
Active clinical trials for "Anxiety Disorders"

Results 2051-2060 of 2478

Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment for Emotional Disorders Attended in Dominican Primary Care...

Anxiety DisordersDepression2 more

Emotional disorders affect millions of people all over the world. Thousands of Dominicans suffer from depression, anxiety, and other emotional disorders that have negative impact on their lives. Nevertheless, many of them do not receive a proper treatment. The purpose of this study is to describe a pilot project, in which a protocol of evidence-based psychological treatment for emotional disorders, supported by mHealth (mobile health), will be applied on Dominicans who attend Primary Care services. It will be a collaborative program, divided into three phases, and based on cognitive behavioral therapy. The hypothesis of this research is that this protocol is an effective strategy to treat emotional disorders.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

The Study of Hemp Oil CBD for Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety in Treatment of Pain, Anxiety and...

CBDPain4 more

The investigators are looking to conduct a study looking at the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) from Hemp Oil in patients with Chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia. It is believed that CBD will improve pain anxiety and sleep quality and reduce opioid use. The study will last a total of 4 weeks and involve onsite visits in addition to weekly pain assessments.

Unknown status11 enrollment criteria

Using 360° Videos in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Social Anxiety DisorderAgoraphobia

This study aims to test the feasibility and efficacy of an individualized exposure intervention using 360-degree videos for social anxiety and agoraphobia. A multiple single case design is followed with a pre-post-follow up assessment and multiple baselines. In addition, an experience sampling method is used to explore the role of dysfunctional beliefs and self-efficacy in the efficacy intervention.

Unknown status13 enrollment criteria

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Group for Older Adults Delivered by Telethealth

Major Depressive DisorderGeneralized Anxiety Disorder2 more

The present aim of the study is to to adapt an established, manualized enhanced Group CBT (CBT-E) for seniors to a telehealth format, which will allow us to offer the group virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

A Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of CD-008-0045 in Patients With Generalized Anxiety Disorder...

Anxiety Disorder Generalized

This is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo- and active-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of CD-008-0045 in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Each patient will participate in the study for the period of approximately 37 weeks: Screening and Run-in period: 1 week; Study Treatment period: 32 weeks; Follow-up period: 4 weeks.

Unknown status46 enrollment criteria

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Acrophobia

Specific PhobiaAcrophobia2 more

The aim of this study is to examine the efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) as a treatment for specific phobia (acrophobia). The study will randomly assign 42 participants with acrophobia to one of two conditions: a) the experimental condition (consisting of 3 sessions of virtual reality exposure) or b) a control condition. Both groups will receive short information session about general principles of exposure therapy before the start of the study. After the end of the study, the waitlist group will be invited to attend the short version (one or two-sessions) of the VRET. Both groups will receive a final follow-up questionnaires 2 months after the last session.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Virtual Reality Decreases Child Anxiety and Pain as Well as Caregiver Anxiety and Pain Perception...


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the use of a virtual reality experience can decrease child and caregiver anxiety and pain for simple orthopaedic office procedures.

Terminated6 enrollment criteria

Process and Outcomes in CBT for Anxious and Depressed Youth

Anxiety DisordersDepression

The current study will evaluate the predictors, mediators, outcomes, and critical therapy processes associated with manual-based psychological therapies for 400 youth (ages 7-16 years) with anxiety and/or depression seeking services within a semi-natural clinic setting. Essentially, this study seeks to determine "what works" about psychological therapy for youth.

Unknown status2 enrollment criteria

Effectiveness of Active and Passive Distraction Techniques on Reducing Fear and Anxiety and Improving...

Fear Anxiety

The Purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of active ( video game) and passive (video) distraction techniques on reducing fear and anxiety and improving oral health knowledge of children undergoing extraction in the dental operatory

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

FMT Treating Constipation Patients With Depression and/or Anxiety Symptoms - Clinical Efficacy and...

Constipation - FunctionalDepressive Symptoms2 more

Constipated patients often have mental problems such as depression and anxiety due to difficult defecation. Our previous studies have proved the efficacy of FMT treating constipation. Meanwhile it is believed that mental diseases are correlated to gut microbiota. This trial is based on the theory of the gut-brain-microbiota axis. Patients with constipation, depression and/or anxiety are performed FMT, laboratory, imaging and microbiota examinations, and clinical follow-up, to observe the clinical efficiency of FMT and the potential role of gut microbiome in these gut-brain disorders.

Unknown status12 enrollment criteria

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