Modalities of Surgical Treatment of Chiari Malformation Disease : Clinical Study and Outcomes
Chiari MalformationType 1Evaluation of postoperative outcomes of Chiari type I Malformation Patients at Department of Neurosurgery Assiut University Hospital .

Investigation of the Effects of Exercise Program in Patients With Chiari Type 1 Malformation
Arnold Chiari MalformationThis study will be conducted in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery Department and Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. The study was designed as a randomized controlled trial. At the beginning of the study, demographic data and characteristics of the cases will be recorded. Patients will be evaluated in three different periods throughout the study. The first assessments will be performed on the first day after the patient's condition is appropriate after the surgical procedure for Type 1 CM. Following this evaluation, all patients will be divided into two groups using. a simple randomization method. The first group will be exercised for 6 weeks while the second group will not be intervened during this period and will be followed as a control group. Immediately after the exercise program administered to the first group after 6 weeks, both groups will undergo second assessments. After these assessment measures, the same exercise program in the first group will be applied to the second group only this time for 6 weeks. In the meantime, the first group will stop their exercise programs. After the 6-week exercise program of the second group has ended, both groups will be given the third assessment, the final assessment. At the beginning of the study, demographic data, characteristics and disease information will be recorded. The evaluations to be made are summarized below: Visual Analogue Scale, pain threshold and pain tolerance tests, Neck Disability Index, for the determination of pain level in the neck region and throughout the body Cervical range of motion (Performance Attainment Associates, St. Paul, MN, 55117, United States) (CROM 3) device for the evaluation of the cervical region. Berg Balance Scale for evaluation of performance-based balance, Timed Rise Walk Test, Sharpened Romberg test and "8" shaped walk test (F8WT) for evaluation of fall risk, static and dynamic balance, The International Ataxia Assessment Scale (ICARS) for coordination, Grip Ability Test (GAT) for the assessment of fine motor skill in the upper extremity, Posture evaluation, Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) for evaluation of swallowing function For daily living activities, Barthel Daily Living Activities Index, For the quality of life, the Short Form 36 questionnaire will be used.

PFDD Versus PFDRT in Chiari Decompression Surgery
Chiari Malformation Type ITonsillectomyThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a posterior fossa decompression and duraplasty with or without tonsil manipulation results in better patient outcomes with fewer complications and improved quality of life in those who have Chiari malformation type I and syringomyelia.

Clinical Study of the Treatment of Chiari Malformation Combined With Type II Skull Base Depression...
Atlantoaxial DislocationChiari Malformation1 moreThe research background of this study is that Chiari malformation (CM) is a congenital malformation in the foramen magnum region, often associated with syringomyelia, basilar depression, odontoid dislocation and other craniocervical junction deformities. The traditional surgical method for Chiari malformation with skull basilar depression is simple decompression without fixation, so it cannot effectively maintain the stability of the cervical spine and reduce the compression of the brainstem and cervical cord, often resulting in poor curative effect and aggravated symptoms. The cervical spine is the most flexible and most mobile part of the spine, and the instability of the cervical spine will directly affect the quality of life of patients after surgery. Subsequently, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous development and improvement of surgical methods, Investigators can relieve spinal cord compression by using atlanto-occipital decompression and dissection followed by C1/2 lateral arthrolysis combined with occipitocervical fusion. So, is this surgical combination the most effective surgery for patients with Chiari malformation and type II skull basilar depression? How should doctors adjust to the best surgical approach to treat patients with Chiari malformation and type II skull basilar depression? These questions have long puzzled neurosurgeons. By conducting this research, investigators hope that participants can participate in it, and work with them to answer this question, and jointly promote the development and progress of doctors' careers, while benefiting more patients.

Laparotomy Versus Percutaneous Endoscopic Correction of Myelomeningocele
Neural Tube DefectsSpina Bifida2 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a fetoscopic surgical technique for antenatal correction of fetal myelomeningocele. Two surgical approaches will be utilized. The percutaneous approach will be offered to participants with a posterior placenta. The laparotomy/uterine exteriorization approach will be offered to participants regardless of placental location.

Fetal Endoscopic Surgery for Spina Bifida
Neural Tube DefectsSpina Bifida9 moreThis study aims to assess the feasibility to perform a fetoscopic prenatal repair of an open neural tube defect, and secondly to assess the maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes.

Fetoscopic Repair of Isolated Fetal Spina Bifida
Spina BifidaMyelomeningocele4 moreThe purpose of this investigation is to evaluate maternal and fetal outcomes following fetoscopic repair of fetal spina bifida at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The hypothesis of this study is that fetoscopic spina bifida repair is feasible and has the same effectiveness as open repair of fetal spina bifida, but with the benefit of significantly lower maternal and fetal complication rates. The fetal benefit of the procedure will be the prenatal repair of spina bifida. The maternal benefit of fetoscopic spina bifida repair will be the avoidance of a large uterine incision. This type of incision increases the risk of uterine rupture and requires that all future deliveries are by cesarean section. The use of the minimally invasive fetoscopic surgical technique may also lower the risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes and preterm birth compared to open fetal surgery. Finally, successful fetoscopic spina bifida repair also makes vaginal delivery possible.

Examining Different Components of Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for People With Chiari...
Chronic PainChiari MalformationChiari Malformation (CM) is a chronic health condition characterized by brain and spinal malformations and displacements that cause obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF; Hadley, 2002) circulation. The most common type of CM, CM1, is characterized by the displacement of the cerebellar tonsils more than five millimeters into the foramen magnum (Hadley, 2002). Approximately 215,000 Americans may have CM1, over six times the prevalence of multiple sclerosis (Dilokthornsakul et al., 2016; Speer et al., 2003). Chronic pain is a major problem for patients with CM; (Curone et al., 2017; Garcia et al., 2019). Craniovertebral decompression is the most common surgical intervention for CM1, but it may not be effective in relieving long-term pain and is not recommended for all CM1 patients (Arnautovic et al., 2015; Imperato et al., 2011). In addition to chronic pain, patients with CM also have high levels of depression, anxiety, and sleep dysfunction (Garcia et al., 2019; Lázaro et al., 2018; Watson et al., 2010). Psychological interventions, specifically Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), have been effective at treating chronic pain when administered online (van de Graaf et al., 2021). We previously found an online self-administered version of ACT to be effective at improving psychological flexibility and chronic pain acceptance in participants with CM (Garcia et al., 2021). In our pilot study (Garcia et al., 2021), participants in the intervention group received phone coaching to improve intervention adherence and use of skills; however, we found that duration of phone coaching did not impact treatment outcomes. We also had excellent retention in the control group. It is unclear whether phone coaching is necessary for treatment engagement or efficacy in groups particularly motivated to seek treatment. If it is not necessary, online ACT can be offered more efficiently and cost-effectively. The proposed study will randomize participants to either ACT+ phone coaching, ACT without coaching, or wait-list control conditions to determine if coaching impacts treatment adherence and outcomes in this population. Based on power analyses, the sample size will be 111. The sample will be recruited online and randomized to one of the three treatment groups. The intervention will consist of eight modules that are administered weekly over 8 weeks. Follow up assessments will be administered after completion of the intervention, and at one and three months after completion.

MiDura-Study (Neuro-Patch in Duraplasty)
MeningiomaTumor9 moreThe aim of this study is to collect systematically and proactively data regarding the performance of Neuro-Patch, like complications and handling, under daily clinical practice when used as intended by the manufacturer

Neuroradiology Assesses Chiari Malformation's Impact on Airways, Cranial Base, and Sleep Disorders...
Malformation BrainThe severity of sleep disorders in patients with Chiari malformations can vary. The investigators propose to establish a correlation between the severity of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and the quantitative neuroradiological data of the airways, cranial base foramina, and posterior cranial fossae