Medical and Economic Evaluation of a Magnetic Anal Sphincter for Patients With Severe Anal Incontinence...
Fecal IncontinenceAnal IncontinenceThe purpose of this study is to compare 2 surgical treatments of severe fecal incontinence (defined as more than a major leak per week). The hypothesis of this "non-inferiority" trial is that magnetic anal sphincter is clinically as effective as SNS, but more cost-effective in managing fecal incontinence

Fecal Incontinence and Rectal Static Disorder
Fecal Continence DisordersPosterior Pelvic Static DisordersThis study evaluate the rate of occurrence of fecal incontinence in patients who had surgery for posterior pelvic static disorder versus those with medical management. The aim is also to assess the natural history of constipation symptoms and quality of life in patients with posterior pelvic static disorder.

Faecal Incontinence in Prostate Cancer Survivors Treated Whith Radiotherapy
Faecal IncontinenceProstate CancerThe objective of the study is to determine the incidence of faecal incontinence in prostate cancer survivors treated with moderately hypofractionated radiation therapy and correlate the dose received by the anal sphincter with the degree of faecal incontinence.

Functional Digestive Disorders Observatory
Irritable Bowel SyndromeDyspepsia2 moreFunctional digestive pathologies are defined by symptoms such as functional dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux, functional constipation, functional diarrhea, functional bloating, the opioid-induced constipation and fecal incontinence, without organic substratum. These diseases are very common in the general population (20%) and represent the first cause of consultation in city gastroenterology. The objective of this study is to collect prospective clinical and tests data and a biological collection from biological samples collected as part of the standard care. This collection could identify diagnostic or prognostic markers of the therapeutic response.

Electronic Mobile Phone App Stool Diary
ConstipationIncontinence BowelOur objective here is to improve the patient's compliance and accurate capture of patient reported bowel and abdominal symptoms, by utilizing a phone application that interactively records each bowel movement or leakage event and other bowel symptoms. Such an electronic stool diary may relieve the burden of using a paper daily stool diary. We will compare and validate the electronic stool diary with the paper stool diary.

Digital Intelligent Assistant for Nursing Application
Frailty SyndromeFall in Nursing Home5 moreThis is an observational study that intends to compare falls or fall-risk related alarms derived from a three-dimensional sensor system with the clinical reality definded by attending nurses.

Prospective Database of Factors Associated With Faecal vs. Double Incontinence in Patients Referred...
Double IncontinenceFaecal Incontinence1 moreThis study aims to verify the results from our previous retrospective cohort analysis by establishing a database of well-characterised patients prospectively. The different prevalence of neurological disorders, abdominal, urological and obstetrical surgery, diarrhoea and other potential associated factors as well as the importance of abnormalities identified by 3D high resolution anorectal manometry (HARM) will be compared between subjects with feacal incontinence (FI), double incontinence (DI) and controls. Presence and severity of both FI and urinary incontinence (UI) will be evaluated by disease specific questionnaires. Measuring both disease severity and Quality of Life (QoL) is needed to determine the true impact of incontinence. Finally, the impact on quality of life will be compared between both groups.

Lateral Episiotomy or Not in Vacuum Assisted Delivery in Non-parous Women
Pelvic Floor DisordersFecal Incontinence2 moreNulliparous women with a live singleton pregnancy in cephalic presentation past 34 gestational weeks will be randomized to lateral episiotomy or no episiotomy when operative vaginal delivery by vacuum extraction is indicated. Primary outcome is clinically diagnosed obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASIS) of any degree.

A Prospective, Multi-center, Randomized, Blinded Study to Evaluate Durasphere FI for the Treatment...
Fecal IncontinenceThe purpose of this study is to evaluate a new injectable bulking agent for the treatment of fecal incontinence in adult men and women. This study has been designed to assess the safety, effectiveness and performance of Durasphere in adults suffering from fecal incontinence under monitored clinical conditions. The frequency and severity of fecal incontinence symptoms will be measured using a modified Cleveland Clinic Incontinence Score as the primary criteria by which success is evaluated.

Treatment of Patients With Fecal Incontinence
Fecal IncontinenceThe purpose of this study is to determine if a behavioral treatment method called biofeedback will reduce the frequency of episodes of leakage of fecal material in patient suffering from fecal incontinence.