The Effect of Web Based Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise on Clinical Stress and Anxiety of...
AnxietyStress2 morePurpose: The study was conducted to examine the effect of web-based progressive muscle relaxation exercise on the perceived stress and anxiety level of nursing students who were in clinical practice for the first time. Method: This randomized controlled study was conducted at a state university in Turkey. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 66 nursing students, 36 of whom were control and 30 interventions, who were educated in the 2021-2022 academic year, were in clinical practice for the first time and agreed to participate in the research. The intervention group was asked to perform a total of 36 sessions of progressive muscle relaxation exercise, 3 days a week for 12 weeks. Data; It was collected using the "Sociodemographic Characteristics Form", "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (DSQ)" and "Perceived Stress Inventory (PSI)".

The Effects of Music on the Anxiety and Sleep Quality of Pregnant Women on Bed Rest for a High-risk...
PregnancyHigh Risk2 moreThe purpose of this study is to identify the effects of music on the anxiety and sleep quality of women with high-risk pregnancy having bed rest in the hospital in Turkey. This randomized-controlled study involved 80 control and 80 experimental group with a high-risk pregnant woman .

Effects of Orally Administered Thymus Vulgaris Leaves on Memory, Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep...
Memory DysfunctionAnxiety2 moreThymus vulgaris could potentially serve as a safer alternative to stimulant drugs for enhancing memory among university students. Furthermore, Thymus vulgaris may offer additional benefits in terms of reducing anxiety, depression, and improving sleep quality. However, it should be noted that the current research on the effects of orally administered Thymus vulgaris on the brain and nervous system is limited, and further studies are required to fully explore its potential advantages. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of oral Thymus vulgaris on memory performance, anxiety, depression, and sleep quality in university students.

Assessment of the Impact of Virtual Reality on Patient Anxiety During Dental Avulsions Under Local...
Tooth AvulsionAnxietyFear of the dentist is a very common phenomenon which delays consultations and brings negative consequences on oral and general health. Virtual reality (VR) reduces children's pain and anxiety during dental care or oral surgery. The aim of this prospective, randomized and controlled study is to show the effectiveness of virtual reality to reduce anxiety in a sample of adults during tooth avulsions under local anesthesia. There is a group with virtual reality and a control group without virtual reality. Patients complet the State Trait Anxiety Inventory - State - (STAI-YA) questionnaire and the visual analog anxiety scale (VAS) just before and just after the surgery by transcribing the anxiety they feel during it. The main judgement criterion is the evolution of the STAI-YA score before vs during the surgery. Secondary criteria are the relevance of the chosen metric by comparing it to the VAS, defining the factors influencing the evolution of the anxiety score, studying the side effects of VR and the wish to repeat the experience.

Early Palliative Care With Standard Care or Standard Care Alone in Improving Quality of Life of...
Liver CancerAnxiety Disorder8 moreThe study intervention consists of the early integration of palliative care services into standard oncology care in an outpatient setting for patients with advanced lung and non-colorectal gastrointestinal malignancies who are not being treated with curative intent. The palliative care services provided to patients randomized to the intervention will be provided by board-certified physicians and/or advanced practice nurses and will focus on the following areas: (1) developing and maintaining the therapeutic relationship with the patients and family caregivers; (2) assessing and treating patient symptoms; (3) providing support and reinforcement of coping with advanced cancer in patients and family caregivers; (4) assessing and enhancing prognostic awareness and illness understanding in patients and family caregivers; (5) assisting with treatment decision-making; and (6) end-of-life care planning.

Disentangling Anxiety Sensitivity and Anxiety-induced Physiological Stress Response
AnxietyThe proposed study aims to investigate experimentally anxiety sensitivity and physiologic sensations associated with anxiety using a paradigm combining hydrocortisone, caffeine, and a set of social stress challenges. Following informed consent, participants will be instructed to ingest either 400 milligrams of caffeine (an amount of caffeine roughly equivalent to that in two 8 oz. cups of brewed coffee from Starbucks), and 20 milligrams of hydrocortisone or two placebo capsules via stratified, random assignment. Physiologic and self-reported measures of stress and anxiety will be taken.

Fast-Fail Trials in Mood and Anxiety Spectrum Disorders; Kappa Opioid Receptor Phase 2a
ANXIETY DISORDERS (or Anxiety and Phobic Neuroses)The available treatment for patients with mood and anxiety disorders have significant limitations (Rush, 2007; Denys and de Geus, 2005). There is a need to develop new treatments for people with these disorders. Many research studies carried out in animals and a few preliminary studies carried out in humans suggest that medications which block kappa opioid receptors (KOR) have potential for being effective new treatments for patients with mood and anxiety spectrum disorders. These medications have shown particular promise for improving one important type of difficulty experienced by many patients who suffer from mood and anxiety spectrum disorders referred to as anhedonia, which is an impairment in reward-related function. In this study we will test the hypothesis that KOR antagonism is a promising means of improving anhedonia in patients with mood and anxiety spectrum disorders. We will do so by evaluating whether we can establish Proof of Concept (POC) that a relatively selective KOR antagonist, CERC-501 (formerly known as LY2456302), engages neural circuits involved in mediating reward-related function in patients with mood and anxiety spectrum disorders with anhedonia. We are attempting to establish POC in this study in order to determine whether there is a sufficient basis for pursuing future work evaluating whether KOR antagonism has therapeutic effects on clinical and behavioral measures of reward-related functioning.

A Controlled Trial of Patient Centered Telepsychiatry Interventions
Mood DisorderAnxiety Disorder1 moreThis two-year randomized controlled trial of clinical outcomes seeks to evaluate the superiority of the asynchronous telepsychiatry (ATP) consultation model on access, quality, cost and outcomes of care over the usual care for adults referred from primary care clinics for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

Web Based Therapist Training on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety DisordersObsessive Compulsive Disorder1 moreAnxiety disorders are a major public health concern, having a profound impact on functioning, causing significant disability, loss of productivity and suffering. Effective treatments exist for these disorders, but few clinicians are trained in these methods. This project attempts to remedy this shortcoming by using web-based tools to facilitate access to this training, thus increasing the number of available therapists in order to help meet this unmet need.

Clinical Trial to Evaluate Magtein in Older Adults
MoodAnxietyA randomized double blind placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effects of a specialized magnesium on mood states and sleep quality in older adults.