
Active clinical trials for "Anxiety Disorders"

Results 1621-1630 of 2478

Improving Anxiety Detection in Pediatrics Using Health Information Technology

AnxietyAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder2 more

Inattentive behaviors are a common childhood condition that presents to the general pediatrician. While some of these behaviors are expected during childhood, others need work-up to ensure optimal functioning at home and school. A number of these children ultimately go on to have a mental health conditions, such as ADHD. However, inattentive symptoms represent a broad spectrum of potential behavioral and mental health conditions, such as pediatric anxiety which can masquerade as or co-exist with ADHD. Treatment is quite different and general pediatricians must have ways to facilitate the accurate identification of children needing further work-up and referral. Health information technology can greatly improve pediatricians' ability to identify and refer children with inattentive symptoms for further work-up. This study represents initial work to revise an existing computer decision support system's module for identification of ADHD to include screening questions and prompts for anxiety.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Lumbar Spinal Fusion - Web-based Platform Targeting Anxiety and Depression

Lumbar Spine FusionAnxiety1 more

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of a Web- based Platform (WP) on anxiety and depression and health economics among patients undergoing lumbar spine fusion (LSF).

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Exercise to Prevent Depression and Anxiety in Older Hispanics


The study is a randomized pilot trial of a health promotion intervention in the prevention of anxiety and depression in older Hispanics.

Completed18 enrollment criteria

Patient Anxiety Associated With Lymphedema Surveillance Method


We propose to study the impact of BIA screening on anxiety and primary prevention strategies for lymphedema development among patients with recent surgery for breast cancer. Currently, professional societies recommend scheduled follow-up visits to screen for lymphedema after recovery from breast cancer (e.g., 6-week, 3-month, 6-month visits with a certified lymphedema therapist). Screening involves a discussion of lymphedema symptoms and risk reduction strategies, measurement of the affected limb with a tape measure, and physical inspection for physical changes consistent with lymphedema. In the proposed study, patients will be randomly assigned to the addition of BIA screening vs. usual care. At each screening visit, all patients will be assessed for their current lymphedema risk behaviors, as outlined by the National Lymphedema Network (7). To evaluate anxiety levels, all patients will be asked to fill out the Beck Anxiety Inventory, a validated screening tool used in prior studies of patients with breast cancer (8,9). This questionnaire will be administered at each follow-up lymphedema screening visit, and the baseline will be administered at the preoperative visit. For patients randomly assigned to BIA screening, this involves the placement of adhesive electrodes on the each wrist and an ankle, followed by connection of the electrodes to the BIA machine, which then uses a painless electrical impulse to measure impedance of flow and thus asymmetry in the extracellular lymphedema volume between the 2 upper limbs (6,10). Statistical analysis will involve comparison of lymphedema risk behaviors and anxiety levels between those patients with vs. without BIA screening.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Preventing Depression in Late Life: A Model for Low and Middle Income Countries

DepressionAnxiety Disorder

This study is being conducted in GOA India. The study addresses specific issues of depression prevention in older adults living in low- and middle income countries (LMICs), by developing risk-reduction strategies through the use of lay health counselors. We will be training Lay Health Counselors (LHC's) to deliver simple behaviorally oriented interventions, designed to enhance the ability to relax, to improve active coping via better problem solving, and to increase protective factors such as good quality sleep. Lay Health Counselors are inhabitants of Goa. The aim of phase 1 is to create a depression and anxiety prevention intervention for use by lay health counselors. We will test the feasibility and acceptability of Problem Solving Therapy for Primary Care (PST-PC) and Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia (BBTI). The products of phase 1 will be a prevention and counseling manual to standardize the implementation of the interventions for further testing in a randomized prevention trial (Specific Aim 2) and the adaptation of PST-PC and BBTI for the Indian population. In Phase 2, we will: gather data on the feasibility of identifying, enrolling, randomizing and retaining participants; implement the experimental intervention and enhanced usual care; identify "real world", barriers and develop strategies for addressing them; and assess the fidelity of the interventions.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Does Hydroxyzine Decrease Anxiety in Underweight Patients Diagnosed With an Eating Disorder

Anxiety in Those Patients With Anorexia NervosaEating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified1 more

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of hydroxyzine in the treatment of meal-related anxiety in adolescents and young adults 8 to 25 years of age diagnosed with an eating disorder who are underweight. The investigators want to find out if hydroxyzine given before meals will improve meal-related anxiety compared to no hydroxyzine.

Withdrawn15 enrollment criteria

Escitalopram in Anxiety Associated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Exacerbations


Anxiety and depression are common in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Frequently exacerbation's of breathlessness are associated with panic/fear and indeed this may be the main cause for the for hospital admission. Patients prone to a tendency to experience and communicate somatic distress in response to psychosocial stress and to seek medical help for it are top of the "frequent flyer" league, costing the health care economy dearly. This is a particular problem in Hull with the high levels of smoking and urban deprivation combining to place the city at the bottom of the Department of Health COPD league tables. Our hypothesis is that an effective treatment for anxiety will reduce the number of episodes of hospital admission by reducing the panic/fear element of mild COPD exacerbation's thus allowing the patient time to access the existing community based support services.

Withdrawn18 enrollment criteria

Effects of Buspar on Depressive Symptom Improvement and Neuroprotection in Patients With Anxiety...

Anxiety Disorder

This research aims to investigate the efficacy and safety of buspirone in treating generalized anxiety disorder with depressive symptoms and to evaluate its neuroprotective effects using magnetic resonance imaging.

Withdrawn17 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of a Probiotic On Anxiety and Stress in Healthy Adults Sensible to Daily Stress


The purpose of the the study is to determine if PROBIOSTICK® decrease stress and anxiety of people sensible to daily stress.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

Preventing Anxiety Disorders in Urban Youth

Anxiety Disorders

This study will determine the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group therapy program in preventing anxiety disorders in at-risk children exposed to community violence.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

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