Preoperative Radiographic Evaluation of Medial Tibiofemoral Knee Osteoarthritis
Arthritis KneeObservational study.

Panadol Osteo Pharmaceuticals Benefit Scheme (PBS) Claims Cohort Study
OsteoarthritisThe aim of this observational study is to compare the use of an extended release paracetamol formulation with standard paracetamol in a cohort of Australian concessional patients with osteoarthritis (OA), to assess differences in prescribing patterns and patient compliance.

HUD: PIP Joint Implant
ArthrosisOsteoarthrosisThis surgery involves the use of a finger joint replacement device for treatment of patients with certain kinds of arthritis (osteo - arthritis or post traumatic arthritis) and who expect to place their hands in heavy loading situations, or patients needing revision of a failed implant placed in the PIP joint. A joint replacement surgery is an operation where the arthritic joint is removed and a metal and plastic joint is inserted to replace the natural joint. The surgery is expected to last about 2 hours. The procedure is done in the operating room and requires general anesthesia or an axillary block. (General anesthesia affects the entire body and is accompanied by a loss of consciousness. An axillary block results in anesthesia of the hand and forearm only. A tourniquet is applied to the arm to prevent bleeding during the surgery.)

Navigation System for in Vivo Measurement of the Kinematics of the Knee
Knee OsteoarthritisThe knee prosthesis is a validated treatment for end-stage osteoarthritis, and this intervention usually provides a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients. However, a significant percentage of patients (up 30%) say disappointed with the outcome of the intervention. One hypothesis that could explain these poor results might be poor adaptation of the implants to the patient's anatomy, resulting in a non-physiological kinematics for the patient. Multiple studies try to obtain an individual adaptation of the intervention according to multiple criteria. The measurement of the kinematics of the knee before surgery could participate in this process.

Influence of Manual Physical Therapy on Habitual Activity in Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee OsteoarthritisThe investigators assessed overall physical activity and sleep quality in subjects with knee osteoarthritis(OA) at baseline, and at four and 12 weeks following initiation of physical therapy. Subjects received a course of manual physical therapy with interventions targeted to relevant impairments in the lower quarter. No progressive activity intervention or guidance on sleep hygiene was included. The purpose of this study was to assess a relationship between manual physical therapy and habitual physical activity and sleep behavior in individuals with knee OA.

Delivra-Celecoxib 8% Cream and Osteoarthritis
OsteoarthritisKneeThe observation of the clinical use of the Delivra Celecoxib cream (8%) in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Observations will be made over 12 weeks of treatment. Evaluations include: pain, functionality and patients global assessment of disease. Patients will self administer treatment as prescribed.

Failure Analysis of Patellofemoral Arthroplasty
Patellofemoral OsteoarthritisArthroplasty Complications1 moreThe purpose of the retrospective cohort study is 1) to determine preoperative risk factors for revision af patellofemoral arthroplasty, and 2) to provide a detailed description of indications for revision after patellofemoral arthroplasty. All patients operated with patellofemoral arthroplasty in Denmark from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2015, will be included in the cohort.

In Vivo Kinematics for Subjects With Smith & Nephew Journey II BCS TKA, Journey II CR TKA, Or Journey...
Knee OsteoarthritisTotal Knee Arthroplasty1 moreThe objective of this study is to determine and compare the in vivo kinematics and vibroarthrography (VAG) signals for subjects implanted with Journey II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS), CR (Cruciate Retaining), and Bi-Cruciate Retaining (XR) TKAs.

Results of the Tactys Implant in Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Arthroplasty
Interphalangeal; OsteoarthritisProximal (Bouchard)Study at middle term of the functional and radiographic results of proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty with the Tactys prothesis. The aim is to evaluate if the short term results are maintained in time.

Phenotype/Genotype Correlation in a Family With Early Onset Osteoarthritis
OsteoarthritisThis study will investigate the genes responsible for osteoarthritis. Individuals with osteoarthritis known or suspected to be caused by a gene mutation (change) may be eligible for this study. Family members may also participate. Patients will talk with investigators who will explain the study and its possible implications for the patient and family and answer questions. The patient's medical records will be reviewed, a personal and family history will be taken, and a physical examination will be done. Two procedures may be done including blood sampling (which will be used for DNA (genetic) studies) and X-rays (to define osteoarthritis grade). If no known mutations responsible for osteoarthritis will be detected, participating family members will be interviewed by telephone about their personal and family health history and will have a blood sample drawn for DNA testing, and X-rays.