Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy Repository
Cervical MyelopathyTo create a research repository of patients with known degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) and a control cohort of subjects who have non-myelopathic spinal disease. This repository will be used to assess functional and/or biological measures that may allow for improved prediction of symptomatic progression and response to treatment in patients with DCM. In addition, this repository will be used to develop a risk assessment scale to accurately predict functional outcomes following operative management of DCM.

Evaluation of Prognostic Factors: From Breast Cancer to Bone Metastases
Breast Cancer MetastaticBone MetastasesBone metastases represent a frequent complication of some solid tumours, particularly prostate, breast and lung carcinomas. Bone metastases can cause pain and give rise to the so-called "Skeletal-related Events" (SRE) such as pathological fractures and nerve compression. Despite advances in cancer treatment in general, treatment options for bone metastases remain inadequate and generally palliative. It is therefore necessary to identify patients at "high risk" of developing metastases at an early stage of neoplastic disease in order to counteract it. Therefore, the identification of changes in the expression of proteins that could be variously involved in the progression of breast cancer is of primary importance since they could act as prognostic factors and therefore address the therapeutic strategy. The aim of the investigators is to clarify the role of de-regulation of post-translational events (such as SUMOylation) in the progression of breast cancer.

Denosumab in Combination With Enzalutamide in Progressive Metastatic Castrate-resistant Prostate...
Castration-resistant Prostate CancerMetastatic Cancer1 moreOpen-label phase II multi-centre single arm study of Denosumab in combination with enzalutamide in progressive metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer.

A Study of KW-0761 in Subjects With HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy (HAM)
HTLV-1 Associated MyelopathyThe objective of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of KW-0761 after intravenous injections in subjects with HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (HAM) in Japan.

Diffusion MRI in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM)
Cervical Spondylotic MyelopathyPatients who have been diagnosed with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy will be asked to undergo an MRI using diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) technology. The patients will have this MRI preoperatively and at 24 months postop. The investigators believe that with this imaging, biomarkers will be able to be seen to assist in prediction of long term outcomes in patients with spinal cord compression. These patients will be compared to healthy cohorts who will also undergo an MRI using the DBSI technology.

Androgen Deprivation Therapy +/- Radium-223 Dichloride in Metastatic Prostate Cancer With Bone Metastases...
Prostate CancerBone Metastases1 moreNewly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer subjects with bone metastases will be accrued to this stratified randomized 2-arm Phase II trial. Subjects will be randomized 1:2 to ADT or ADT with Radium-223 dichloride respectively.

CNS Growth Factors Release and Changes in the Inflammatory Environment in Response to Electrical...
Inflammatory MyelopathiesThis research is being done to see how different amounts of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) affect cycling on factors in blood and spinal cord in people with spinal cord inflammation.

A Phase I/II Open-label Study of MCS110 in Patients With Prostate Cancer and Bone Metastases
Prostate CancerBone MetastasesThis study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of MCS110 in patients with prostate cancer and bone metastases

12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in Treating Patients With Hematologic Cancer or Bone Marrow...
Chronic Myeloproliferative DisordersLeukemia5 moreRATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop cancer cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. PURPOSE: This phase I trial is studying the side effects and best dose of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in treating patients with hematologic cancer or bone marrow disorder that has not responded to previous treatment.

Tube Feeding in Children Having a Bone Marrow Transplant
Bone Marrow DiseaseStem Cell Transplant Complications5 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the problems and a range of nutritional and clinical outcomes that occur with two feeding tubes used by children having a bone marrow transplant. Children and parents will also be interviewed to ask about their experiences of tube feeding.