The Effects of Bed Exercises on Anxiety, Pain, Early Ambulation and Mobilization in Patients Undergoing...
SurgeryAnxiety1 moreIn this study, the effects of bed exercises on pain, anxiety, early ambulation and mobilization in major surgery patients were aimed. The research was experimental and a total of 120 patients participated. Data were collected using an information form, anxiety scale, and pain scale. Exercise was applied to the patients in the experimental group (15 minutes) and no intervention was applied to the control group. Descriptive statistics, correlation tests and t-test were used. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were checked for the scales.

Efficacy of VR and Buzzy on Pain and Anxiety
Procedural PainProcedural Anxiety3 moreThe study was designed as a randomized controlled experimental research with the purpose of determining the effect of distraction by using external cold and vibration-Buzzy and VR on reducing procedural pain and anxiety in children aged 7 to 12 years during phlebotomy injection.

The Effect of Virtual Reality Glasse on Pain and Anxiety During Episiotomy Repair
AnxietyPain2 moreEpisiotomy is one of the common surgical operations that can cause anxiety in women and have side effects such as pain. Nerve blockades with analgesic effects such as lidocaine used during episiotomy repair or the use of tranquilizers and sleep-inducing drugs used to reduce anxiety during this procedure may have side effects. Nowadays, the trends towards non-medical methods (virtual reality glasses, praying, distraction, music therapy) in addition to medical methods during episiotomy repair are increasing due to the inevitable nature of these methods and the absence of side effects. In the study, it is stated that women will prefer non-medical methods (such as distraction or prayer) to alleviate pain or anxiety. It is important for midwives to have knowledge about these alternative methods (music therapy, virtual reality glasses, distraction, massage, acupressure, praying) to reduce the pain and anxiety that occurs during episiotomy repair. A new technology, virtual reality (VR), helps users connect to an environment that simulates reality, reducing pain by distracting them from the real world through computers or other devices. Although initially considered a technology only for the entertainment industry, its field of application has grown over the past decade to include various clinical areas such as pain management, physical rehabilitation, and psychiatric disorders. VR is suitable for clinical use and is a non-invasive and drug-free analgesic method. Its use in obstetrics is very new. Virtual reality glasses are recognized as a safe, inexpensive and effective non-pharmacological anxiolytic agent that allows for the reduction of regular pharmacological sedative doses due to their effect on anxiety and pain perception. Skin-to-skin contact is defined by the World Health Organization as the basic component of postnatal care. Skin-to-skin contact helps to reduce the pain felt during episiotomy repair in the mother and in the postpartum period. This research was planned to determine the effect of virtual reality glasses on pain and anxiety during episiotomy repair.

The Effect of Laughter Yoga Practiced Before Simulation Training
LaughterState Anxiety4 moreSimulation education has become one of the innovative educational approaches that are widely used in providing nursing students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards vocational courses. Simulation education provides students with the opportunity to combine their knowledge and skills and provide nursing care in a high-reality environment. However, the fact that simulation training is a method that requires the student to recognize a clinical event, make a clinical decision, and intervene with the patient in line with this decision may cause students to experience anxiety and affect their learning. Although there are limited studies conducted on nursing students, it is stated that new approaches such as laughter yoga are effective in reducing anxiety and stress levels. In this direction, this research; In this study, it was planned to investigate the effectiveness of laughter yoga in terms of reducing the anxiety experienced by nursing students during simulation training and increasing their learning satisfaction. The universe of the research will be the second-year students of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing. As a result of the power analysis, it is aimed to reach 54 people. The study was planned in a randomized controlled design. Research data will be collected through Personal Information Form, State Anxiety Scale, Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, Perceived Stress Scale for Nursing Students, and Students' Vital Findings Evaluation Form. With this study, it is predicted that laughter yoga to be applied to nursing students before simulation training will have a positive effect on state anxiety, student satisfaction, and perceived stress level.

The Effect Of Music Listened By Patients With Moderate Dental Anxiety During The Restoration Of...
Dental AnxietyMusic1 moreIt is aimed to evaluate the effect of music listened by patients with moderate dental anxiety during the restoration of posterior occlusal dental caries on vital signs of the participants.

The Effects of Virtual Reality Glasses on Vital Signs and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy...
Vital SignsAnxiety1 moreThe present study was conducted with 44 patients who applied to the Endoscopy Unit of a university hospital for sedation-free colonoscopy between January 2, 2020 and September 28, 2020, met the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the study. The patients were homogeneously divided into experimental (n=22) and control (n=22) groups based on their gender and history of colonoscopy. The patients in the experimental group watched a 360 degree virtual reailty (VR) video with atmospheric background music over images and sounds of nature through virtual reality glasses while no application was performed for the patients in the control group during the procedure. The "Demographic Information Form", "Trait Anxiety Scale", "Visual Analog Scale-Pain", "Visual Analog Scale-Anxiety", "Vital Signs Monitoring Chart" and "Satisfaction Evaluation on the Virtual Reality Glasses Application" forms were used in the data collection phase. For the study, an ethics committee approval was obtained in addition to written consent by the institutions and patients. Numbers, percentages, the Chi-square test, the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used for data analysis.

Impact of Modern Art Therapy on Patients' Anxiety and Pain During the Waiting Time in an Emergency...
Anxiety AcutePain1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to investigate whether, during a waiting period in an emergency department, the patient's participation in a modern art therapy session decreases the patient's level of anxiety and pain. As a secondary objective, this study aims to explore whether participation in a modern art therapy session is perceived positively by the patient. This objective will be assessed by both patient self-report and art therapist heteroreport. In this work, the investigators will therefore seek to demonstrate the potential positive impact of modern art therapy conducted during times of waiting for examination or results.

Reduction of Perioperative Anxiety Using a Hand-held Video Game Device
Separation AnxietyAnxiety3 moreDistraction techniques, such as use of a virtual reality device, have been used to augment or replace pharmacological practices for relief of anxiety in pediatric patients prior to surgical procedures. This relief can not only benefit medical staff, as procedures may be easier to perform and require less time, but also have a calming effect on the the parent during the procedure if they feel that their child is being better cared for. In addition, decreased anxiety prior to surgical procedures have been shown to reduce maladaptive behaviors post-operatively. This prospective study plans to evaluate the anxiety level of parents and pediatric patients in an outpatient surgery center pre-, during and post-operatively with and without the use of a virtual reality distraction device. The goal is to determine the existence of correlations between distraction techniques (in this case, the use of handheld video games) pediatric patient anxiety, parental anxiety, and parental satisfaction with the experience surrounding the procedure.

Virtual-Reality and Cold-Vibration Device on Procedure-Related Fear, Anxiety and Pain During Pediatric...
PainFear3 moreStudies evaluating VR are quite insufficient. In the study we determined in the emergency room between the ages of 4-10, cold vibration and virtual reality will be compared, and the success of the first attempt, pain, fear and anxiety will be evaluated.

The Effect of Using a Kaleidoscope During Central Venous Catheter Dressing Changes in Children With...
PainAnxietyMany medical interventions, including the dressing of central venous catheters, a common procedure used for children with cancer, cause anxiety and pain in children. This can adversely affect their care and recovery. This study aims to determine the effect of using a kaleidoscope during central venous catheter dressing on anxiety and pain in children with cancer.