Clinical Evaluation of the Articulinx InterCarpoMetacarpal Cushion (ICMC) for Osteoarthritis of...
Osteoarthritis of the CMC-1 JointThis study is to evaluate the performance of the Articulinx ICMC (InterCarpoMetacarpalCushion) in the carpometacarpal joint (CMC joint) and to describe the clinical results in patients who have been treated with this device. Expected results include the relief of symptoms and improvement of function in patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) of the CMC-1 joint. Evaluation of device performance will be achieved through measurements of pain, pain medication use, and joint function in up to 40 subjects. Each subject will be compared to their pre-surgery status for each endpoint.

Injections of FloGraft Therapy, Autologous Stem Cells, or Platelet Rich Plasma for the Treatment...
OsteoarthritisRheumatoid ArthritisThis study will assess the outcomes of three currently available regenerative treatments (FloGraft, autologous stem cell therapy, platelet rich plasma therapy) for painful degenerative conditions of the joints. Patients receiving one these treatments will be assessed before the treatment procedure and followed up at four points over the six months after their procedure. Patients' pain, quality of life, and pain medication use at follow up will be compared to baseline levels. The investigators hypothesize that all three treatments will be effective in reducing pain, improving quality of life, and reducing pain medication usage.

Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness
Rheumatoid ArthritisOsteoarthritis1 moreThe RISE Registry is an enhanced version of the ACR's Rheumatology Clinical Registry (RCR) and allows for a simplified entry process, while establishing a best-in-class resource to manage your patient population and improve patient care. RISE provides participants with an infrastructure for robust quality improvement activities leading to improved patient outcomes, patient population management and quality reporting related to rheumatic diseases and drug safety. RISE gives physicians and researchers the information they need to optimize patient outcomes, meet reporting requirements, and make discoveries that advance rheumatology.

Outcomes Data of Adipose Stem Cells to Treat Osteoarthritis
OsteoarthritisThe purpose of this study is to determine the impact that treatment with a cellular concentrate derived from an individual's own fat, known as the stromal vascular fraction (SVF), has on joint pain and functionality in people with Osteoarthritis (OA). SVF contains components with "regenerative" properties, including stem cells that have shown promise for ameliorating specific disease conditions. This study is designed to evaluate joint pain and functionality changes in individuals with OA for up to 12 months following SVF treatment.

Functional Evaluation of the Total Knee Prostheses:Rising From a Chair
OsteoarthritisKnee2 moreIn this study, a functional evaluation of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patients is performed. The patients are measured prior to surgery and 6 and 12 months after surgery. The measurements consist of questionnaires and rising from a chair. Also, two types of TKA are functionally evaluated. At last, the TKA group will be compared to a THP group.

Creating a Tissue Bank of Knee Capsules
OsteoarthritisKnee Joint ContracturesA contracture is a pathological condition limiting range and function of joints. Contractures of large and small joints alike will affect one's ability to independently perform daily activities such as eating, dressing or walking. Current treatments for contractures include physical stretching, the use of assistive devices or, rarely, surgery. Despite prolonged treatments, patients with contractures rarely regain complete mobility. Progress in preventing and treating contractures will be possible only through an understanding of the biological and molecular processes involved. Our group has established and validated an animal model to study the histological events and the molecular mechanisms involved in joint contractures. We have provided evidence for capsule stiffness, characterized cartilage degeneration, and identified four genes whose expression is altered in the cartilage of a knee joint with contracture. The work we propose in the current study aims at finding genes and pathways in the joint capsule associated with knee joint contractures. The results will identify new avenues for treating the large number of patients suffering from contractures.

Post-Market Study of the EPIK Knee System
OsteoarthritisPost Traumatic Degenerative DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to determine the short-term (2 yr) and midterm (5 yr) cumulative revision rates of the EPIK™ Uni-compartmental Knee System.

Roadmap for Succeeding in Bundled Payment for Orthopedic Joint Replacements
OsteoarthritisThe objective of the study is to provide a road map that can help organizational leaders understand how to sequence their financial and human capital investments related to bundled payment arrangements. Although specific strategies will vary between organizations, providing evidence from a health system with extension experience bundling care for orthopedic joint replacements can be instructive for other providers entering new building arrangements. Insights from the experience of the health system can help other organizations prioritize effort and focus energy around strategies that increase the likelihood of succeeding under Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) and other bundled payment contracts.

Pro Osteon Bone Void Filler Study
OsteoarthritisRevision ArthroplastyThis study was designed to observe the outcomes of Pro Osteon according to its cleared indications for use.

Preoperative Radiographic Evaluation of Medial Tibiofemoral Knee Osteoarthritis
Arthritis KneeObservational study.