was planned to examine the effect of virtual reality applications, which will distract their attention during the procedure, on the pain and anxiety levels experienced in women who underwent IUD in the septic area in Esenyurt Necmi Kadıoğlu State Hospital.

Emotional Freedom Technique in Early Pregnancy
Nausea GravidarumAnxiety2 moreOne of the most common discomforts in early pregnancy is nausea and vomiting. Although its etiology is not known exactly, it affects an average of 50-90% of pregnant women. The severity of nausea-vomiting can vary from person to person, as well as in different pregnancies of the woman. The severity of nausea-vomiting is affected by hormonal, psychological and social factors. Adaptation to pregnancy, spouse relations, future anxiety and social support perception in nausea and vomiting experienced during early pregnancy affect women negatively and cause anxiety. The severity of nausea and vomiting also increases due to anxiety. As the severity of nausea-vomiting increases, the search for solutions to this situation and their applications to health institutions increase. Many non-pharmacological methods (respiratory exercises, acupuncture, acupressure, etc.) are used in treatment, as well as hydration, rest and pharmacological agents. One of these methods is the emotional liberation technique, which is included in cognitive behavioral therapies. This method basically treats the person physiologically and psychologically as a whole, similar to other cognitive behavioral therapies, unless there is a physiological disorder. It is aimed to reach a solution by raising awareness for the emotion felt, avoiding negative emotions and focusing on affirmations to replace them. Emotional liberation technique is an easy-to-apply and fast-solving technique in cases recorded in the subconscious with negative emotions and in the treatment of stress disorders in general. No use of emotional liberation technique has been found in the literature for the severity of nausea-vomiting and anxiety experienced during early pregnancy. Therefore, it is thought that this study will contribute to the literature. In addition, it is thought that this method will enrich midwifery interventions as a non-pharmacological method applied to pregnant women in the treatment of nausea-vomiting and anxiety, because this method is fast and practical, and the result is easy to reach. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of emotional liberation technique applied during early pregnancy on nausea and vomiting severity and anxiety.

Creating Resilient Workplaces Study
PTSDAnxiety Disorders3 moreThe proposed study aims to understand the impact of a 5-Class CBTm Course on variables contributing to workplace resilience among Public Safety Personnel (PSP). This involves examining the impact of the CBTm Course on prevention of PTSD and related conditions among PSPs. This research project will be undertaken using a randomized-controlled trial design. Questionnaires will be completed 1) before taking the course, 2) during the course, 3) after the course, and 4) at three-month follow-up.

Lavender Oil on Preoperative Anxiety and Sedation Requirement in General Anaesthesia
Preoperative AnxietyAssessment of how Lavender oil reduces preoperative anxiety and subsequently influences requirement of induction agents for general anesthesia.

School-based Universal Prevention for Anxiety and Depression in Sweden: A Cluster-randomized Trial...
Anxiety DisordersMental illness is a major health problem in children and young people, and there is evidence that mental illness is increasing among young people in the population. More than 80 % of the cost to society of mental illness in children in Sweden is the cost of treatment and care. Anxiety and depression are the most common psychiatric problems in children and adolescents. In comparison with the treatment of mental disorders, there is relatively limited knowledge about prevention. There are at least two very important reasons to investigate further preventive interventions for anxiety and depression. (1) Only about 20% of children and adolescents with anxiety or depression use health services. (2) Some children stop treatment and almost 40% do still fulfill criteria for the disorder after treatment. FRIENDS for life is one of the most evaluated prevention programs internationally. The program has shown promising results in research. The overall aim of the present study is to evaluate FRIENDS for Life in Sweden.

Cartoon Distraction and Parental Presence on Anxiety in Pediatric Anesthesia
AnxietySeparation1 moreNearly 50% of young children undergoing surgery exhibit high level of anxiety during induction of anesthesia because of exposure to unfamiliar environment and people and separation from parents. Increased preoperative anxiety may impact postoperative behavior changes such as emergence agitation, separation anxiety and sleep disturbance. Although some pediatric anesthesiologists routinely permit parental presence to reduce the anxiety during induction of anesthesia, previous studies have reported conflicting results. Recently the distraction using video game or animated cartoon has been reported to reduce anxiety of young children during induction of anesthesia. However, it was still undetermined whether distraction has its own ability to reduce children's anxiety separated from parental presence because they evaluated the effect of video method in the parental presence. The investigators design to investigated the efficacy of distraction with watching cartoon, parental presence and combined with watching cartoon and parental presence on reduction of anxiety during inhalational induction of anesthesia using sevoflurane. In addition this study includes long-term effect of each intervention such as postoperative emergence agitation and postoperative behavior change in children.

Effects of "Music for the Mind" on Pre-operative Anxiety in Dentistry
Dental AnxietyTo examine the pre-operative effect of music for the mind compared to some other styles of music in patients undergoing dental procedures.

Effects of Preoperative Operating Room Environment Presentation in Hypertensive Patients
HypertensionAnxiety1 moreThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of preoperative operating room environment introduction on preoperative hypertension and blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Evaluation of Touch Massage on Anxiety in Critically Ill Patients
AnxietyAnxiety is a common problem encountered in a about 43 % of critically ill patients. Its occurrence can be related to several causes, mainly dominated by invasive procedures. anxiety management is typically based on a combination of prevention, evaluation, and therapeutic agents. However, it appears important to develop adjuvant approaches. Touch massage is one of them and that has been evaluated in various medical conditions. The aim of our study is to evaluate the anxiolytic effect of touch massage in critically ill patients during potentially painful nursing procedures.

Effectiveness and Underlying Mechanisms of Applied Relaxation as Indicated Preventive Intervention...
Anxiety DisordersDepressive Disorder1 moreAs mental disorders constitute a core health care challenge of the 21th century, increased research efforts on preventive interventions are indispensable. In the field of clinical psychology, indicated preventive interventions targeted to those with initial symptomatology appear particularly promising. Applied relaxation (AR) is a well-established intervention technique proven to effectively reduce tension/distress, anxiety and depressive symptoms in the context of treatment of a wide variety of manifest mental disorders as well as somatic illnesses. However, it has not been studied so far whether AR as indicated preventive intervention in subjects with initial symptomatology but no full-threshold mental disorder yet is capable to prevent a further symptom escalation. This randomized controlled trial in subjects with elevated tension/distress, anxiety or depressive symptomatology aims to investigate whether an AR intervention (10 sessions à 60 min) can (a) effectively reduce present psychopathological symptoms as well as (b) prevent a further symptom progression to full-threshold DSM-5 mental disorders. Putative mediators (physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral changes including heart rate and heart rate variability, hair and salivary cortisol secretion, affectivity, self-efficacy, internal locus of control and cognitive / behavioral coping) and moderators (sex, age, symptom severity at baseline and homework adherence during the intervention course) of the intervention/preventive efficacy will be additionally studied. Predictor and outcome measures will be assessed both conventionally (via personal interview, questionnaires and physiological measures during the respective main assessment) and with ecological momentary assessments (EMA, applied via smart phone over a 1-week interval following the respective main assessment) in everyday life.