Effectiveness of the Distraction Methods During Cystoscopy
PainAnxiety1 moreCystoscopy is a pain procedure and patients may experience anxiety and dissatisfaction before and during the procedure. Especially male patients feel more pain than females during cystoscopy. The aim of this study is to compare effectiveness of three different distraction methods on pain, anxiety and satisfaction of the male patients during cystoscopy.

Approach-Avoidance Conflict-a Multi-level Predictor for Therapy Response
Generalized Anxiety DisorderThis project aims to identify brain and behavioral characteristics of individuals experiencing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder that will predict the effectiveness of Exposure-based therapy versus Behavioral Activation Therapy. Brain imaging aspects of the study will use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG). Behavioral assessments will include self-report questionnaires, computer-based and observational tasks, and interviews. Assessments will focus on how individuals process positive information (such as reward) and negative information (such as distressing images), as well as how people make decisions. These assessments will be conducted across 2-3 in-person sessions prior to beginning the treatment, and will be repeated across 2-3 in-person sessions after completing treatment. A blood draw will also be conducted pre- and post- treatment. Both the Exposure-based and Behavior Activation therapy will consist of 10, 90-minute weekly therapy sessions conducted in small groups.

Oxytocin Suppresses Substance Use Disorders Associated With Chronic Stress
Alcohol Use DisorderStress Disorders3 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether oxytocin will decrease craving to use drugs/alcohol and stress reactivity following exposure to laboratory-induced stress among Active Duty Service Members with a dual diagnosis of alcohol/substance use disorder (ASUD) and post-traumatic anxiety.

Play Interventions to Reduce Anxiety and Negative Emotions in Hospitalized Children
AnxietyHospitalization is a stressful and threatening experience, which can be emotionally devastating to children. Hospital play interventions have been widely used to prepare children for invasive medical procedures and hospitalization. Nevertheless, there is an imperative need for rigorous empirical scrutiny of the effectiveness of hospital play interventions, in particular, using play activities to ease the psychological burden of hospitalized children. This study tested the effectiveness of play interventions to reduce anxiety and negative emotions in hospitalized children. A non-equivalent control group pre-test and post-test, between subjects design was conducted in the two largest acute-care public hospitals in Hong Kong. A total of 304 Chinese children (ages 3-12) admitted for treatments in these two hospitals were invited to participate in the study. Of the 304 paediatric patients, 154 received hospital play interventions and 150 received usual care.

Using Media to Reduce Anxiety for Cardiac Computed Tomography
AnxietyComing for a cardiac test can be a daunting experience. Despite providing written information sheets for patients, experience in the scanner demonstrates that many patients are ill-prepared when they attend for cardiac computed tomography (CT). Heart rate control is essential for high image quality, as this prolongs cardiac diastole (during which imaging occurs) and results in less motion blur, but this may be challenging to achieve in the context of an anxious patient. In such situations, additional radiation exposure is required to optimise the chances of diagnostic images. Thus, poor patient selection and preparation has been shown to increase the radiation burden to the patient, as well as to increase the rate of non-diagnostic scans, leading to patients needing additional, alternative testing. This can be distressing for patients and increases downstream costs for the hospital. Poor patient awareness is also known to increase the anxiety of attending for a test. Improved patient information and understanding has been shown to improve outcomes in a wide variety of hospital settings. Evidence from cardiac catheterisation angiography suggests that the use of alternative information formats can reduce patient anxiety and improve patient satisfaction, as well as improving their understanding of the technical requirements of a test. The latter may contribute to improved preparation - for example, patients who do not understand the requirements for cardiac CT, particularly the need for a slow heart rate, will often consume caffeine, stop their heart-slowing drugs, or even run or cycle to their appointment. We have agreed a collaboration with Plymouth University to create patient information videos for CT. These will utilise the expertise of media students (their department also runs a commercial arm, due to the quality of their output), in conjunction with the clinical requirements and patient participation groups, to create an accessible, engaging and informative film. We wish to evaluate the impact of this method of conveying information to patients on how well they are prepared to undergo testing. If this concept is successful, it may be of use to patients undergoing a huge range of tests or treatments across specialities. We therefore need to demonstrate the efficacy (or otherwise) of such an intervention.

Reduction of Preoperative Anxiety in Children: Clickamico Project 2nd Phase
Preoperative AnxietyThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a video shown using an iPad, compared to a standard treatment, to reduce preoperative anxiety in children who have to undergo to elective surgery procedure

The Impact of Giving a Massage
Mental StateReported as Depression1 moreThe aim of this study is to investigate if giving a massage impacts the mental state of a massage therapist, including depression, anxiety, and stress . It is speculated that feelings of depression, anxiety and stress will reduce following the giving of a massage.

S1008: Exercise, Diet, & Counseling in Improving Weight Loss in Overweight Female Breast or Colorectal...
Anxiety DisorderBreast Cancer7 moreRATIONALE: Physical activity, diet, and counseling may help breast and colorectal cancer survivors to lose weight and improve their quality of life. PURPOSE: This phase II trial studies how well exercise, diet, and counseling work in improving physical activity and weight loss in overweight women who are breast and colorectal cancer survivors.

Career Management to Improve Education, Employment and Retention for People With Anxiety and Depression...
AnxietyDepressionThe aim of the investigation is to evaluate the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of a model of supported employment (the Individual Career Management (ICM) model) designed to help people with common mental illness return to work.

Reduced Nicotine Cigarettes in Smokers With Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Tobacco DependenceThe overall aim of this project is to evaluate the effect of progressive nicotine reduction in cigarettes on smoking behavior, toxin exposure and psychiatric symptoms in smokers with comorbid mood and/or anxiety disorders. Smokers with mood and/or anxiety disorder will smoke research cigarettes that will contain either a) nicotine content similar to their preferred usual brand of cigarettes, or b) nicotine content per cigarette that is progressively reduced from approximately 11.6 mg to 0.2 mg per cigarette over 18 weeks. It is our hypothesis that nicotine intake will decline as a function of cigarette nicotine content in the Reduced Nicotine Content group without significant increases in tobacco smoke exposure, severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms, mood and anxiety symptomatology or protocol non-adherence over time in the Reduced Nicotine Content group as compared with the control group.