Effects of Antenatal Education on Fear of Birth, Depression, Anxiety, Childbirth Self-efficacy,...
Fear of ChildbirthAntenatal Education5 moreBackground: Caesarean delivery rates are quite high, especially in primipara, in Turkey. Fear of birth, low childbirth self-efficacy, and psychological factors may be among the primary causes. Since antenatal educations are not universal and there are differences in educational contents, there is not sufficient evidence on this topic in international studies. Objective: To investigate the effects of antenatal education on birth fear, depression, anxiety, stress, childbirth self-efficacy, and mode of delivery in primiparous pregnant women.

Virtual Reality Distraction During Dental Local Anesthesia Among Children
Dental AnxietyDental FearTo evaluate the effect of virtual reality (VR) distraction on anxiety and pain during buccal infiltration anesthesia (BIA) in pediatric patients.

Effectiveness of the Music With Structured Verbal Training During Prostate Biopsy
PainAnxiety2 moreTransrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided prostate biopsy is a gold standard method widely used in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. This procedure can be very painful and anxious for men. Various pharmacological methods can be used to relieve patients' pain and discomfort during TRUS-guided prostate biopsy. Although there is still no consensus on the solution suggestions for pain and anxiety due to biopsy, it is known that music, which is a non-pharmacological method, is effective in this regard. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of music with structured verbal training on patients' pain, anxiety and satisfaction levels during transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy.

Can Virtual Reality Reduce Pain and Anxiety During Blood Draw
Procedural AnxietyProcedural PainAdult patients aged 18-50 undergoing blood draw for routine lab evaluation will be randomized to a control group or experimental group to assess if the use of virtual reality reduces procedural pain (primary outcome) and procedural anxiety (secondary outcome) during venipuncture.

The Effect of Animation-Assisted Information Video Viewing on Fear and Anxiety in Children Before...
EndoscopyAnimation3 moreThe aim of this study was to evaluate watching video about procedure on reduce anxiety and fear in children before the endoscopy.

Virtual-Reality and Cold-Vibration Device on Procedure-Related Fear, Anxiety and Pain During Pediatric...
PainFear3 moreStudies evaluating VR are quite insufficient. In the study we determined in the emergency room between the ages of 4-10, cold vibration and virtual reality will be compared, and the success of the first attempt, pain, fear and anxiety will be evaluated.

Virtual Reality: Influence on Satisfaction, Pain, and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Colposcopy...
Cervical DysplasiaPain1 moreCervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women and one of the leading causes of death in women worldwide. Pre-cancerous lesions (dysplasias) are detected by the screening smear test at the gynecologist's office and can thus contribute to a 100% chance of cure if they are clarified by a colposcopic examination as part of the dysplasia consultation. To detect cervical dysplasia during colposcopic examination, the effect of diluted acetic acid on the epithelium of the cervix uteri is utilized. Metaplastic epithelium and low-grade dysplasia are visually noticeable by a slight white staining. Biopsies are then taken from these areas for further diagnosis. The colposcopy itself and especially the colposcopic targeted biopsy of the cervix are painful. Virtual reality (VR) is a new method for 360° three-dimensional viewing of image content. A number of studies have shown that the use of VR can have a positive impact on the course of medical interventions. Randomized studies on the effectiveness of VR in a collective of women with colposcopically targeted biopsy of the cervix are not available according to a recent literature search (PubMed search of 12/30/2020; search terms: cervical biopsy, colposcopy, pain relief, pain control, virtual reality). In studies of our research group on colposcopy, we found increased pain scores especially in younger patients, but also in obese patients and smokers. A controlled study on the effectiveness of VR in colposcopically targeted biopsy is therefore useful. In our study, we now want to answer the question under prospective conditions whether the use of VR before the start or before the start and during colposcopy compared to no intervention leads to a significant increase in patient satisfaction and/or a reduction in pain in the context of clarification colposcopy and colposcopically targeted biopsy.

Impact of Modern Art Therapy on Patients' Anxiety and Pain During the Waiting Time in an Emergency...
Anxiety AcutePain1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to investigate whether, during a waiting period in an emergency department, the patient's participation in a modern art therapy session decreases the patient's level of anxiety and pain. As a secondary objective, this study aims to explore whether participation in a modern art therapy session is perceived positively by the patient. This objective will be assessed by both patient self-report and art therapist heteroreport. In this work, the investigators will therefore seek to demonstrate the potential positive impact of modern art therapy conducted during times of waiting for examination or results.

Reduction of Perioperative Anxiety Using a Hand-held Video Game Device
Separation AnxietyAnxiety3 moreDistraction techniques, such as use of a virtual reality device, have been used to augment or replace pharmacological practices for relief of anxiety in pediatric patients prior to surgical procedures. This relief can not only benefit medical staff, as procedures may be easier to perform and require less time, but also have a calming effect on the the parent during the procedure if they feel that their child is being better cared for. In addition, decreased anxiety prior to surgical procedures have been shown to reduce maladaptive behaviors post-operatively. This prospective study plans to evaluate the anxiety level of parents and pediatric patients in an outpatient surgery center pre-, during and post-operatively with and without the use of a virtual reality distraction device. The goal is to determine the existence of correlations between distraction techniques (in this case, the use of handheld video games) pediatric patient anxiety, parental anxiety, and parental satisfaction with the experience surrounding the procedure.

The Effect of Virtual Reality Glasse on Pain and Anxiety During Episiotomy Repair
AnxietyPain2 moreEpisiotomy is one of the common surgical operations that can cause anxiety in women and have side effects such as pain. Nerve blockades with analgesic effects such as lidocaine used during episiotomy repair or the use of tranquilizers and sleep-inducing drugs used to reduce anxiety during this procedure may have side effects. Nowadays, the trends towards non-medical methods (virtual reality glasses, praying, distraction, music therapy) in addition to medical methods during episiotomy repair are increasing due to the inevitable nature of these methods and the absence of side effects. In the study, it is stated that women will prefer non-medical methods (such as distraction or prayer) to alleviate pain or anxiety. It is important for midwives to have knowledge about these alternative methods (music therapy, virtual reality glasses, distraction, massage, acupressure, praying) to reduce the pain and anxiety that occurs during episiotomy repair. A new technology, virtual reality (VR), helps users connect to an environment that simulates reality, reducing pain by distracting them from the real world through computers or other devices. Although initially considered a technology only for the entertainment industry, its field of application has grown over the past decade to include various clinical areas such as pain management, physical rehabilitation, and psychiatric disorders. VR is suitable for clinical use and is a non-invasive and drug-free analgesic method. Its use in obstetrics is very new. Virtual reality glasses are recognized as a safe, inexpensive and effective non-pharmacological anxiolytic agent that allows for the reduction of regular pharmacological sedative doses due to their effect on anxiety and pain perception. Skin-to-skin contact is defined by the World Health Organization as the basic component of postnatal care. Skin-to-skin contact helps to reduce the pain felt during episiotomy repair in the mother and in the postpartum period. This research was planned to determine the effect of virtual reality glasses on pain and anxiety during episiotomy repair.