The Effect of Information About the Operating Room Environment With Virtual Reality Glasses on the...
Preoperative AnxietyVirtual Reality (VR) applications, one of the commonly emphasized approaches in the medical field recently, is in place as an intervention method applicable in various fileds of medicine for distraction, experiencing being exposed to events creating stress and palliating anxiety through providing materials which may distract the patient's attention from a stressful condition. The study has been planned in order to evaluate the effect of the notification regarding the theatre environment through virtual reality to the patients, who are to go through abdominal surgical intervention, on the anxiety level and the vital signs during the surgical intervention. Being a non-pharmacological clinical randomize controlled one, the study shall be conducted in Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital of TRNC Ministry of Health surgical service and preoperative waiting area. Sample number has been determined through power analysis using G*Power software. Taking (2017) "The effect of virtual reality in reducing preoperative anxiety in patients prior to arthroscopic knee surgery: A randomised controlled trial" study of Robertson and friends as the reference, the effect size, regarding the anxiety scores of experiment and control groups participants, has been determined as 0,63. Accordingly, sample size has been calculated as 71 people necessary for 95% (1-β=0,95) power at d=0,63 and α=0,05 levels. Taking into account there may be losses during the study, it has been planned to involve 80 people, so as to have 40 people per each group, in the study. Since the patients, who are to be involved in the study, are not known; in order to assign same quantity of patients to each group prior to the study, randomization shall be done through using block randomization technique in GraphPad software so as to have 40 patients in the intervention group and 40 in the control group. The patients who receive standard clinical care prior to abdominal surgical intervention shall constitute the control group, the patients who receive information about operating room environment through VR goggles in addition to standard clinical care shall constitute the intervention group. The data shall be collected through "Individual characteristics Form", ''Patient Charts'', ''Surgical Anxiety Scale'', ''Galvanic Skin Sensor (GSS) Measurement Table''. SPSS 26 Statistical analysis program shall be used for evaluating the study data. The acquired data shall be tested at 95% confidence interval, p<0,05 level of significance. Number, percentage distributon and standard deviation for the definitive data analysis, chi square test for experiment and control groups' basic particulars similarity, Shapiro-Wilk for normality analysis of dependent variables, Student t test or Annova for the comparison of pre-test and final test scores of experiment control groups, the comparisons of variables giving normal distribution among the groups as per the normal distributon in the comparison of experiment control groups' pre-test and final test scores, Mann Whitney U test or Kruskal Wallis test for the variables of non-normal distribution shall be used.

Virtual Reality, Labor Pain, Anxiety, Birth Perception
Labor PainAnxietyThe research was carried out in a randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of using virtual reality glasses on labor pain, anxiety, and labor perception of pregnant women. 60 pregnant women participated in the study at the Maternity and Children's Hospital located in the city center of Bolu. The data were collected via Introductory information form, Visual Comparison Scale-Pain, Visual Comparison Scale-Anxiety, labor follow-up form, Mother's Perception of Birth Scale, and virtual reality satisfaction evaluation form. Number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson chi-square, t-test for both groups were used to evaluate the data via the SPSS program. Statistical significance was accepted as p<0.05. Pregnant women in the experimental and control groups were found to be homogeneous in terms of sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics (p>0.05). At the beginning of labor, both pregnant groups showed similar score of the mean pain and anxiety(p>0.05). After applying 20 minutes in the active phase and 10 minutes in the transitional phase, the mean pain and anxiety scores of the experimental group were found to be lower, and this difference was found to be statistically significant(p<0.001). In the postpartum period, it was determined that the birth Perception Scale mean scores of the groups were similar. 90% of the pregnant women reported that they were satisfied with the virtual reality application and 93% of them reported that they would recommend this application. As a result, the use of virtual reality during birth reduces pain and anxiety at birth but does not affect the perception of birth.

Systematic Use of Telepsychiatry for Outpatients
Borderline Personality DisorderDepressive Disorder2 moreImplementation and evaluation of video consultation in psychiatric outpatient treatment. The study will focus on patients' experiences regarding the use of VC. The study will also examine important aspects of the telepsychiatric consultation such as therapeutic alliance, consultation content, psychopathology and satisfaction levels compared to face-to-face consultations.

Reiki Effects on Heart Rhythm, Biochemistry and Cortisol Findings, and Anxiety
AnxietyHeart DiseasesThis study aimed to investigate the effects of Reiki, which is a complementary and traditional method, on heart rhythm, biochemistry and cortisol findings, and anxiety in individuals with arrhythmia.

Effects of Mandala Coloring on Anxiety in Pregnant Women
AnxietyPregnancy RelatedThis research was planned as a randomized controlled experimental study in order to reduce the anxiety felt by expectant mothers in relation to pregnancy during pregnancy.

The Effect of Visual Video With Korotkoff Sounds on Blood Pressure Measurement Skills and Anxiety...
AnxietyBackground: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of visual video with korotkoff sounds on nursing students' blood presssure measurement skills and anxiety levels. Methods: This was a randomized controlled experimental study conducted at the nursing department of the faculty of health sciences of a university. Intervention participants were shown and listened visual video with korotkoff sounds before blood presssure measurement. Aural and visual video containing Korotkoff sounds were shown to the students before the practice.

Effects of a Mindfulness Intervention on Temperament, Anxiety and Depression: the Mind the Child...
ChildOnly3 moreBackground and study aims: Mindfulness is a mental state that can be achieved through meditation. So far, studies have shown that practicing mindfulness on a consistent and regular basis can improve attentional functions and emotional well-being. Mindfulness has recently begun to be used in the field of child development. The aim of this study is to assess if a mindfulness program may help primary school students in reducing anxiety and depression while also improving their temperament. Who can participate? Students attending the fourth or fifth year of primary school What does the study involve? Participants will be randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Participants in the experimental group will undergo an 8-week mindfulness training program with weekly 60-minute group sessions, while the control group will follow routine daily school activities. Questionnaires will be used to assess temperament, anxiety and depression before and after the intervention. What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? Benefits of participating in the study may include a lowering of anxiety and depression levels, as well as an improvement of temperament.

Development, Feasibility and Acceptability of an iCBT Intervention for Adolescents With Anxiety...
Anxiety DisordersThe aim of the feasibility study is twofold: 1) to test the feasibility of the study design, and 2) to test the preliminary efficacy and the acceptability of a new iCBT intervention when delivered with different levels of therapist support. The feasibility trial will provide important information on the initial participant responses, and on how to properly collect data in the subsequent RCT. The feasibility trial is conducted as a randomized study with 16 participants consisting of two conditions: 1) guided iCBT, and 2) on-demand iCBT, both to be completed over a 14-week period. Participants in the guided iCBT condition will receive the new iCBT intervention with planned feedback after each completed module. Participants in the on-demand iCBT condition will receive the intervention with on-demand feedback that is participant-initiated. In both conditions, the therapist may spend a max. of 15 minutes giving feedback per module. As there is no evidence on what amount of therapist support is sufficient for adolescents, the allowed time spent giving feedback will not differ between the two conditions in the feasibility trial. Thus, data on engagement will be collected to inform how the two treatment conditions differ. The trial includes data points at pre-treatment (T1) and post-treatment (T2) where the same measures will be administered as are planned in the RCT. Acceptability of the intervention will be investigated by conducting semi-structured interviews with the participants. The interview will include an evaluation of the intervention, client satisfaction and potential reasons for drop out. The results from the feasibility trial will be used to inform the subsequent RCT and to revise the intervention, procedures, and conditions if needed.

Comparing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Paediatric Patients
Pediatric PopulationPreoperative AnxietyTo the best of our knowledge,the investigators found only a study using VR in reducing preoperative anxiety in paediatric population. Ryu et al found that children who received preoperative VR tour of the operation theatre had perfect score in induction compliance checklist (ICC). With these encouraging data,the investigators decide to conduct a study to determine whether the use of cartoon video VR headset during induction of anaesthesia is able to reduce preoperative anxiety and increase compliance during inhalation induction in children undergoing surgery.

The Effect of Helfer Skin Tap Technique on Pain, Fear, and Anxiety in Children Undergoing Intramuscular...
PainAcute4 moreThe aim of this study was to examine the effect of the Helfer Skin Tapping technique on pain, fear, and anxiety in children who received intramuscular injections. The research hypotheses are as follows: H0: There is no significant difference between the intervention group and the the control group in the mean score of the "Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale", "Child Fear Scale", and "Child Anxiety Scale-State" during and after the Helfer Skin Tapping technique. H1: During and after the Helfer Skin Tapping technique, the mean score of the "Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale", "Child Fear Scale", and "Child Anxiety Scale-State" is significantly lower in the intervention group compared to the control group.