Vestibular Implantation to Treat Adult-Onset Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
Other Disorders of Vestibular FunctionBilateral8 moreAlthough cochlear implants can restore hearing to individuals who have lost cochlear hair cell function, there is no widely available, adequately effective treatment for individuals suffering chronic imbalance, postural instability and unsteady vision due to bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Prior research focused on ototoxic cases has demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve via a chronically implanted multichannel vestibular implant can partially restore vestibular reflexes that normally maintain steady posture and vision; improve performance on objective measures of postural stability and gait; and improve patient-reported disability and health-related quality of life. This single-arm open-label study extends that research to evaluate outcomes for up to 8 individuals with non-ototoxic bilateral vestibular hypofunction, yielding a total of fifteen adults (age 22-90 years at time of enrollment) divided as equally as possible between ototoxic and non-ototoxic cases.

Vestibular Implantation in Older Adults
Other Disorders of Vestibular FunctionBilateral9 moreAlthough cochlear implants can restore hearing to individuals who have lost cochlear hair cell function, there is no widely available, adequately effective treatment for individuals suffering chronic imbalance, postural instability and unsteady vision due to bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Prior research has demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve via a chronically implanted multichannel vestibular implant can partially restore vestibular reflexes that normally maintain steady posture and vision; improve performance on objective measures of postural stability and gait; and improve patient-reported disability and health-related quality of life. This single-arm open-label study extends that research to evaluate outcomes for up to fifteen older adults (age 65-90 years at time of enrollment) with ototoxic or non-ototoxic bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

Vestibular Balance Therapy Intervention for Children
Vestibulocochlear Nerve DiseasesVestibular Disorder1 moreThe goal of this within groups clinical trial is to determine the feasibility of a home-based vestibular balance therapy program for children with vestibular hypofunction. The main questions to be answered are: 1) what is the intervention's feasibility and 2) what is the intervention's preliminary impact on function? Participants will receive a comprehensive battery of vestibular function and balance tests, then an 8-week home-based intervention to be done 5 times/week with weekly checks from the physical therapist. Data will be used to design a larger clinical trial with a comparison group.

Multichannel Vestibular Implant Early Feasibility Study
Other Disorders of Vestibular FunctionBilateral5 moreAlthough cochlear implants can restore hearing to individuals who have lost cochlear hair cell function, there is no adequately effective treatment for individuals suffering chronic imbalance, postural instability and unsteady vision due to loss of vestibular hair cell function. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve via a chronically implanted multichannel vestibular prosthesis can partially restore vestibular reflexes that maintain steady posture and vision. This pilot clinical feasibility study of a multichannel vestibular implant system will evaluate this approach in up to ten human subjects with bilateral vestibular deficiency due to gentamicin ototoxicity or other causes of inner ear dysfunction.

Electrical Stimulation of the Peripheral Vestibular System in Order to Develop a Vestibular Implant...
Vestibular DisorderBilateral Vestibulopathy1 moreThis study has three main goals (1) to explore the effects of electrical stimulations of the peripheral vestibular system(2) to assess the potential of this technique to rehabilitate basic vestibular functions in patients with severe bilateral vestibulopathy, and (3) to take advantage of the unprecedented experimental paradigm provided by the vestibular implant to increase our fundamental knowledge on the contribution of peripheral vestibular function to posture, gait and higher order sensory functions, mechanisms that remain poorly understood.

VertiGO! - Get up and GO! With the Vestibular Implant
Bilateral Vestibular LossIn the VertiGO! trial 13 participants with bilateral vestibulopathy (BV) and severe sensory neural hearing loss in the ear to be implanted will receive a combined cochlear (CI) and vestibular implant (VI), capable of stimulating both the cochlear and vestibular nerves (CVI). The participants will make use of this combined stimulation during 3 weeks of prolonged use under supervision in a hospital environment. This trial will serve as a proof-of-concept for restoring vestibular function in patients with BV, an as-of-yet untreatable disorder causing severe impairment and discomfort. The aims of this trial are to investigate efficacy and safety of prolonged vestibular stimulation, to identify the influence of different stimulation algorithms, to assess the feasibility of the combined VI/CI device, to develop a VI rehabilitation program and to further build on the fundamental knowledge of vestibular organ stimulation while also taking into account the patient perspective.

Chronic Cough and CANVAS (Cerebellar Ataxia With Neuropathy and Bilateral Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome)...
CoughCerebellar Ataxia1 moreChronic cough is a frequent cause of Pneumology consultations. CANVAS syndrome (Cerebellar Ataxia with Neuropathy and bilateral Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome) is a progressive and disabling neurological disease that very frequently occurs with chronic cough. This cough invariably appears as a prodromal symptom that precedes neurological symptoms. The biallelic expansion of AAGGG in RFC1, a causal mutation in CANVAS syndrome, appears with high frequency in the general population. Objectives: Main: To determine the presence of biallelic expansion of AAGGG in RFC1 in patients with chronic cough, regardless of the presence of neurological symptoms. Secondary: Describe the phenotypic, functional and inflammatory characteristics of these patients. and Know the relationship between gastroesophageal reflux and chronic cough in patients with CANVAS. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional pilot study including 50 non-smoking patients between the ages of 30 and 99 years with chronic and / or refractory cough as the only manifestation or associated with gastroesophageal reflux. All patients will undergo the pertinent studies for the diagnosis of chronic cough, those who meet criteria for suspicion of gastroesophageal reflux will be requested an esophageal phmetry and esophageal manometry. Peripheral venous blood sample will be obtained for subsequent genetic analysis. Vibration sensitivity will be studied in all patients regardless of the presence of mutation. Those with alterations in vibratory sensitivity or mutations in RFC1 will be referred to the Neurology Service for a complementary neurological evaluation. For the molecular study of the DNA sample of the patients, two techniques will be used: standard Polymerase chain reaction amplification with primers flanking the intron 2 fragment of the RFC1 gene and amplification using Repeated Primed Polymerase chain reaction in 3 independent reactions.

Correlation of Radiological Lesions With Vestibular Function in Patients With Bilateral Vestibulopathy...
Hearing LossSensorineural3 moreIn 2014 radiologic lesions were detected at one or more semicircular canals using CT and MR imaging of temporal bone in subjects carrying the p.P51S mutation in COCH. These lesions are believed to present at more advanced stages of the hearing and vestibular deterioration. Since then, other authors have described similar lesions in advanced non-genetic hearing and vestibular impairment as well. The purpose of this study is therefore to assess the radiologic investigation using CT and MR imaging of temporal bone to all subjects presenting with bilateral vestibulopathy, using the Barany criteria, compared to the p.P51S population.

Inventory of Radiological and Vestibular Function in Cochlear Implant Candidates
Hearing LossSensorineural3 moreIn 2014 radiological lesions at one or more semicircular canals (SCC) were described using CT & MR imaging in subjects presenting advanced hearing and vestibular deterioration caused by the p.P51S mutation in COCH. Similar lesions were also described in other non-genetic advanced hearing and vestibular deterioration as well. With this prospective observational study it is the purpose to inventory imaging results of candidates for cochlear implantation which are routinely performed during the preoperative work up, since these patient present severe hearing impairment at both ears. A considerable part of them might present vestibular deterioration as well. It is the purpose to detect possible presence of these SCC lesions on CT and MR in this population and the prevalence of these lesions compared to DFNA9 patients.

Vestibular Rehabilitaion in Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
Bilateral Vestibular LossVestibular RehabilitationThe purpose of this study is to determine the etiological factors that constitute bilateral vestibular hypofunction and to investigate the effect of vestibular rehabilitation in these patients. The Caloric test and Video Head Impulse test were applied to evaluate the vestibular hypofunction picture of the patients who applied to Clinic with complaints of vertigo, dizziness and imbalance. Among these patients with BVH, those with vestibular symptoms, imbalance complaints and limited daily living activities were included in rehabilitation. In order to investigate the effectiveness of rehabilitation, oculomotor functions were evaluated using Simulation Of Vestibulo-ocular Reflex Exercises (SVORE) System, balance assessment was done with timed balance tests and quality of life assessment was performed with Dizziness Handicap Inventory.