Virtual Reality During Invasive Medical Procedures in an Emergency Department
PainAnxiety1 moreThis randomized controlled study aims to investigate whether, during a painful medical procedure in an emergency department (ED), the diffusion of a virtual environment through a virtual reality (VR) headset worn by the patient has a greater impact on the patient's pain and anxiety levels than the diffusion of an identical environment through a computer screen. The study design allows differentiating the impact of the medium from that of the media. The feeling of telepresence of patients in both groups and its association with the impact of the medium will also be investigated. In addition, this study aims to explore whether the wearing of VR headphones is considered comfortable and acceptable by patients.

Home-Initiated Programme to Prepare for Operation (HIPPO) Study
AnxietyFear of Pain1 moreA hospital admission and surgical operation commonly triggers great fear and anxiety to young children. This is caused by either lack of knowledge or misconception. Although parent and families are often given the task to prepare the child for the oncoming surgery, they often lack information and skill to accomplish this task. Although numerous measures such as pre-operative play room, parental companion during induction, distraction therapy have been employed in our institution, this remains to be a challenge for care of young surgical patients. Our study proposes to use a "prepare-for-operation" (PFO) bundle to assist our paediatric patients and their families to prepare for surgery. The PFO bundle consists of an informative cartoon video illustrating sequence of events occurring in admission, anesthesia and surgery. The video is also accompanied by activity sheets to encourage patient and family to engage, participate and learn about all these events. They will be instructed to use this PFO bundle before admission. We believe that through this off-site and cost-effective intervention, the fear of children undergoing surgery will be significantly alleviated. The family will also have better satisfaction on hospitalization experience. If proven feasible and effective, this will be a simple intervention tool that can be made accessible to all KKH pediatric patients.

Effectiveness of Video Based Education Versus Music Therapy on Anxiety, Experience, and Co-operation...
Effectiveness of Video Based Education Versus Music Therapy on AnxietyExperience1 moreA study to assess the Effectiveness of Video Based Education Versus Music Therapy on Anxiety, Experience, and Co-operation among Patients undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This is a Experimental Multiple Interventions Pre test - Post test Design. Three groups namely, Video Based Education group, Music Therapy Group and control groups are there in study.There will be significant difference in the Mean Anxiety Scores, Experience level, and Co-operation level of patients undergoing MRI in Video Based Education , Music Therapy group and Control Group

The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Mandala Activity on Anxiety and Spiritual Well-Being Levels of Senior...
AnxietyNursing Caries1 moreThis research was conducted to determine the effect of mindfulness-based mandala activity on the spiritual well-being and anxiety levels of senior nursing students in a parallel-group pretest-posttest randomized controlled study design. The required institutional permission and ethics committee approval was received. The study group of the study consisted of 170 senior nursing students (intervention group [n=84], control group [n=86]). Mindfulness-based mandala activity was applied to the intervention group via the zoom online program. Data were collected using the descriptive features form, the Spielberg Trait, and State Anxiety Inventory, the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and the scale of the positive-negative experience. The data were stored in the SPSS 24 program.

Music and Local Anesthesia During Dermatologic Procedures
PainAnxietyThe goal of the study is to determine the effect of classical music on participants pain and anxiety associated with lidocaine administration during routine standard of care dermatologic procedures.

The Effect of Music Played and Acupressure Application on Pain and Anxiety in Women Undergoing Gynecological...
PainAcute1 moreThis study was carried out to determine the effect of listening to music and acupressure application in reducing pain and anxiety during gynecological examination.

Stress and Anxiety Levels of Mothers Lying in the Baby Newborn Intensive Care Unit
NewbornAnxietyAlthough coronaviruses (CoV) cause mild infections in the community, such as colds, they can also cause more severe infections. There are many subspecies of coronaviruses that can pass from animals to humans and can be transmitted between humans. One of these subspecies is COVID-19 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), SARS-CoV-2, and has made a worldwide pandemic from the beginning of 2020. In this process, going out of the house, going to the hospital and being in the hospital brings with it the anxiety to get sick. In the period when the feeling of motherhood begins at the end of birth, the hospitalization of the baby for any reason and the separation of the mother and the baby can be an additional source of stress. This study was planned to determine the anxiety and anxiety levels of mothers who had a baby in the NICU during Coronavirus disease pandemic and the factors affecting them.

Care to Caregiver: The Effect of Reflexology on Sleep and Anxiety of Cancer Caregiver
SleepAnxietyIntroduction and Aim: With the increase in life expectancy in cancer, it gains importance in the care process and the problems experienced by caregivers. However, the problems experienced by individuals caring for cancer patients are often ignored. The most common problems faced by cancer caregivers are sadness, anxiety, sleep disorders, and fatigue. Although reflexology has positive effects on sleep and anxiety in different patient groups, there is no study on its effectiveness in cancer caregivers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexology on sleep and anxiety of caregivers. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a double-blind placebo-controlled design. After the groups were determined with block randomization, the reflexology investigation was applied to the experimental group for three consecutive days, while for the placebo group, the hands was moved around the foot for the same periods but no deep stimulation was applied. On the fourth day, a sociodemographic diagnostic form, state anxiety scale and Richard-Campbell Sleep Scale were administered to the participants by a blinded researcher. Data were analyzed with SPSS 25.0 package program. Written permission was obtained from the relevant ethics committee, hospital and participants to conduct the study.

Acupuncture or Self-Acupuncture in Managing Cancer-Related Fatigue in Women Who Have Received Chemotherapy...
Anxiety DisorderBreast Cancer2 moreRATIONALE: Acupuncture may help relieve fatigue caused by breast cancer. It is not yet known whether acupuncture is more effective than self-acupuncture in managing fatigue in women with breast cancer. PURPOSE: This randomized phase III trial is studying acupuncture to see how well it works compared with self-acupuncture in managing cancer-related fatigue in women who have received chemotherapy for stage I, stage II, or stage IIIA breast cancer.

A Trial of Two On-Line Interventions for Child Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain InjuryDepression1 moreThe primary aims of this project are to examine the feasibility and relative efficacy of two models of on-line intervention for families of children with traumatic brain injury: one, a model emphasizing cognitive appraisals and problem solving skills; the other, emphasizing linking families to resources and providing professionally-moderated peer support.