Intravenous Anesthesia Versus Anesthesia With Volatile Agents in Elective Craniotomy for Tumors...
Brain NeoplasmsIf the anesthetic regimen can influence the serum level of inflammatory cytokines and if the levels of cytokines are related to the incidence of post operative complications, these complications may be a function of the anesthetic method. In an effort to find the best anesthetic regimen for patients undergoing craniotomy for intracranial tumors, the researchers will compare the effect of volatile anesthetic with that of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) on cytokine levels. The researchers will also compare the composite incidence of some common major post-operative complications after craniotomy for intracranial malignancy.

Icotinib Combined With Radiation Therapy For NSCLC Patients With Brain Metastases and EGFR Mutation...
Non-Small Cell Lung CancerBrain MetastasesThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of icotinib in combination with radiotherapy for NSCLC patients with brain metastases. The primary endpoint is PFS of intracranial lesions

Stereotactic Radiosurgery Combination With Anlotinib for Limited Brain Metastases With Perilesional...
Stereotactic Body Radiation TherapyThe purpose of this study is to determine whether stereotactic radiosurgery combination with Anlotinib is safe, effective in the treatment of limited brain metastases with Perilesional edema in non-small cell lung cancer.

SRS Sequential Sindilimab in Brain Metastasis of NSLSC
NSCLC Stage IVBrain Metastases2 moreA phase II study on the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis by SRS sequential sintilimab

Evaluation of Repeated Whole Brain Radiotherapy Versus Best Supportive Care for Multiple Brain Metastases....
Brain MetastasasesWhole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) has been established as the treatment standard in patients with multiple cerebral metastases from solid tumors. However, intracerebral recurrence is possible and a repeated WBRT may be indicated to improve intracerebral tumor control. Each institutsion offers different dosing regimens, which have all been published to be safe and effective. Some favor best supportive care only. The current study protocol is aimed at evaluating primarily the toxicity as well as secondarily the local and loco-regional tumor control, overall survival and QoL after repeated WBRT using 2 different dose concepts (20 Gy in 10 Fx vs. 30 Gy in 15 Fx) compared to BSC.

A Study to Determine the Efficiency For Brain Metastasis NSCLC Patients Treated With Icotinib Alone...
Non Small Cell Lung CancerBrain MetastasesThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of icotinib alone or in combination with radiation therapy for NSCLC patients harboring EGFR mutation with brain metastases. The primary endpoint is overall survival .

Elective Simultaneous Modulated Accelerated Brain Radiation Therapy for NSCLCs With Limited Brain...
Brain MetastasesBrain metastases are the most common intracranial tumors in adults. Whole-brain radiation therapy (WBI) increases the median survival of patients with brain metastases up to 3-6 months, but WBI can lead to the decline of cognition and quality of life, with short local control time. The use of SIB(simultaneous integrated boost) technology can increase the local control rate. Hippocampus avoidance can effectively reduce the cognitive impairment caused by WBI.This study was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of selective brain radiotherapy (EBI)(based on SIB and hippocampus, inner ear avoidance )in NSCLCs with limited brain metastases.

Pembrolizumab With Standard Cytotoxic Chemotherapy in Treatment Naive Non-small Cell Lung Cancer...
Non-small Cell Lung CancerThis is a Phase II single center, open-label, single arm study in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (stage IV) with brain metastases. This study will be treated with combination of Pembrolizumab 200mg plus platinum doublet based on histology subtypes.

Cytoprotective Effect and Clinical Outcome of Perioperative Proesterone in Brain Tumors
Diffuse Traumatic Cerebral EdemaNeuronal injury is evident in elective craniotomy for space occupying lesions. Surgical trauma and mechanichal impact of the tumor causes neuronal injury. Neurosreroid progesterone is a neurotransmittern , trail to use in abolishing neurotoxcicty

X-396 (Ensartinib) Capsules in ALK-Positive NSCLC Patients With Brain Metastases
Lung CancerNonsmall Cell1 moreTo assess efficacy and safety of oral X-396 (Ensartinib) capsule in Chinese ALK-positive NSCLC patients with brain metastases, eligible patients will be enrolled with objective responses being primary outcome measures.