ZETA : Prospective Observational Study
Metastatic Colon CancerPrimary objective - Evaluate the efficacy in terms of progression-free survival (PFS) of aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI in patients treated routinely for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) after failure of treatment with oxaliplatin + EGFR. Secondary objective Evaluate the efficacy of aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI on the 2-year overall survival rate and the objective response rate. Evaluate the tolerance profile of aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI. Observational study, national, multicenter, cohort, prospective without intervention on the therapeutic strategy.•

Detection Of Colonic Polyps In India: Diagnostic Colonoscopy
Colonic PolypColonic Adenoma1 moreColorectal carcinoma (CRC) is the third most common cancer in male and female worldwide. In India, it is the fourth most common cause of cancer in males and third most common cancer in female. Age, smoking, colonic adenomatous polyp, family history are traditional risk factor for CRC. The vast majority of CRC results from malignant transformation from adenoma, which is called as adenoma carcinoma sequence. These adenomatous polyps grows slowly over many years and malignant transformation eventually occurs over 10 years. So, the early detection and removal of polyp at early stage should benefit in preventing CRC.

LRP1 and Colon Cancer
Colon CancerAdenocarcinomaColorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health problem in France and worldwide. CRC is the third most common cancer in incidence and mortality in France. The vast majority of these cancers are adenocarcinomas that arise sporadically and develop from precursor lesions: adenoma. All CCR with the same disease stage do not have the same prognosis. Various parameters have been identified as factors influencing the prognosis and allows adjustment of the treatment. The poor histoprognostic factors are vessels and nerves invasion by the tumor or the mucinous adenocarcinoma subtype. At the molecular level, the presence of microsatellite instability (MSI) improves the prognosis, while the presence of a BRAF mutation is an independent poor prognostic factor. LRP-1 is a multifunctional endocytic receptor that belongs to the family of LDL receptors. It is involved in the clearance of matrix proteases. A loss of expression or a decrease of the LRP-1 activity is correlated with an increase of aggressiveness of cancer cells. This effect was demonstrated in vitro in vesicular thyroid carcinomas after LRP-1 blocking. The decrease in the immunohistochemical expression and LRP-1 genomic in hepatocellular carcinomas and lung adenocarcinomas was correlated with a decrease in the overall survival. In CRC, only one immunohistochemical expression study of LRP-1 in colonic adenocarcinoma has been published to date. This study shows that tumor cells express LRP-1, but in nearly half the cases, weaker than in normal colonic cells. The clinical and prognostic impact of LRP-1 expression in colon cancer and its association with a particular molecular or morphological profile has not been studied to date. In this work, the investigators will study the immunohistochemical and genic expression of LRP-1 in a series of colorectal cancers.

Strigolactones and Dysplastic Colonic Lesions or Cancer
Colonic NeoplasmsColonic PolypsThe purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the plant hormones strigolactones, on cell cultures of colonic polyps and colorectal cancer.

The 'SILVERMAN1' Trial Single Incision Laparoscopic Versus Existing Resection (Minimal Access) for...
Right Colon TumorsCurrent evidence regarding the optimal surgical approach to potentially curable right colonic cancer is based on numerous, well designed randomised controlled clinical trials. Currently, eminence based opinion suggests that an alternative surgical technique, single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), may improve short and long term outcomes after minimally invasive right colonic resection. A true, prospective analysis comparing standard of care (laparoscopic right hemicolectomy) and this "new" therapy(SILS) has yet to be published. Having established the optimum treatment modality the minimally invasive approach to right colonic tumors the results will be communicated at national and international meetings.

Colon Cancer Prognosis After Radical Surgery
Colon CancerRadical surgery. It is supposed to improve prognosis of colon cancer. A surrogate measure of achievement of radical surgery is the number of lymph nodes removed with the specimen. Markers. There may be variables that may make patient assessment more sound. The project is including investigation of such markers (genes, old age, comorbidity, and others). Laparoscopic resections. This is being used more and more in cancer surgery but the feasibility of this approach remains to be proven compared with conventional open surgery. The project compares these according to 1) and 2). Morbidity and mortality must be surveilled to keep at a minimum. Many patients have comorbidity and are old to make this factor extra important, including perioperative care. Proper treatment of colon metastases may prolong life. Treatment of lung-metastases will be studied in particular.

Comparison Between ex Vivo and in Vivo Injection of Blue Dye in Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping for...
Sentinel Lymph Node BiopsyColon CancerThe technique of sentinel lymph node mapping in patients with colon cancer varies among reports, and the optimal method remain to be established. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal injection technique for sentinel lymph node mapping for colon cancer.

Endogenous Mechanisms of Inactivation of the Endothelium Tumor
Breast CancerColon CancerThe role of immunity in the development of cancers, and the associated escape mechanisms, have attracted renewed interest since the publication of tests testing immunological checkpoint inhibitors. One of the steps in the probably least studied immunological response is the penetration of immunocompetent cells within the tumor across the vascular barrier. This infiltration is suggested as a prognostic and predictive marker of treatment response, particularly in triple negative HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2) overexpressing breast cancers. The methods of evaluating these infiltrates are complex and have been the subject of recommendations. A better understanding of the mechanisms of infiltration of immunity cells within tumors will certainly help to better understand the impact of cancer treatments and develop new therapeutic strategies. It is this issue of vascular endothelium that Dr. Soncin's team is developing as part of an INCa (Institut National du cancer) project. The egfl7 / VE-statin (vascular endothelial-statin) gene is thought to be involved in transendothelial passage of immune cells from vascular lumen to tumor. Its expression has already been studied in a series of breast cancers. Other markers of endothelial activation are currently being identified. The main objective of this project will be to better understand the behavior of the endothelium in a population of breast cancer where the infiltrate in immune cells is precisely likely to play a leading role. This retrospective cohort of 250 to 300 cases treated with adjuvant and neoadjuvant will be immunologically characterized using the recommendations of Salgado et al. that a multicentric team of pathologists will take ownership. This evaluation will be counter-appraised. Once our cohort is immunologically characterized, our project will focus on better understanding the endothelial mechanisms involved: which cells? immunophenotyping of immunity cells. By which vessels? (measurement of densities in blood and lymphatic vessels, density in HEV). By what mechanisms? Do the actors identified in vitro within the Inca project have an in vivo translation

Microbiome Analysis in esoPhageal, PancreatIc and Colorectal CaNcer Patients Undergoing Gastrointestinal...
Gastrointestinal CancerColorectal Cancer9 moreThe MA-PPING is a multicenter prospective observational study that includes patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer. The study aims to map the oral and gut microbiome of patients diagnosed with pancreatic, esophageal or colorectal cancer during their surgical patient journey from the moment of diagnosis until full recovery (three months after surgery).

Improving Food Pleasure and Intake of Oncology Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Colon CancerBreast Cancer1 moreThe global cancer burden is estimated to have risen to 18.1 million new cases in 2018 (WHO), with a trend of ongoing growth. This very frequent illness exerts tremendous physical, emotional and financial strain on individuals, families, communities and health systems. Malnutrition (under- or over-nutrition) is highly prevalent in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and is an important predictor of morbidity, mortality, treatment response and toxicity. Alterations in taste and smell are frequently reported as side effect of chemotherapy and may contribute strongly to malnutrition and to a worsen quality of life and wellbeing social, emotional, and role functioning. There are evidences that chemotherapy influences food liking and appetite with implications for food behaviours, including food enjoyment, food preference and dietary intake. A linkage between alterations in taste and /or smell and food behaviours has been reported by some studies but not all, suggesting that there is a need for more research using common standardised methodologies and larger sample size to gain a further insight into this topic.