
Active clinical trials for "Bone Marrow Diseases"

Results 151-160 of 195

Prognostic Value of DTI and fMRI of Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical myelopathy (CM) is one of the most common degenerative spinal cord disorders affecting older people. The progression of CM is insidious and the neurological decline can vary between patients. Surgical decompression is considered the most effective way to treat CM, however, it is not free from risk and the surgical outcome is not always satisfactory. The expected outcome of surgical intervention for CM remains a difficulty. There is a pressing need for a reliable and quantitative approach to predict surgical outcomes of CM and the precise prognosis. Previous studies have suggested a number of prognostic factors, such as age, duration of symptoms, pre-operative neurological status and abnormal MRI, but their prognostic value remains controversial. Recently, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and fMRI have been proposed as a promising tool for predicting the surgical prognosis of CM. In previous study, the protocol was successfully established for DTI microstructural characterization and resting state fMRI of the cervical spinal cord. This study is to evaluate the value of DTI and fMRI in predicting the outcome of surgical treatment. The ultimate goal is to establish a clinical protocol for quantitative DTI and fMRI analysis that could give accurate prognosis for surgical intervention to CM.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy - Cost Observational Surgical Trial

Cervical Spondylosis With Myelopathy

The purpose of the study is to determine the cost-effectiveness of different surgical strategies to treat cervical spondylotic myelopathy. The study will use data generated from the CSM-S Trial (NCT02076113). To determine if laminoplasty is more cost-effective compared to dorsal fusion or ventral fusion surgery. To determine the relative cost-effectiveness between anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), posterior instrumented cervical fusion (PCF), and cervical laminoplasty.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Risk Factors for Skeletal Related Events in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Bisphosphonates for...

Bone MetastasesBreast Cancer

Bone is the most common site of distant breast cancer recurrence, and 65-75% of women with advanced breast cancer will develop bone metastases during the course of their disease. The most pressing problem in management of bony metastases today, is the inability to reliably identify patients at high risk for skeletal related events (SREs) (such as bone fractures, surgery/radiotherapy for pain or prevention of fractures, high calcium levels, and spinal cord compression) despite the standard use of bone medication (bisphosphonates). Using the latest innovations both in imaging and blood tests, this novel pilot project will develop a risk model for predicting bone metastases, which will be able to identify patients who would most benefit from novel treatments, such as the multikinase inhibitor Zactima and the Src inhibitor, AZD0530. Given that approximately 1/3 of patients with metastatic breast cancer and bony disease will sustain an SRE despite use of a bisphosphonate, there is an urgent unmet need in this large population to introduce effective bone protective agents.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Study of Denosumab vs. Zoledronic Acid to Treat Bone Metastases in Subjects With Advanced Cancer...

Bone Metastases

The purpose of this study is to determine if denosumab is non-inferior to zoledronic acid (Zometa®) in the treatment of bone metastases (lytic bone lesions from multiple myeloma) in subjects with advanced cancer and multiple myeloma (excluding breast and prostate cancer)

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of Cervical Myelomalacia

Cervical Myelopathy

Deep learning technology has been used increasingly in spine surgery as well as in many medical fields. However, it is noticed that most of the studies about this subject in the literature have been conducted except of the cervical spine. In this study, we aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the deep learning algorithm in the diagnosis of cervical myelomalacia compared to conventional diagnostic methods. Artificial neural networks, a machine learning technique, have been used in several industrial and research fields increasingly. The development of computational units and the increasing amount of data led to the development of new methods on artificial neural networks

Completed3 enrollment criteria

The Establishment of the Integration of Surgery and Postoperative Intensive Recovery of Patients...

Cervical MyelopathyOssification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament in Cervical Region

This study aims to establish the specialist consensus of the integration of posterior approach surgical treatment and postoperative intensive recovery management for CSM or OPLL patients, and verify its safety, practicability and reliability.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Thromboelastography, Platelet Function and Platelet Recovery in Haemato-oncologic Patients With...

Bone Marrow DiseasesLymphoma

This is a prospective observational clinical study to characterise abnormalities of thromboelastography (TEG) parameters in patients with chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. The investigators are also studying the relationship between Multiplate analysis and bleeding in these patients and the effect of platelet transfusions on thrombopoietin level and percent reticulated platelets. The investigators' hypothesis is that changes in TEG-parameters reflect the patients tendency to bleed.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Pilot Project: Fast Whole-body Spect Scanning to Improve the Detection of Bone Metastases in Patients...

Bone Metastases

The investigators propose to investigate the performance of the image reconstruction software with resolution recovery correction for bone SPECT studies. The investigators estimate that in only 30 minutes, using this new technique of collimator de-blurring, one could perform a fully 3-dimensional SPECT whole-body bone study, essentially obviating the necessity for doing planar bone studies. In the scope of the proposed project, the investigators group aims to test the hypothesis that one can perform a Tc-99m whole-body SPECT study in the same time as a regular routine planar bone study, with greater localization accuracy, and greater lesion detection. To establish a "gold standard" necessary to assess the performance of the SPECT bone scans, the investigators will compare number of malignant lesions detected in patients who are proven to have metastatic skeletal bone lesions on PET F-18 whole-body scans, with whole-body Tc-99m SPECT lesions. The investigators also propose to compare the detection of SPECT scans with standard planar bone scans. This will allow for two major comparisons (a) the accuracy of SPECT bone studies compared to planar bone studies, and (b) the accuracy of SPECT bone scans compared to F-18 PET studies. Most prior studies purporting to show the superiority of F-18 bone scans to Tc-99 bone scans were done only against either planar scans or a combination of planar scans and partial SPECT studies over the spine. We anticipate that F-18 bone scans, due to the higher counting statistics of PET agents, will show more lesions than SPECT, but the exact increase in sensitivity has never been compared to whole-body SPECT scans.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Reorganization of Brain Functions in Patients With Cervical Myelopathy Using fMRI and MRS

Spinal Cord Diseases

Decompressive surgery to relieve symptoms of spinal cord compression due to dysfunction, such as arthritis, has proved variable in success. Past research has reported that approximately one-third of surgery patients improved, one-third remained the same and one-third worsened. Currently, there are no reliable tests that can predict the outcome following surgery. We are hoping that this study will change that. Using functional MRI (fMRI), we wish to investigate the relationship between clinical symptoms and the recovery of brain activation following surgery. One can also track the concentrations of different chemicals (metabolites) by using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). We hypothesize that the recovery of normal brain activation patterns will coincide with clinical improvement. Our objective in this study is to explore the potential role of fMRI as a tool to prognose patients with cervical myelopathy. Twenty-five patients with cervical myelopathy will be imaged using a high-powered (3 Tesla) fMRI scanner before and six months following surgery. In addition, ten healthy controls will be imaged to provide a baseline measure. Both the patient and control groups will complete questionnaires at the time of their scans. These will provide information concerning the subjective experience of the individuals throughout recovery. We will compare brain activation patterns of control and patient groups to investigate how the brain heals following decompressive surgery.

Completed26 enrollment criteria

Postural Stability in Cervical Spinal Myelopathy

Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy

Veterans are at heightened risk of developing cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) from rigors of military service. Balance and posturography are negatively affected in CSM, but require expensive equipment, and extensive training of personnel for data acquisition and interpretation. The Virtual Environment TBI Screen (VETS) is a simple and inexpensive construct that could be implemented as an aid in diagnosis and as an objective means to compare treatment modalities and track recovery. The goal for the SPiRE is to generate the critical data to support rigorous Merit studies of posturography for assessments of clinical course in the treatment and rehabilitation of CSM. The investigators' ultimate goal, if the SPiRE is successful, is to phase in objective posturography assessments as VA standard of care in CSM.

Completed11 enrollment criteria

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