Wei Nasal Jet Tube vs Nasal Cannula Oxygen Support in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Patients
Supraglottic Airway ObstructionAirway Complication of Anesthesia5 moreSedoanalgesia is applied to patients during gastrointestinal endoscopy. Sedoanalgesia may cause respiratory depression and hypoxia in patients. During these procedures, patients should be given oxygen support to reduce the incidence of hypoxia.This study aimed to compare the efficacy and procedural performance of two different airway devices (Wei Nasal Jet Tube vs Nasal Cannula Oxygen Support) in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

BronchospasmSeveral studies show that unnecessary and frequent visits to the emergency department for bronchospasm care are associated with inadequate management of inhalers and poor education on the approach to respiratory distress. Main objective: To determine the degree of frequentation to the pediatric emergency department for bronchospasm at 1, 3 and 6 months after the educational intervention. Design: Randomized controlled clinical trial with two groups: EXPERIMENTAL will receive the educational intervention, along with usual care, and CONTROL will receive usual care. Subjects: pediatric patients (2-15 years) diagnosed with bronchospasm; in home treatment with inhalation chambers; and their parents. Emergency Department recruitment. Follow-up at home

Diagnosis of EIB in Young Elite Athletes (13-18 y)
Exercise Induced BronchospasmAthletes1 moreThe investigators recently observed airway inflammation and increased damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) level in sputum of children (age 11-12y) and adolescents (18-23y) from elite sport programs in Belgium with increased risk of bronchoconstriction upon extreme exercise. They here want to validate these findings in a cohort 13-18y.

Measurement of Expiratory Flow Variability for the Detection of Bronchospasm in Infants Using the...
HealthyWheezing1 moreWheezing in infants and children less than 3 years of age children is a frequent feature that might be difficult to diagnose when only the caregivers reporting is available. Indeed, in this age group the usual reversible flow limitation measure during pulmonary function testing (PFT) is missing because PFT techniques require the full patient cooperation to perform respiratory tests. Infants PFTs have been developed to measure the same indexes than those measured in adults, but they are difficult to set-up and require medication- induced sleep during day time. However, when flow limitation is sufficient it can be detected during tidal breathing as measured during spirometry using pneumotachograph (PNT). In this test, the tidal breathing flow-volume (TBFV) loop is recorded and studied using different indices to assess the airflow limitation. But, there again, when addressing infants or very young children quiet breathing can only be achieved during sleep and medication- induced sleep necessary. Impedance pneumography (IP) is a method for measuring changes in the thoracic electrical impedance through skin electrodes, which varies as a function of lung aeration i.e. breathing. This technique has mainly been applied to monitor respiratory rate in intensive care settings, but recent technical advancements in IP signal processing and electrode placement strategy have enabled IP to be used for accurate non-invasive tidal flow signal measurement. Compared to direct PNT, high agreement in flow signal and TBFV indices has been demonstrated in young children as well as in infants, even during induced bronchoconstriction. Moreover, in overnight recordings at home, IP was found feasible for quantifying nocturnal TBFV variability in young children with lower respiratory symptoms. In this study, it was shown that preschool children with high risk of asthma present with increased variation of tidal flow profile shape, and momentarily lowered chaoticity, compared to children with lower risk of asthma. Recently a study in Tampere University Hospital (TAUH) Allergy centre (Tampere, Finland, PSHP ethical committee code R14027, ClinicalTrials.gov code NCT02164968) finished collecting overnight TBFV using impedance pneumography on 70 young children with suspected asthma. The preliminary analysis of this data shows that the effect of asthma treatment can be seen in TBFV variability, but to assess the diagnostic capacity of this new method, healthy control sample should be collected. The technology developed by the Finnish medical device company Revenio Research Oy enables to evaluate the variability of the expiratory flow-volume curve. It is calculate as the expiration variability index (EVI) which is decreased in case of bronchoconstriction. In order to explore very young children (less than 3 years of age) unable to participate to any awake lung function test, we set-up a study aiming to: 1) establish reference value for EVI in healthy children 2 months to 3 years old 2) test the variation of EVI in case of acute disease with or without wheezing in this age group children. In this observational prospective multicenter study, we will include 110 asymptomatic healthy subjects to compute reference values of EVI. We will also include 35 previously healthy subjects who have developed an acute non wheezing disease such as fever, rhinitis, otitis or bronchitis to compare their EVI to the reference values. And finally, we will recruit 35 young subjects with an acute wheezing episode. All measurements will be performed at home by the parents, except for some wheezy children who could be hospitalized. It will be proposed to record 2 consecutive nights in healthy asymptomatic children in order to evaluate the night-to-night variability which has already shown to be small in older children. In this multicentre study 120 children will be recruited by the present study in France and the remaining 60 children in another English centre using the same design and technology. It is expected that only children with acute wheezing episode will have a significantly low EVI compare to the reference values established by this study.

Adaptation to Ozone in Individuals With Asthma/Exercise-induced Bronchoconstriction
AsthmaAsthma3 moreResearchers found that impairments in the cardiopulmonary system caused by acute exposure to ozone were outweighed by repeated exposures to ozone. The goal of this study is to confirm there will be an adaptation similar to what was previously proved but in individuals with asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). The purpose is to examine adaptive responses in a randomized cross-over trial in which physically active individuals will perform submaximal exercise on five days in ozone and filtered air exposures separated by a washout period.

Evaluation of Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction Using a Novel Automated Digital Clinical Decision...
Exercise Induced AsthmaExercise Induced Bronchospasm1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to assess if the unstandardized field exercise challenge test (ECT) using AsthmaTuner can be performed independently by youths that have been investigated for asthma. This is an open feasibility study including youths who have been investigated for asthma. Participants will be equipped with a digital spirometer and mobile phone app to perform an exercise tests in their natural training environment. Feasibility will be evaluated using questionnaires.

Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort
AsthmaWheezing4 moreThe Swiss Paediatric Airway Cohort (SPAC) is a national, prospective clinical cohort of children and adolescents who visit physicians in Switzerland for recurrent wheeze, cough, and exercise- or sleep-related respiratory problems. SPAC aims to answer important questions on clinical phenotypes, prognosis, diagnosis and treatment. SPAC is part of routine care, and only clinically indicated investigations are done. The comprehensive baseline assessment includes a detailed questionnaire to families, plus test results, diagnoses and treatments from hospital records. Follow-up is via monthly questionnaires the first 12 months and thereafter annual questionnaires to families, and data from follow-up visits. Currently, 4344 patients from 10 clinics and hospitals in Switzerland (Aarau, Basel, Bern, Chur, Horgen, Lausanne, Luzern, St. Gallen, Worb, Zurich) have been enrolled. SPAC provides real-life data on children visiting the Swiss health care system for common respiratory problems. It will provide a research platform for health services research, and for nested clinical and transitional studies. Publications and plain language summaries are listed on the study website: https://www.spac-study.ch/publikationen/

Avoiding Neuromuscular Blockers to Reduce Complications
Respiratory FailureRespiratory Infection4 moreThe goal of this study to evaluate whether eliminating the use of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) for maintenance of general anesthesia reduces postoperative pulmonary complications in higher risk patients.

A First Time In Human Study To Assess The Compound GSK615915
BronchospasmGSK615915A is being developed as a novel surfactant for use in the formulation of GSK's future generation of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs). A surfactant in a MDI would provide a more stable drug suspension, this in turn will produce a consistent dose of drug being delivered with each puff.

Comparison of Two Bronchodilator Inhalers in Adolescents and Adults With Exercise-Induced Asthma...
Exercise-induced BronchospasmThis study was designed to examine the effectiveness of two bronchodilator inhalers in patients who have exercise-induced asthma.