Adapting Project UPLIFT for Blacks in Georgia
EpilepsyDepressive Symptoms1 moreEvaluate the efficacy of Project UPLIFT for reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety among African Americans at immediate posttest and after 3 months.

D-Cycloserine and Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
Social Anxiety DisorderThe proposed project aims to increase accessibility of exposure therapy, an evidence based treatment for social anxiety disorder, by adapting a therapist-assisted computer-based program to be delivered in a self-guided manner on an iPad. A significant problem with self-guided treatment delivered via computer is compliance. The vast majority of users do not complete treatment, so achieving therapeutic benefit as quickly as possible is essential. D-cycloserine is a drug found to augment response to therapist-guided exposure therapy for anxiety disorders, but has never been tested with self-guided exposure. This study uses a randomized, double-blind methodology to compare D-cycloserine (50 mg; DCS) to placebo in combination with self-guided virtual reality exposure therapy (VRE) delivered via iPad to treat social anxiety disorder. The proposed study tests the hypothesis that patients who receive DCS in combination with the self-guided VRE will show more improvement than those who receive placebo in combination with VRE. Outcome measures include self-reported symptoms of social anxiety, behavioral avoidance, and diagnostic remission. Participants (N=34) are adults with a primary diagnosis of social anxiety disorder. Participants will complete a structured diagnostic interview, standardized self-report measures of social anxiety, and a behavioral avoidance task (i.e., giving a speech) and will be assessed at pre-treatment, at post-treatment and at 3 month follow-up. Hierarchical linear regression and chi-square analyses will be used to test differences between those randomized to DCS versus placebo on the following outcomes: post-treatment scores of self-reported social phobia symptoms, willingness to and anxiety while giving a speech at post-treatment, and diagnostic remission at 3 month follow-up. The proposed project combines technological advances with translational research to develop an innovative and accessible treatment for those with social anxiety disorder. The pilot data generated from this study will be appealing to a variety of funding agencies, including the National Institute of Mental Health's call for exploratory clinical trials of novel interventions for mental illnesses, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute's call for effectiveness studies aimed to overcome barriers to treatment, and the National Science Foundation's call for innovation-technology translation research.

The Effect of Heating on Thermal Comfort and Anxiety
AnxietyNurse-Patient RelationsThis study with a randomized, pretest - posttest controlled experimental design was conducted to determine the effects of active and passive heating methods applied in different parts of the perioperative process on thermal comfort, anxiety and vital signs. The study was conducted with the patients who were hospitalized for open abdominal surgical interventions in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of Selcuk University Medical Faculty Hospital, between the dates of 1 October 2018 and 10 January 2019. The study included 99 patients in two control groups and one experimental group. The patients in group A were dressed with hot air blowing patients scrubs in both preoperative and postoperative periods, while patients in group B were dressed with hot air blowing patients scrubs only in the postoperative period. The control group continued routine practice. In the preoperative period, vital signs, thermal comfort, and anxiety levels of the patients were evaluated. In the intraoperative period, vital signs and thermal comfort levels of the patients were evaluated. Thermal comfort level of the patients was re-evaluated prior to the induction of anesthesia. Once the patients were transferred to the post-anesthesia care unit, among the vital signs of the patients, body temperature was measured in the temporal region, and other signs were measured using the monitors. Thermal comfort and anxiety levels of the patients were re-evaluated after they got dressed.

Canine-Assisted ANxiety Reduction IN Emergency Care IV
Anxiety AcuteChronic PainPrior literature demonstrates that human stress can be reduced with exposure to animals. This study challenges current dogma by introducing a widely available, low cost method of dog therapy to reduce patient and provider stress. The objectives of this study are to determine if interaction with a certified therapy dog and handler can; decrease reported anxiety levels in emergency department (ED) patients, decrease salivary cortisol in ED patients, decrease total morphine equivalent dosing in the emergency department or at discharge and/or, decrease reported stress levels in emergency department providers caring for participating patients when compared to usual care.

Effects of Listening to Binaural Beats on Anxiety and Pain Scores in Males Undergoing Cystoscopy...
AnxietyCystoscopy1 moreThis study aimed to investigate the effects of pure binaural beats on anxiety levels and pain scores using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in male patients undergoing DC and USR procedures under local anesthesia.

Waitlist-Control Trial of Smartphone CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
Social Anxiety DisorderThe investigators are testing the efficacy of Smartphone-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD). The investigators hypothesize that participants receiving app-CBT will have greater reduction in LSAS scores than those in the waitlist condition at treatment endpoint (week 12).

The Effect of Music Therapy on Preoperative Anxiety in Elective Surgery
AnxietyMusic1 moreAnxiety is a common phenomenon among patients who are undergoing surgery. It is a condition characterized by stress, nervousness, fear, unpleasant feeling, and higher activity of Autonomic Nervous System. The current studies demonstrated that listening to music, reduces anxiety levels.

Effect of High-quality Pre-operative Videos on Patient Anxiety Levels Prior to Ambulatory Hand Surgery...
AnxietyCarpal Tunnel Syndrome4 morePrevious research has shown that YouTube is a poor source of high-quality medical information. This is likely because there is no regulation of the content on YouTube and relatively little of the content is posted by qualified medical professionals. It is known that up to 30% of patients use the internet to research the procedure they will be having and given the increasing popularity of YouTube we suspect many patients are using YouTube or similar sites as a source of information prior to elective surgery. There are likely a number of patient factors that contribute to patients seeking out videos as a source of pre-operative medical information. Patient age, which is generally inversely correlated to computer literacy, may have a role. Patient anxiety and pre-operative worrying may cause a patient to turn to the internet to search for information, and the poor overall quality of the content available may worsen pre-operative anxiety. The primary objective of this study is to determine if providing patients with a reliable, high-quality video about their condition and operation prior to surgery reduces pre-operative anxiety. Secondary aims are to determine the percentage of patients that independently seek out videos online as a source of medical information prior to elective hand surgery, identify patient attributes that are associated with this behavior, and understand if introducing high quality pre-surgical videos has an impact on post-operative patient outcomes and/or patient engagement. The investigators hypothesize that providing patients with high-quality pre-operative videos will reduce pre-operative anxiety. Its is also expected that patients who seek out videos on their own for pre-operative medical information will be younger and have higher anxiety levels and pain catastrophizing scores. Additionally, the investigators hypothesize that patients who watch high-quality pre-operative videos may have better short term post-operative outcomes and greater engagement in their care than their counterparts that did not watch videos or who sought out videos on their own.

Investigation of the Effects of Music on Anxiety During Operations Under Spinal Anaesthesia at an...
SurgeryAnxietyThis study investigates he effects of intra-operative music on anxiety levels during procedures under spinal anaesthesia at a surgical centre in Cambodia. Participants will be randomly allocated to either the music (M) group or the 'control' (C) group. The M group will receive music played through headphones for the duration of the operation. The C group will receive no music or headphones. Anxiety will be measured in both groups, through a visual analogue scale (VAS), at the beginning of the operation and after 30 minutes of the procedure. Scores will be compared.

The Effect of Watching Cartoons During Treatment on Children's Anxiety and Fear Levels
Nursing CariesAnxiety1 moreObjective: The study was carried out in a randomized controlled manner to determine the effect of the watching cartoons on the fear and anxiety levels of children during treatment. Method: The population of the study consisted of children aged 5-10 years who were brought to a state hospital in a southeastern province for blood collection. A total of 92 children, 43 of whom were in the cartoon group and 49 of which were in the control group, were included in the study. Research findings; Data Form was obtained by using Child Anxiety Scale and Child Fear Scale. The children in the cartoon group were shown the cartoons they wanted during the treatment. Anxiety and fear levels before and during the blood collection were evaluated in the cartoon and control groups. The anxiety level of the children was evaluated according to their own expressions, and the level of fear was evaluated independently according to both the children's own statements and the observers' statements.