Evaluation of Non-Compressive Myelopathy in a Sample of Egyptian Patients
MyelopathyNon-CompressiveAn observational study will be conducted in the Department of Neurology at AlAzhar University Hospitals To study the etiological factors of non-compressive myelopathy in a sample of Egyptian patients

Impact of Physical and Occupational Therapy Therapy in New BMT Patients
Bone Marrow TransplantationBone Marrow DiseaseThis is a single-site, non-randomized, interventional study designed to evaluate the impact of adding physical and occupational therapy consultation upon inpatient admission for a bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether consultation with physical and occupational therapists as part of the general admission order set for patients scheduled for bone marrow transplant will result in reduced complications, morbidity, length of inpatient stay, 30-day readmission and 90-day mortality. Baseline data collection will be used to determine eligibility. This study will be partially retrospective (pre-implementation of physical and occupational therapy consultation order) and partially prospective.

Diabetes/ Endocrine Surveillance in SDS
Shwachman-Diamond SyndromeShwachman-Diamond syndrome(SDS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder involving primarily the Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome gene located on chromosome 7q11. The gene effects function of the 60S ribosome by interfering with the function of the Guanasine triphosphatase elongation factor 1 in the release of eukaryotic initiation factor 6 from the 60 S ribosomal subunit for translation initiation. Seventy five percent of the individual affected by the syndrome have a biallelic mutation (258+2T>C and 183-184T > CT). The syndrome results in defects primarily in the pancreas and bone marrow resulting in pancreatic insufficiency, leukopenia with an increased risk of infection and an increased risk for acute myelocytic leukemia. Animal models that have knocked out the function of the SBDS gene in the pancreas reveals at the pancreas at birth as well as the insulin producing cells in the pancreas are normal but subsequently developed fatty infiltration and apoptosis without inflammation resulting in pancreatic exocrine insufficiency with initially normal endocrine pancreatic function. The endocrine pancreatic function declines over time such that by 12 months of age these mice show a phenotype of impaired glucose tolerance. The finding of early onset diabetes is not yet considered a manifestation of this genetic defect but likely is occurring. This study is designed to assist in understanding the prevalence of glucose abnormalities in this syndrome. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency leading to diabetes is a common hallmark of cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis related diabetes. Prevalence of glucose abnormalities in diabetes is a approaching 50% by the 2nd and 3rd decade of life in this disorder. The cystic fibrosis Foundation recommend screening for diabetes utilizing an oral glucose tolerance by the age of 10. Early diagnosis of diabetes in the syndrome as resulted in improved outcomes for patients with cystic fibrosis. It is my expectation that the prevalence of diabetes will be similar in SBDS patients. A small study performed I had the University of Cincinnati showed glucose abnormalities to occur in 5/20 individuals with the classic mutation. Investigators propose to screen patients with the classic mutation for diabetes and endocrine disease utilizing continuous glucose monitoring over a 14 day period in addition to baseline fasting blood tests for insulin, GAD 65 antibody, Fructosamine, A1c and C peptide.

Efficacy of Sr-89 for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer With Bone Metastases
Thyroid Neoplasm FollicularBone MetastasesUsing sensitive markers (such as thyroglobulin, etc) to evaluate the efficacy of strontium-89 chloride (Sr-89) in differentiated thyroid cancer with bone metastases with an aim to breaking out of its palliation effect for bone pain.

Local Treatment for Bone Metastases
Bone MetastasesThis study will carry out a prospective randomized controlled study to study the effect of different local treatment on disease control, quality of life, economic cost and even survival period of patients by randomly giving local radiotherapy or observation to patients with newly diagnosed bone metastases or patients with bone metastases after vertebroplasty.

Prospective Evaluation of Interventional Studies on Bone Metastases - the PRESENT Cohort
Bone MetastasesBone metastases are frequent distant manifestations of cancer, with pain as a common and devastating consequence. The primary treatment for painful bone metastases, external beam radiation therapy, is moderately effective: about 60% of patients who undergo conventional radiotherapy experience (partial) pain relief. Several factors associated with treatment failure have been identified, but no attempts have been made to collapse these factors into a clinically useful prediction tool to predict treatment response. In addition, to aid in therapy selection based on expected survival time, development of survival models is essential. Finally, we need innovative treatments as alternatives or additive to standard treatment options to improve quality of life (QoL). For these reasons, we set up the PRESENT cohort study, recruiting patients at the departments of radiation oncology and orthopedic surgery. We aim to provide detailed information about clinical data, create an infrastructure for efficient, fast and pragmatic evaluation and implementation of innovative interventions, as well as development of accurate new prediction tools.

TEAS for the Treatment of Pain in Bone Metastases of Lung Cancer
Cancer PainNon Small Cell Lung Cancer2 moreThis multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled research study aims to objectively evaluate the role of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS), which combines the theory of acupuncture with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy, for the treatment of pain in patients with bone metastases from lung cancer.

Shwachman Diamond Syndrome Registry and Study
Shwachman-Diamond SyndromeShwachman-Diamond Syndrome-LikeShwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a genetic condition characterized by bone marrow failure, medical co-morbidities, and leukemia predisposition. SDS-Like patients share clinical features with SDS but lack mutations in known SDS genes. Since SDS/SDS-Like syndromes are rare diseases, data are sparse regarding the clinical features, natural history, clinical outcomes with current management, and treatment. For this reason, the SDS Registry was formed to collect clinical data from medical records and to bank biological samples with the goal of understanding SDS/SDS-Like diseases to develop better treatments and improve the health of patients with these conditions.

Proprioceptive Deficits in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
Cervical MyelopathyProprioceptive deficits in degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is a progressive neurological deficits in somatosensory and motor function which affects the body balance and motor control. DCM usually presents with body incoordination, hand clumsiness and gait disturbance associated with proprioceptive dysfunction that hinders the physical performance and functions. In this study, a non-invasive assessment protocol on proprioception will be developed for detecting subtle proprioceptive deficits at the early stage of disease through simple Physical Performance Tests for population older than 45. By adopting the physical performance tests as the diagnostic predictors of DCM, we aim to avoid the development of devastating consequences and disabilities.

The Characteristic of Axial Pain and EEG Analysis of Patients After Laminoplasty
Cervical MyelopathyThe characteristic of axial pain and EEG analysis of patients after laminoplasty