CPAP Adherence Pilot Study Among African Americans
Sleep ApneaThe goal of the study is to determine the feasibility of a behavioral intervention to improve CPAP adherence among African American patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

Effect of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy on Mouth Air Leak in Patients With Sleep Apnea Treated...
OSAApnea+HypopneaTo verify the effect of orofacial myofunctional therapy in patients with OSA during the use of CPAP with a nasal mask, on the frequency and leak flow. In addition, the impact on mouth opening frequency, sleep quality, perception of excessive daytime sleepiness, and CPAP adherence will be evaluated.

Effect of High Flow Nasal Cannula Versus Continues Positive Airway Pressure in Adults With Obstructive...
Sleep ApneaThe participants whom undergo Polysomnography study (Sleep study) and are found to have mild, moderate or severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) will have two consecutive titration nights. Randomly, they'll do (CPAP) titration followed by (HFNC) titration or vice versa. To explore the possibility of the CPAP not being superior to HFNC in reduction of sleep apnea events.

Use of Passive Myofunctional Appliances for Snoring and Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep ApneaObstructiveIt is unknown whether passive myofunctional appliances can be used for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, nor how to select the appropriate size per individual patient. Exploring the possibility of using passive myofunctional appliances as a treatment option for patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea and/or snoring should be considered, especially as the time to fabricate and deliver custom designed dental sleep appliances can be significant (sometimes over a month). Use of passive myofunctional appliances as a transitional appliance or potentially as direct treatment for obstructive sleep apnea may significantly decrease time to treatment and also provide a less expensive treatment option for patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The purpose of this study is to determine whether passive myofunctional appliances can be used as a treatment option for patients suffering from snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Muscle Strength Exercise and Sleep Apnea
Sleep ApneaBackground: Obstructive sleep apnea is one of our common diseases and up to 80% of patients are estimated to be undiagnosed. Its main risk factors are overweight, age, male gender, menopause, small jaw, sedative medications / drugs and alcohol. The most important treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). However, not all patients adapt or benefit from device therapy, and up to about 60% stop using the device. Underlying sleep apnea are mechanisms other than anatomical factors such as respiratory wake sensitivity, loop gain control function, and upper respiratory tract muscle activation response and efficiency. Depending on which of these mechanisms dominates as the cause of sleep apnea, the patient's phenotype may vary and CPAP device therapy may not be the correct form of treatment for all patients. Therefore, new targeted therapies should be developed. The WellO2 breathing training device performs back-pressure steam breathing training during the inhalation and exhalation phases. WellO2 effectively exercises the power of the inspiratory muscles, increases the inspiratory muscles, reduces the feeling of dyspnea due to exertion, increases the economy of respiration and delays inhalation muscles. It is a drug-free treatment and easy to use. The use of the WellO2 ventilator has not been previously studied in sleep apnea patients.

CPAP on Acute Stroke and OSA
StrokeAcute1 moreStroke affects 16.9 million individuals each year and is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Despite advances in pharmacologic therapy, morbidity , mortality and rates of hospitalization for stroke remain high. These data emphasize the importance of identifying all treatable conditions that could aggravate stroke. One such condition is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep-related breathing disorders, including obstructive and central sleep apnea, often coexist with stroke. Compared to the general population, in whom OSA is the most common form of this breathing disorder with recent prevalence estimates of 22% of male and 17% of female , in the stroke population, the prevalence of OSA is much greater at 70% . Several randomized controlledtrials on OSA patients with stroke in acute or sub-acute stage showed that treating OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) improved motor and functional outcomes, accelerated neurological recovery.Apart from the benefits in better neurological outcomes, secondary analyses of SAVE study suggested that CPAP treatment potentially help to reduce recurrence of stroke. Nevertheless, we don't have evidence yet from randomized control studies to prove CPAP treatment would reduce the recurrence of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events. Traditionally, recurrence of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events uses documented mortality, morbidity or hospitalization for heart failure, acute coronary syndrome or stroke as clinical endpoints. Recently, several studies showed that enlarged left atrium (LA) can serve as a predictor for recurrent stroke or cardiovascular events. On the other hand, a growing body of studies demonstrated that CPAP treatment reduce size of LA in those with OSA. Notably, all of these studies above are observational or retrospective in nature. To date, there are no prospective longitudinal randomized controlled trials reporting the effect of CPAP treatment of OSA on the change of size of LA. We therefore will undertake a randomized , controlled trial involving patients with stroke to test the primary hypothesis that treatment of OSA with CPAP would reduce the size of LA.

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Sleep Apnea
Normal Pressure HydrocephalusSleep Apnea1 moreNormal-pressure hydrocephalus is associated with increases in the intracranial pressure during the night sleep. Sleep apnea also increases the intracranial pressure during the apneic spells. When patients are operated the distal part of the shunt is inserted inside the abdominal cavity, which pressure also increases during the sleep apnea episodes. this is particularly important considering that the recumbent position used to sleep further increases the intraabdominal pressure and that impairs the CSF drainage through the shunt system. The purpose of this study is to analyze the intracranial and intraabdominal pressures during the sleep, particularly during the sleep apnea episodes to see which shunt should be used, to which cavity should be drained (peritoneum or heart) and if correcting the sleep apnea has some positive result on the hydrocephalus symptoms.

A Novel Pharmacological Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep ApneaA pharmacological, non-mechanical therapy for OSA that is efficacious and tolerable remains elusive. Here the investigators study the effect on sleep apnea severity of a combination of pharmacological agents (atomoxetine and oxybutynin, "AtoOxy") over a 1 month period of time. The current study will answer the following questions: Does ongoing, repeated-dose administration of atomoxetine-plus-oxybutynin (referred to as "AtoOxy") improve OSA severity, and do patients exhibit signs of symptomatic relief? Most importantly, which phenotypic subgroup of patients preferentially benefit from this intervention?

Apnea Treatment in Premature Infants Using an Automatic Vibro-tactile Stimulator Triggered by the...
Apnea of PrematurityThe goal of the SENSITACT system is to activate an adaptive kinesthetic stimulation to treat apnea-bradycardia events on preterm infants, while minimizing deleterious effects, in particular arousals that can be due either to respiratory efforts or to kinesthetic stimulation itself. This novel system will provide an alternative treatment to apnea-bradycardia, with improved patient comfort and autonomy. In particular, it may become a complementary solution for the current treatments (Manual stimulation by caregivers, continuous or intermittent nasal positive pressure ventilation and methylxanthine therapies) that do not appear to be optimal and usually only allow a partial reduction in the number and severity of apneas.

Intracapsular Tonsillectomy in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults
Tonsillar HypertrophySleep Apnea1 moreTreating sleep apnea in adults caused by tonsillar hypertrophy with intracapsular tonsillectomy by coblation