
Active clinical trials for "Anxiety Disorders"

Results 2021-2030 of 2478

Effects of Mulberry Juice on Inflammatory Status and Clinical Symptoms in Patients With General...

General Anxiety DisordersSystemic Inflammation1 more

Anxiety and depression are normally associated with inflammation reactions and interleukin (IL) related pathways are most evidently involved. IL-17A (interleukin 17A) induces psoriasis-like inflammation and depression-like behaviors in animals and can be relieved by using IL-17A antibody. Also, human association studies found that IL-17A and certain downstream ILs are associated with the severity of anxiety. IL-17A is a sentinel cytokine. On binding with interleukin 17A receptor (IL-17RA) and interleukin 17C receptor (IL-27RC), it induces signaling cascades via nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFκB), P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (p38MAPK) and CCAAT-enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBPs) knots, and stimulates subsequent cell secretions of cytokines and chemokines. Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, the main anthocyanin component of mulberry, competes with IL-17A to bind its receptors and inhibits subsequent downstream cascades. The investigators plan to use a single-blinded randomized controlled trial to evaluate the auxiliary effect of mulberry juice in general anxiety disorder, including differences in psychiatric symptoms and levels of IL-related markers between the experimental and control groups, and contribution of IL-related genes in the auxiliary effect.

Unknown status3 enrollment criteria

Post-SOPHrology Cancer Patients' anxieTY Report


Cancer is pathology with a high impact on patients and relatives quality of life. Most of the time, it is a stressful trial. Professionals have often resort to pharmaceutical solutions, but sometimes, it is not sufficient. So, patients resort to alternative and complementary medicines, as sophrology. In Lucien Neuwirth Cancer Institute, patients can benefit from sophrology. Anxiety levels have never been reported before and after sessions. Indeed, the present study wants to report anxiety levels before, after, and one and three weeks after session. Levels of satisfaction will also be reported.

Terminated4 enrollment criteria

Auricular Acupuncture as an add-on Treatment for Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety DisordersPost Traumatic Stress Syndrome

Mental illness is very common in todays' society, and it is the most common cause for sick leave in Sweden. Affective diseases, such as different states of anxiety and depression, are the two most common conditions of mental illness that has been reported by different workplaces in Sweden. Pharmacological treatment of anxiety using benzodiazepines, tends to be long, and it may lead to substance dependence, as well as severe side effects such as increased anxiety levels, cognitive impact and psychomotor effects. The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) have identified that there are scientific knowledge gaps that needs to be filled regarding the mental illness care, such as anxiety. There is a need for evaluations of non-pharmacological, complementary treatments as well as research with a high methodological quality. Acupuncture is a nonpharmacological treatment method based on complementary medicine, for which interest has increased over the last years. It has, to some extent, been introduced in the ordinary health care system. Auricular acupuncture (AA) is a branch of acupuncture where needles are inserted in different areas in the outer ears AA has been used to treat anxiety as well as vid depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) among veterans. A standardised insertion pattern, defined as the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol, is normally practised, and it has also been used to treat insomnia. Evaluations has shown that AA according to the NADA-protocol has a calming effect and seem to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression and to some extent, also sleeping difficulties. The aim of this study is to study and evaluate effects of AA as an add-on treatment to treatment as usual (TaU) within affective outpatient care for patients suffering from symptoms of anxiety and depression. A prospective, non-inferiority randomised controlled study (RCT) with a number of (N=72) participants will be conducted to answer the study aims. A qualitative interview study will also be conducted to find out how the patients experience AA as an adjunctive therapy.

Unknown status8 enrollment criteria

Effects of Preoperative Anxiety and Depression on Short-term Postoperative Recovery in Early Gastric...

Postoperative ComplicationsAnxiety2 more

This study aims to investigate preoperative anxiety, depression, and coping strategy of the patients undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy for early gastric cancer and their effects on short-term postoperative recovery measured by Quality of Recovery-15 (QOR-15). The findings of the study would improve the perioperative management of early gastric cancer patients.

Withdrawn7 enrollment criteria

Smartphone-based Virtual Reality Exposure and Standard Relaxation Training for Anxiety on an Inpatient...


The purpose of this study is to compare a smartphone-based virtual reality exposure with standard relaxation training for anxiety and associated symptoms (including pain) on an inpatient psychiatric unit, and whether patients find it usable and beneficial.

Terminated3 enrollment criteria

Brief, Remote Treatment of Youth Injection Phobia and Measurement of Novel, Disorder-congruent Cognitive...

Anxiety Disorder of Childhood

This study is investigating the acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of a brief, remote treatment for youth injection phobia. It will also be examining the acceptability, feasibility, and initial psychometric properties of three cognitive bias measures adapted or newly developed for youth injection fear.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

Efficacy of EMDR in the Treatment of Depression and Comorbid Anxiety


This research is aimed at investigating the efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) psychotherapy for treating depression and comorbid anxiety symptoms. EMDR has been scientifically established as an evidenced based level-A treatment for PTSD. However, researchers have started assessing its efficacy for depression and other psychological disorders. Preliminary evidence indicates that EMDR has the potential to treat depression, however, it has not yet been established as an evidence-based intervention. Anxiety most often comorbid with depression. literature suggests that when depression is treated, the comorbid anxiety symptoms are also reduced. Hence, the effect of EMDR therapy on anxiety symptoms, when treating depressive symptoms would also be explored. A sample of 40 volunteers will be sought from community through advertising, and through referrals and will be randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions. Participants of experimental condition will be offered eight phase EMDR therapy in a period of 12-14 weeks. Participants of control group will receive counselling as usual sessions for 12-14 weeks. Measurement of the depression and anxiety symptoms for Experimental group will be recorded at Time 1, (baseline, time frame: 0 week). Time 2 (after history and preparation for EMDR, time frame: 3 weeks). Time 3, (after EMDR treatment, time frame: 12 weeks) and at T4, ( post treatment follow-up, Time frame: 24 weeks. For Control group, measurements will be recorded at T1, T2 and T3. The current study will be the first registered Randomized Control Trial (RCT ) as per investigators knowledge, that will explore the efficacy of EMDR in treating depression and comorbid anxiety. The results of the study will provide the scientific bases to use EMDR as a treatment of choice for depression and anxiety. Many clients do not respond to pharmacological as well other psychological treatments despite bearing huge financial cost. EMDR therapy can be a short-term treatment that may provide relief from symptoms of depression and anxiety, and as a result, the functioning and quality of life of the participants will also improve. This study will also guide further research to explore the effects of EMDR on other trauma-based disorders and comorbid conditions.

Unknown status16 enrollment criteria

A Self-guided App-Based Virtual Reality Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorder in Children...

Anxiety Disorders

To examine the efficacy of a fully self-guided app-based virtual reality cognitive behavior therapy (VR CBT) using low-cost (cardboard) virtual reality goggles compared with a wait-list control group and to determine its user friendliness. We hypothesize that children with GAD enrolled in the self-guided app will present lower scores of anxiety.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

Magic Therapy to Relieve Pediatric Patient Anxiety and Improve the Hospitalization Experience


This study will assess the efficacy of magic therapy services in relieving pediatric patient anxiety and parent anxiety in an inpatient setting. It will also measure family satisfaction with child life services during the hospital visit and health professional opinions regarding such a therapy in an inpatient setting. The primary evaluation method will be through surveys. No prior investigations have studied using magic therapy as a primary tool to improve the psychological well-being of pediatric patients over the span of an inpatient hospitalization. Study and improvement of magic therapy services provides an evidence-based approach to improve pediatric patient psychological well-being, assist physicians in obtaining pediatric patient cooperation with procedures, and improving the hospitalization experience for the family of hospitalized pediatric patients.

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

The Unified Protocol for the Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Spanish Public Mental Health System...

Emotional DisorderAnxiety Disorders1 more

The present randomized, controlled trial will compare the cost-efficacy and acceptability of the Unified Protocol in group format against traditional individual Cognitive Behavioral Treatment in a sample of patients with emotional disorders. Ultimately, the goal of the current study is to explore whether the Unified Protocol in group format can be a cost-effective psychological intervention for emotional disorders in the Spanish National Health System, that is, one that generates long-lasting changes in symptoms, while reducing both direct and indirect economic costs associated with the treatment of emotional disorders.

Unknown status8 enrollment criteria

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