
Active clinical trials for "Bone Marrow Diseases"

Results 141-150 of 195

Identification and Characterization of Predictive Factors of Onset of Bone Metastases in Cancer...

Bone Metastases

The aim of the present study is to identify deregulated miRNAs in oncological patients with bone metastases present within the circulating exosomes and responsible for the biological mechanisms involved in the process of bone metastasis, in order to obtain a panel of biomarkers predictive of this risk. Through appropriate molecular screening methods a specific panel of significantly deregulated miRNAs will be identified; subsequently bioinformatics analyzes through the use of dedicated databases will be carried out, based on literature data and predicted protein targets in order to identify their potential role in tumor progression, and especially in the onset of bone metastases. Attention, therefore, may be focused on the individual miRNAs identified through individual analysis analyzes of gene expression. These biomarkers could also serve as therapeutic targets, allowing to improve the effectiveness of current therapies and to undertake timely and appropriate therapeutic choices, developed on the basis of the patient's molecular characteristics

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Exercise Prescription in Patients With Bone Metastases

Advanced CancerBone Metastases

Cancer which has spread to the bone, causing bone metastases (bone tumours) can weaken bone health and increase risk of fractures (breaks). Consequently, patients can be unsure whether to exercise and health professionals can be unsure what exercise advice is suitable. Despite this, it is well known that exercise improves quality-of-life for patients with bone metastases and therefore it is important that exercise is prescribed to these patients. This study aims to increase understanding of the link between daily exercise and risk of fracture in patients with bone metastases.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

DTI of the Brain and Cervical Spine: Evaluation in Normal Subjects and Patients With Cervical Spondylotic...

Cervical Spondylosis With Myelopathy

More than half of the middle-aged population has radiologic evidence of cervical spondylosis (Irvine 1965) and a subset of this population develops cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), a condition in which the spinal cord is impaired, either by direct mechanical compression or indirectly by arterial deprivation and/or venous stasis. In this study we aim to test the hypothesis that diffusion tensor imaging can provide prognostic information on the integrity of the spine in these patients which is unavailable from conventional MRI images

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Are Rigid Cervical Collars Necessary for Open-door Laminoplasty and Titanium Arch Plates for Cervical...

Cervical Myelopathy

This is a randomized controlled trial to assess the use of rigid neck collar postoperatively. It consists of patients with cervical myelopathy undergoing open-door laminoplasty with titanium arch plates. Patients are divided into two groups: one group are not using rigid neck collar whereas the second group of patients wear rigid neck collar for three weeks postoperatively. Both groups of patients will then be assessed at fixed intervals. Clinical assessments include the cervical spine range of motion, any axial neck pain and also a full neurological examination. Radiographs will be used to assess for any complications. Cervical spine alignment and relevant questionnaires will be done and recorded. These results will help to conclude whether we can avoid the use of rigid cervical collars postoperatively, in view of the associated problems arising from restricted neck movement.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Adjacent Segment Disease After Anterior Cervical Decompression Surgery

Adjacent Segment DiseaseCervical Myelopathy2 more

Radiculopathy and/or myelopathy due to cervical degenerative disc disease are increasingly common pathologies in our ageing population. Both can be treated non-surgically or surgically. The most commonly used neurosurgical treatment is anterior cervical discectomy with or without fusion. The goal is to achieve neural decompression of the operated segment in both procedures. However, due to this fusion and reduced mobility of the cervical spine at the level of the intervention, adjacent segment disease may occur. This can lead to new symptoms like radiculopathy and/or myelopathy at an adjacent level which requires reoperation in about 2/3 of patients. Reoperations are burdensome for patients and have a socio-economic impact due to the costs of hospital admissions, operations, and secondary costs such as work-absenteeism. The primary objective of this retrospective study is to determine the occurrence of adjacent segment disease after a single- or multi-level anterior cervical discectomy with fusion procedure for radiculopathy and/or myelopathy in the investigators' centre and to compare this to the incidence in literature. The investigators also look at the risk of adjacent segment disease after different anterior surgical techniques, such as anterior cervical discectomy, anterior cervical discectomy with fusion and plating, and corpectomy. As a secondary outcome they aim to determine risk factors predicting the occurrence of adjacent segment disease.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

ERAS in Posterior Approach of Cervical Spine Operation

Cervical Myelopathy

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) strategy has been used in the patient management of different diseases. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of ERAS in the perioperative period of posterior approach of cervical spine operation among patients with CSM.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Does Heart Rate Variablity (HRV) Predict Hypotension in Patients Undergoing Cervical Myelopathy...

Heart Rate Variability

Cervical myelopathy is commonly associated with degenerative spinal disease. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is also evident in many cases of cervical myelopathy. Autonomic dysfunction may result in haemodynamic instability and hypotension under anaesthesia. It is important to maintain adequate mean arterial pressure in order to perfuse the spinal cord and prevent cord ischemia. Heart rate variability, the physiological variations of the differences between heart beats, has been used to diagnose autonomic dysfunction. In patients with cervical myelopathy it may enable the anaesthetist to predict hypotension thereby allowing for early treatment and prevention of spinal cord ischemia.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

F-18 PET Bone Scans Versus Tc-99m Bone Scans for the Diagnosis of Bone Metastases

CancerBone Metastases

The purpose of this study is to compare 18F-Fluoride PET bone scans to traditional 99mTc-MDP bone scan to determine if one is better for diagnosing bone metastases.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

A Study Comparing Denosumab vs. Zoledronic Acid for the Treatment of Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer...

Bone Metastases

The purpose of this study is to determine if denosumab is non-inferior to zoledronic acid in the treatment of bone metastases in subjects with advanced breast cancer.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Busulfan Concentration in Saliva and Plasma, and Its Relationship With Salivary Changes and Mucositis...

Bone Marrow Disease

Busulfan (Bu) has been widely used for the treatment of neoplastic and non-neoplastic hematological disturbances, with satisfactory results in terms of successful hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Individual monitoring of the Bu dosage, which is done by means of various blood sample collections, is necessary for the purpose of attaining ideal therapeutic levels and minimizing systemic toxicity. This procedure sometimes becomes costly to and uncomfortable for the patient. Saliva has been analyzed as a possible alternative fluid for this monitoring.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

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