Efficiency of Favourite Versus Predetermined Musical Sequence on Gynecology Pre-operative Anxiety...
SurgeryAnxiety StateAnxiety is a psychologic and physiological state that could be characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive and behavioral components. Surgery, as well as waiting for surgery is an anxiogenic situation encountered by 60 à 80 % of the patients. High levels of anxiety lead to negative physiological signs that slow down healing, lowers imune response and increases post-surgery infection. Anxiety also increases pain and post-surgery morbi-mortality. Drug-induced sedation is frequently recommended to lower anxiety. The anxiolytic effect of alternative treatment such as musicotherapy has been demonstrated in several randomized control trials. Nevertheless, most of these studies have investigated the effect of musicotherapy in groups with our without musical listening. In the present study, investigators assume that a personal musical sequence composed by favourite songs of the patients could have beneficial effect on presurgical anxiety than selective sequence of the medical device MUSIC CARE. In this study, the anxiolytic effect of predefined U musical sequences that alternate slow and faster music tracks (medical device MUSIC CARE) are compared to patient's play-list, in women with planned gynecological surgery.

Evaluating Stress Response and Anxiety Score in Paediatric Patients
Anxiety and FearAnesthesiaTo date, there have been no studies done relating serum cortisol levels and intranasal dexmedetomidine sedation. However, there was a behavioral study done on pediatric patients confirming reduction serum cortisol levels with perioperative dialogue intervention.There have been a number of studies done on adult patients indicating that dexmedetomidine was indeed capable of reducing level of anxiety with evidence of lower serum cortisol levels. Hence, we postulated that intranasal dexmedetomidine administration in pediatric patients will lower the serum cortisol levels but we need to evaluate the extent of reduction.

Associations Between Analgesia Nociception Index and Preoperative Anxiety
AnxietyOpioid Consumption1 moreThe management and prediction of pain is one of the most crucial jobs for anesthetists. It has been shown that a patient's ability to remain calm during stressful situations is related to their post-surgical pain scores. The MetroDoloris Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI) monitor is a heart-rate monitor that provides us with a number which reflects a patient's state of relaxation (or parasympathetic tone). For this reason, the investigators are testing whether ANI can be used as a metric for perioperative anxiety, and a predictive tool for pain after c-sections.

Effects of Consent Methods Performed According to Intelligence Types on Anxiety Associated With...
Dental AnxietyThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of information provided in accordance with intelligence type on anxiety associated with wisdom tooth surgery.

Effect of IATP on Cognitive Functioning in Anxious Older Adults.
Anxiety SymptomsOlder adults with anxiety symptoms was found to be associated with greater risk of dementia. Interventions targeting signs as early as in the pre-symptomatic phase could be most effective in early prevention of dementia. On reviewing the identified non-pharmacological interventions, integrated attention training program (IATP) is proposed to target older adults with anxiety symptoms in Hong Kong.

The Effect of Therapeutic Play During Peripheral Intravenous Catheterisation
PainAnxietyTherapeutic play (TP) is a non-pharmacological method used in the pain management in children. This study was conducted to determine the effect of therapeutic play on children's pain, anxiety, and mothers' anxiety during peripheral intravenous catheterisation (PIVC).

The Effect of Imagery Technique on Self-Effectiveness-Efficacy and Anxiety Levels of Nursing Students...
AnxietySelf Efficacy1 moreTo determine the effect of the imagery technique used in the Nursing Fundamentals course on the self-effectiveness-efficacy and anxiety levels of students. This study was designed as a randomized controlled trial. The research was completed with a total of 85 students, 40 of which were in the intervention group and 45 in the control group. The imagery technique was applied to the intervention group once a week for 4 weeks before the laboratory practice lesson. This study are self-efficacy-sufficiecy and state and trait anxiety levels obtained from the questionnaire before and after the application. While there was no difference in the mean scores of self-efficacy-sufficiecy and trait anxiety of the students before and after the application of the imagery technique (p=0.515, p=0.456), it was determined that the mean score of state anxiety of the students in the intervention group decreased significantly after the application (p=0.044). Academic nurses should work on increasing self-efficacy and reducing the level of trait anxiety, in addition to the supportive imagery technique during training.

Biofeedback for Asthma Comorbid With Anxiety or Depression
ASTHMAANXIETYTwenty patients with a history of treatment, within the past year, of both asthma and either depression or an anxiety disorder will be recruited for this study. Patients will be recruited from their doctors and from advertisements. The investigators will randomly assign patients to two groups, using a crossover design. One group will first receive three months with four biweekly sessions of heart rate variability biofeedback treatment, and then will be followed for three months with a daily symptom diary. The other group will first be followed for three months, and then given the three months of treatment. In both treatment and following procedures, patients will receive psychophysiological testing sessions at the beginning and end of the three month period. The investigators will assess symptoms of asthma, anxiety, and depression as well as pulmonary function and will measure heart rate (from electrodes on the wrists), respiration (through a belt around the waist), end tidal carbon dioxide (through a cannula in the nose).

Applying the Spanish Version of the UP-A as a Universal School-based Anxiety and Depression Prevention...
AnxietyDepressionThe current study proposes to extend transdiagnostic treatment research to adolescents by establishing initial pre to post-treatment and follow-up outcomes associated with the use of the Spanish Version of the Unified Protocol for the Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Adolescents (UP-A; Ehrenreich-May, Bilek, Buzzella, Kennedy, Mash, & Bennett, 2016) as a universal school-based preventive intervention.

Stuttering and Anxiety
StutteringChildhood1 moreStuttering was defined as a common neurodevelopmental speech disorder characterized by repetitions, prolongations, and interruptions in the flow of speech. In other words, stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by involuntary disruptions to speech which impede the capacity to communicate effectively. Physiological and emotional anxiety has been reported in persons who stutter. It has been reported that as high as 44% of clients seeking treatment for stuttering could be assigned a co-occurring social phobia or social anxiety diagnosis.