Improving Food Pleasure and Intake of Oncology Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Colon CancerBreast Cancer1 moreThe global cancer burden is estimated to have risen to 18.1 million new cases in 2018 (WHO), with a trend of ongoing growth. This very frequent illness exerts tremendous physical, emotional and financial strain on individuals, families, communities and health systems. Malnutrition (under- or over-nutrition) is highly prevalent in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and is an important predictor of morbidity, mortality, treatment response and toxicity. Alterations in taste and smell are frequently reported as side effect of chemotherapy and may contribute strongly to malnutrition and to a worsen quality of life and wellbeing social, emotional, and role functioning. There are evidences that chemotherapy influences food liking and appetite with implications for food behaviours, including food enjoyment, food preference and dietary intake. A linkage between alterations in taste and /or smell and food behaviours has been reported by some studies but not all, suggesting that there is a need for more research using common standardised methodologies and larger sample size to gain a further insight into this topic.

Efficacy and Safety Study of Complete Mesocolic Excision for Colon Cancer
Colon CancerSurgeryIn 2009, Prof. Hohenberger proposed complete mesocolic excision (CME) as standardized, in which the same principle of TME in rectal cancer has been applied to the colon. More and more surgeons pay attention to the rationality of this surgical approach. However, the clinical application researches are still few, in particular the prospective controlled study is still none. This clinical trial will compare the CME group and non-CME group to evaluate the outcome and safety of CME for apply in clinic.

Epidemiological Study of Colorectal Cancer in WuHan
DiarrheaConstipation4 moreThe incidence risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasing at 4.2% year by year in China. Most effective way to reduce the death rate of CRC patients is to diagnose in quite an early stage. QiaoKou District is a chemical industry Zone of Wuhan with a long history, which has few data of CRC epidemiology. The investigators design the primary CRC screening for this district by healthy questionnaire, Fecal Occult Blood Test(FOBT) and colonoscopy. HanYang Areo has been chosen as Control for its non-industry environment.The crowd would be screen biennially. The high risk group would be intervened, such as resection of polyps or other specific treatment. A follow-up registration database has been built for analysis the relationship between incidence or death rate to high risk factors, such as age, life environment, lifestyles, base diseases and family history of cancer. This study will provide some epidemiology dates of CRC to the local Government, and assist the governor to built a more effective screening system of CRC.

Impact of Methylation Alterations in Colon Cancer: Epidemiology and Prognosis
Colon CancerWe conducted a preliminary study in 2010 using the innovative Illumina GoldenGate (methylation assay) which has enabled us to characterize the level of methylation of 807 potential markers on a series of 200 adenocarcinomas of the colon (C18) and rectosigmoid junction (C19) resected between 1998 and 2001. The results, validated by pyrosequencing, allowed us to establish a panel of 12 markers to assess the level of methylation. The aim of this project is to validate the prognostic value of this panel in a second cohort of patients with adenocarcinomas (stage I to IV) resected between 2002 and 2006 in public and private hospitals (n=685). This study relies on an original collection of surgical specimens of colorectal cancers resected in public and private hospitals among patients resident in the département of Côte-d'Or and followed by the cancer registry of Burgundy. Samples obtained from each cancer and from adjacent normal mucosa are stored in liquid nitrogen in the Ferdinand Cabane Biological Resources Centre(certified S 96900). Annotations are collected by the cancer registry staff from multiple sources (pathologists, gastroenterologists, oncologists and radiotherapists). Pyrosequencing will be used to quantify the level of methylation. The percentage of methylated allele for each marker on cancerous DNA and the ratio of methylated markers to the number of markers analyzed will be determined. The molecular status of MSI, BRAF, KRAS, and PI3K will be taken into consideration. To study the prognosis, relative and relapse free-survival will be calculated. A multivariate relative survival analysis will be performed to determine independent prognostic factors taking into account the characteristics of patients and tumours and epigenetic and molecular alterations. Epigenetic alterations will be described according to age group, sex and subsite. The epigenetic phenotypes will be evaluated according to already known molecular status using logistic regression models.

A Survey on Attitudes on Financial Incentives
ObesityColon CancerThe study concerns a survey of attitudes of the public on issues around personal responsibility for health and the use of financial incentives to promote health in the U.S. and Germany. All data are gathered anonymously through online platforms. Two separate professional panel providers are used for access to members of the public. All participants are people who have voluntarily joined a survey panel in the past through an informed consent process and currently serve as panel members.

Colon Cancer Risk-stratification Via Optical Analysis of Rectal Ultrastructure
Colon CancerThis is a study whose focus is on understanding the clinical utility of rectal ultrastructure in detecting colonic neoplasm. The method uses Low-coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy (LEBS).

Prognostic Value of the Immunoscore® Colon Test for Disease Free Survival Stratification in Stage...
Colorectal CancerStage III Colon CancerThe primary objective is to validate that the Immunoscore® test (IS0 to IS4) is able to identify patients with high risk (IS 0-1) of relapse or death whichever occurs first among Stage III patients under oxaliplatin-based adjuvant therapy. Then the prognostic value of Immunoscore® Colon to predict disease free survival (DFS) will be assessed in Stage III patients under Oxaliplatin treatment in each arm of the IDEA trial (6- months and 3-months treatment). Finally, the additive value of the Immunoscore® test to stratify the DFS will be evaluated among standard clinical and biological parameters and tumor features.

OctavaColon Cancer Blood Tests OctavaGold and OctavaSilver - Blood Tests for the Help in Diagnosis...
Colon CancerThe OctavaColon tests are qualitative plasma tests that are indicated to people above 18 years of age suspected with colon abnormality. The blood tests will provide additional information to the doctor in the course of colon cancer diagnosis for both normal population and high risk population

Metabiomics Colon Cancer Clinical Research Study
Colonic NeoplasmsThe specific aim of the study is to determine the false negative rate of the Metabiomics Colon Polyp and Colorectal Cancer Assay for Cancer.

Breath Testing for Breast and Colon Cancer Diagnosis- NaNose Study
Breast CancerColon CancerThe concept of breath testing for various diseases has been around since ancient greece. It has been hypothesized that cancer is generating a unique pattern of compounds in patients' breath. This study is trying to characterize a novel system, based on nanoparticles technology, for cancer diagnosis through breath samples.