Multi-Parametric Brain Cancer MRI
Brain TumorsThe purpose of this pilot study is to test new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition and processing techniques on primary brain tumor patients. The objectives are to improve image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) planning (first part of the study) and treatment monitoring (second part).

Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery With Concurrent Bevacizumab for Brain Metastases: A Phase...
Brain NeoplasmThe investigators propose a new treatment strategy of fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery with concurrent bevacizumab for brain metastases. This phase I dose-escalation study is to establish the feasibility of this strategy and find the recommended doses.

A Study of Fotemustine(FTM) Vs FTM and Ipilimumab (IPI) or IPI and Nivolumab in Melanoma Brain Metastasis...
Brain MetastasesThis Phase 3, open-label, triple arm study aims to evaluate the overall survival (OS) of fotemustine versus the combination of ipilimumab and fotemustine or the combination of Ipilimumab and nivolumab in patients with metastatic melanoma with brain metastasis.

Study of EGFR-TKI to Asymptomatic Brain Metastases of NSCLC
Asymptomatic Brain Metastases of Non Small Cell Lung CancerThe purpose of this study is to determine whether EGFR-TKI can control the development of intracranial lesions in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer patients with asymptomatic brain metastases, and the difference in progression free survival between exon 19 and exon 21 mutations.

18-F-Fluoroacetate as PET Imaging Agent
Brain CancerBreast Cancer1 moreThe goal of this clinical research study is to find out the highest tolerable dose of an imaging solution called 18-F-fluoroacetate sodium that can be given before a positron emission tomography (PET) scan. The safety of this solution will also be studied.

Sector Irradiation Versus Whole Brain Irradiation for Brain Metastasis
Metastatic Malignant Neoplasm to the Adult BrainMicroneurosurgical resection of intracerebral metastases leads to prolonged survival and relief of symptoms in selected patients. To minimize the risk of intracranial recurrence whole brain irradiation has been established as standard adjuvant treatment in those patients. Sector irradiation resembles a brain - tissue - sparing method by focusing the irradiation in the area of the tumor bed and a surrounding 1mm security margin. The aim of this study is to investigate whether adjuvant "sector""-irradiation following microsurgical resection is equal to adjuvant whole brain irradiation in terms of local control and superior to in terms of quality of life and neurocognitive deficits in a prospective randomized trial.

Intraoperative MRI and 5-ALA Guidance to Improve the Extent of Resection in Brain Tumor Surgery...
Primary Malignant Neoplasm of Nervous SystemGlioma2 moreThe investigators hypothesize that the rate of radiologically complete resections of contrast-enhancing brain tumors following surgeries aided by use of 5-ALA induced fluorescence guidance and use of an intraoperative ultra-low field MRI is higher compared to surgeries aided by 5-ALA induced fluorescene alone.

Proteome-based Immunotherapy of Brain Metastases From Breast Cancer
Neoplasm MetastasisTrial Hypothesis: Acute, progressing lethal neurooncological process can be transferred into chronic and non-lethal, the survival rates and life quality can be improved by of control of tumor cells (TCs) quantity and targeted regulation of effector functions of tumor stem cells (TSCs). Brief Description: The first line therapy of brain metastases of breast cancer (BMBC) involves allogeneic haploidentical hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), dendritic vaccine (DV) and cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTLs). TCs and TSCs are isolated from BMBC sample. Dendritic cells are isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells and cultured. Tumor sample provides tumor specific antigens to prepare DV. CTLs are obtained from peripheral blood after DV administrations. HSCs are harvested from closely related donor after granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) administration. Allogeneic HSCs are administered intrathecally 5 times every 2 weeks, at day 1, 14, 28, 42, 56. DV is given 3 times every 2 weeks (day 14, 28, 42) subcutaneously in four points. CTLs are administered every 2 weeks for 3 months, then 3 times every 1 month intrathecally. Six months after the therapy completion, the efficiency is evaluated and the cohort demonstrating efficiency continues the therapy, while cohort demonstrating no efficiency is transferred to active comparator arm. Second line therapy involves DV with recombinant proteins, CTLs and autologous HSC with modified proteome. Autologous HSCs are mobilized by G-CSF. Carcinogenesis-free intracellular pathways of signal transduction able to respond to targeted regulation of therapeutic cell systems with specific properties, are detected in TSCs using complete transcriptome profiling of gene expression, proteome mapping and profiling of proteins, bioinformation and mathematical analysis and mathematical modeling of protein profiles. To find key oncospecific proteins in TSCs and TCs, the targets for TSCs regulation are detected, as well as protein ligands able to regulate reproductive and proliferative properties of TSCs. Using these data of TCs and TSCs proteins, the cell preparations to initiate adoptive immune response are prepared: DV loaded with recombinant proteins analogous to key tumor antigens, CTLs and autologous proteome-based HSCs. Autologous HSCs, DV and CTLs are administered as in the first line therapy.

Radiation Therapy With or Without Temozolomide in Treating Women With Brain Metastases and Breast...
Breast CancerMetastatic CancerRATIONALE: Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill tumor cells. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as temozolomide, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. It is not yet known whether radiation therapy is more effective when given alone or together with temozolomide in treating brain metastases secondary to breast cancer. PURPOSE: This randomized phase II trial is studying how well radiation therapy given together with temozolomide works compared with radiation therapy given alone in treating women with brain metastases and breast cancer.

Neuradiab® Combined With Bevacizumab (Avastin) Therapy in Patients With Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme...
Brain TumorsBradmer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Bradmer) is requesting approval to study the safety of Neuradiab® when combined with Bevacizumab (Avastin) therapy given at a minimum of 30 days after Neuradiab administration in patients with a first or second recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), in an attempt to manage life threatening recurrence of Grade IV malignant glioma.