Effect of Zoledronic Acid Treatment on Bone-related Events in Breast Cancer Patients With Bone Metastases:...
Histologically Confirmed Breast Cancer ,Diagnosis of Bone Metastasisnon-intervention、real world study; Effect of timing and regular treatment of zoledronic acid on the incidence of SREs in breast cancer patients

"Domino" Therapy Treat the Infection Around the Prosthesis After the Limb Salvage Surgery of Bone...
InfectionTumor resection and prosthetic replacement have become the treatments of choice for malignant bone tumors. Infections are the main cause of failure of limb salvage surgeries. Therefore, treatment of infections around prostheses after limb salvage is important, but is also challenging. Our research team designed a "domino" sequential treatment plan to treat postoperative infections around tumor prostheses and evaluated its efficacy.

A Study to Evaluate Renal Safety of Intravenous Ibandronate (Bondronat) in Participants With Metastatic...
Pain; Bone Neoplasms; Neoplasm MetastasisThis study will evaluate renal function in participants with metastatic bone disease due to breast cancer receiving intravenous (IV) infusions of ibandronate (Bondronat) 6 milligrams (mg), over either 15 minutes or 60 minutes, every 3 weeks. Efficacy and safety of ibandronate in the 2 groups of participants will also be compared. The anticipated time on study treatment is 7 months, and the target sample size is 318 individuals.

A Study of Ibandronate (Bondronat) in Participants With Metastatic Bone Disease
Pain; Bone Neoplasms; Neoplasm MetastasisThis study will evaluate the efficacy, safety, and effect on quality of life of oral ibandronate (Bondronat) in participants with breast cancer and metastatic bone disease. The anticipated time on study treatment is 25 weeks, and the target sample size is 50 individuals.

Efficacy of Radiotherapy in Combination With Zoledronic Acid in Bone Metastasis Patients With Gastrointestinal...
Bone MetastasisGastrointestinal CancerBone metastasis causes bone destruction and skeletal related events (SRE) including compression fracture, hypercalcemia, and spinal cord compression. Therefore, palliative treatments for pain control and local control have become important and multidisciplinary multimodality approach is needed for treatment of bone metastasis. The efficacy of radiotherapy (RT) for bone metastasis is well known. And the results that bisphosphonate decreases SRE in patients with solid tumor and multiple myeloma reported. In previous retrospective reports, the combination of local RT and systemic bisphosphonate was more effective than RT alone. Therefore, Investigators designed a phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of RT in combination with zoledronic acid on pain relief and the safety of RT in bone metastasis patients with gastrointestinal tumors.

Pilot, Syndros, Decreasing Use of Opioids in Breast Cancer Subjects With Bone Mets
Bone MetastasesBreast Cancer1 moreIn patients with cancer induced bone pain, addition of Syndros will improve pain relief and decrease opioid requirement.

Efficacy and Safety of MW032 and Xgeva® in Subjects With Bone Metastases From Solid Tumors
Bone MetastasesA multi-center, randomized, double-blind, parallel controlled Phase III clinical study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of MW032 and Xgeva® in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors.

Image-guided Cryoablation of Head, Neck and Spine Tumors
Head and Neck NeoplasmsMalignant Neoplasm of Vertebral ColumnThis research study is evaluating a procedure called cryoablation (the removal of diseased tissue using extreme freezing temperatures) as a possible treatment for head, neck and spine tumors.

Open-Label Access Protocol of Denosumab for Subjects With Advanced Cancer
Bone Metastases in Men With Hormone-Refractory Prostate CancerBone Metastases in Subjects With Advanced Breast CancerThis trial will facilitate access to denosumab for adults with advanced cancer who have participated in a denosumab phase 3 study until denosumab is approved and available for sale.

Isometric Muscle Training in Patients With Spinal Bony Metastases Under Radiation Therapy
Vertebral Bony MetastasesStandard indications for palliative radiation of bony metastases include pain, spinal cord compression, and impending pathologic fractures. Palliative radiation therapy serves to reduce pain, improve quality of life, and avoid complications. Tailored training of the paravertebral musculature may support radiation therapy and improve above named factors. DISPO was designed to investigate the impact of tailored physical exercise in patients with vertebral metastases as compared to manual therapy (massage etc.). The trial includes patients with painful bony metastases, patients with spinal cord compression or impending pathological fractures are excluded. The investigations are carried out in a prospective randomized controlled phase-II parallel group design.