Brain Changes in Fear
Anxiety DisordersFearThe purpose of this study is to use brain imaging technology to investigate brain changes in people exposed to predictable versus unpredictable unpleasant stimuli. Unpleasant events that can be predicted evoke a response of fear, whereas unpredictable, unpleasant stimuli cause chronic anxiety not associated with a specific event. Information gained from this study may help in the development of more effective treatments for anxiety disorders. When confronted with fearful events, people eventually develop fear of specific cues that were associated with these events as well as to the environmental context in which the fearful event occurred. Evidence suggests that cued fear and contextual fear model different aspects of anxiety. However, studies that examine the way the brain affects expression of contextual fear have not been conducted. This study will use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or Magneto-encephalography (MEG) to compare the brain activity underlying fear brought on by predictable and unpredictable aversive stimuli.

PainAcute1 moreThis thesis study was conducted in an unblinded, randomized controlled experimental manner in order to analyze the effect of attention-drawing methods that can be used during intramuscular injection in children on pain and anxiety.

The Effect Nature Sounds and Music on Hemodialysis Patients
Hemodialysis ComplicationAnxietyThe study was conducted as a randomized controlled experimental research to examine the effect of nature sounds and music on vital signs and anxiety levels of hemodialysis patients. The study was conducted between September 6, 2019 and March 21, 2020 with 75 patients who received treatment in the hemodialysis units of three hospitals, one university, one education research and one state hospital in Antalya province, met the inclusion criteria and consented to participate in the study. Patients were homogenously divided into intervention (nature sound group n=25 and music group n=25) and control (n=25) groups on the basis of age, gender and hemodialysis duration. Patients in the intervention group were subjected to nature sounds/music during the hemodialysis procedure, while patients in the control group were not subjected to any intervention during the procedure. The data were collected by face-to-face interview technique using the "Descriptive Characteristics Form", "Vital Signs Monitoring Form", "State Anxiety Inventory" and "Trait Anxiety Inventory". Ethics committee approval, institutional permissions and written consent of the patients were obtained for the implementation of the study. Number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum, the the Shapiro Wilk normality test, One-Way Analysis of Variance, Chi-Square tests, the Kruskal Wallis test, Dunn-Bonferroni test, Tukey HSD, Three-Way Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni Corrected Two Ratio Z test were employed in the evaluation of the data.

Effectiveness of a Prequirurgic Instrument to Decrease Anxiety in Urogical Quirurgic Patients: a...
AnxietyNurse-Patient Relations1 moreThe overall aim of this program of research is to decrease anxiety in urogical scheduled patients for surgical intervention developing an nursing comunication instrument: a Guide of Hosting for urogical scheduled patients for surgical intervention.

Effect of Orange Aroma on Nausea, Vomiting and Anxiety During Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation...
NauseaVomiting1 morePatients undergoing stem cell transplantation for the first time will be entered. Participants will be randomized to one of two study arms: Arm 1: intervention (routine care+ inhalation aromatherapy); Arm 2: Control (Routine care) Hypotheses: (1) Patients receiving inhalation aromatherapy will experience less severe nausea and less frequent vomiting episodes than those receiving only routine care; and (2) patients receiving inhalation aromatherapy will demonstrate lower anxiety levels just after AHSCT than those receiving only routine care.

Anxiety Reduction During Office Procedural Medicine Using Aromatherapy
AnxietyAnxiety State1 moreThis goal of this study is to assess whether lavender aromatherapy during gynecologic and urogynecologic outpatient procedures is associated with a decrease in patient anxiety levels. Based on similar interventions in other specialties of medicine, the investigators hypothesize that patients exposed to lavender aromatherapy during their procedure will have less anxiety than those who are not exposed to lavender aromatherapy.

Impact of Video-based Information Regarding Functional Rehabilitation
StrokeAcute5 moreAt CHUS Fleurimont, one in five patients hospitalized for this condition needs to be transferred to an intensive functional rehabilitation unit (URFI) located in another establishment of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de service sociaux de l'Estrie - Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CIUSSS de Estrie-CHUS). Patients and their relatives must therefore adapt to a new environment and a new care team, which can cause additional concern and uncertainty for their new condition. Thus, the importance of educating the patient and their family so that they understand the nature of the stroke, as well as the elements and stages of rehabilitation that lie ahead, are essentials so that they can make an informed choice about acceptance and type of rehabilitation. However, to date, little material is available to facilitate communication between the professional and the patient and his/her family. In this perspective, our research team has developed a video which aims to improve the knowledge of people and loved ones on intensive functional rehabilitation (RFI) and its care settings. The objectives of this study are: Evaluate the effect of viewing the video on post-stroke patients and their relatives on: Perceived stress Anxiety Knowledge on intensive functional rehabilitation Measure participants satisfaction regarding the video Evaluate the association between socio-demographic outcomes (age, sex, degree of impairment, relation with the patient, NIHSS, MRS) and perceived stress, anxiety and knowledge regarding rehabilitation.

Interest of Virtual Reality to Prevent Cancer Patient Anxiety Before Chemotherapy or an Invasive...
AnxietyChemotherapy Effect2 moreThe aim of the REV clinical trial is to evaluate the impact of a virtual reality exposure to decrease patient anxiety before chemotherapy or an invasive act. If positive, the access to virtual reality exposure is aimed to be used as standard of care at Lyon's hospital to improve cancer patient well-being in a drug-free manner. The majority of cancer patients lives with high level of anxiety as soon as diagnosed. This level anxiety is particularly high before invasive acts but also before chemotherapy by side effects anticipation. Hypnosis is a highly interesting drug-free approach to decrease patient's anxiety. It however requires on site specialists to be available whenever needed. Virtual reality provides a distractive environment enabled to shift patient focus. It can support a switch of patient mindset by providing positive emotions. Since 5 years, this disruptive technology is being more and more used as medical support thanks to a new generation of headsets enabling improved performance at cheaper prices. Many publications have now demonstrated the positive impact of virtual reality to take in charge patients' pain or pre-operational anxiety.

M-Health Care for Patients After AMI on Disease Perception, Self-Efficacy, Anxiety and Cardio-Respiratory...
Mobile HealthAcute Myocardial Infarction4 moreThe aim of this study is to explore the overall effectiveness of interventions using mobile health care to improve disease perception, self-efficacy, anxiety, cardio-pulmonary fitness for patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Early EMDR Following Covid-19 Critical Illness: A Feasibility Trial
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderIntensive Care Psychiatric Disorder4 morePrimary objective is to evaluate the feasibility of delivering an online early Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) Recent Traumatic Events Protocol (R-TEP) to patients who have survived Covid-19 related critical illness, within the context of a randomised controlled trial (RCT). This will inform the design of a future RCT investigating the effectiveness of EMDR R-TEP in reducing psychological symptoms, for adult survivors of intensive care.