Phase IA Study of AAVrh.10hFXN Gene Therapy for the Cardiomyopathy of Friedreich's Ataxia
Friedreich AtaxiaCardiomyopathies2 moreThe purpose of this study is to test the safety and preliminary efficacy of AAVrh.10hFXN to treat the cardiomyopathy associated with Friedreich's ataxia (FA). AAVrh.10hFXN is a serotype rh.10 adeno-associated virus gene transfer vector coding for Frataxin (FXN). The drug is administered intravenously. This is a phase 1, open label, dose escalation study with a total of 10 participants.

Sodium Glucose Co-Transporter 2 (SGLT2) and STEMI
Heart AttackEnlarged HeartThe purpose of the research is to determine whether a medication called dapagliflozin will improve the heart's function and reduce its enlargement after a heart attack. Participation in this study will involve taking the medication dapagliflozin (or a placebo) once daily for six months, one cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test during your initial hospitalization, follow-up phone calls at 1 and 3 months, and one cardiac MRI and clinic visit at six months.

Reverse Remodeling Effects of CDR132L in Patients With Heart Failure With Mildly Reduced or Preserved...
Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection FractionThis is a Phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study including approximately 130 randomized HF patients with heart failure with mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction (LVEF ≥45%), to assess efficacy and safety of CDR132L on reverse remodeling. In this study, patients with HFpEF (EF ≥50%) or HFmrEF (LVEF 45-49%) will be included.

The Association Between Anemia and Cardiomegaly
Anemia in ChildrenCardiomegalyAnemia is one of the major global problems that continues to this day. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, anemia is found in 1.62 billion people or equivalent to 24.8% of the world's population while, the prevalence of anemia in children under 6 years of age in Indonesia reached 38.4%. Anemia, if undiagnosed or untreated for a long period of time can lead to multiorgan failure. The cardiovascular system is the most commonly affected system in chronic anemia. Between one-third and two-thirds of patients with severe anemia have cardiomegaly and this will return to normal within a few weeks after the anemia is well managed. This abnormality can be evaluated on chest radiograph or echocardiography.

Cardiac Allograft Remodeling and Effects of Sirolimus
Cardiac HypertrophyImmunosuppressionCardiac allograft remodeling causes poor quality of life, allograft failure and increased mortality after heart transplantation. Risk factors for cardiac allograft remodeling and its progression are poorly defined and there is a need for effective interventions.This is a multi-factorial phenomenon, associated with various immunological and non-immunological factors. Animal studies suggest M-TOR inhibition attenuates cardiac allograft remodeling secondary to down-regulation of M-TOR downstream targets and increased autophagy. There is a paucity of data regarding effect of Sirolimus, a M-TOR inhibitor, on human heart remodeling. This aim of the proposal to identify the prevalence of cardiac allograft remodeling on current immunosuppressive strategies and determine risk factors for its development. It will also identify molecular pathways associated with cardiac allograft remodeling and determine the impact of Sirolimus on these pathways.

Effects of SGLT2 Inhibitor on Hemodynamic Parameters in Resistant Hypertensive Subjects
HypertensionDiabetes Mellitus6 moreNew strategies trying to achieve blood pressure control and consequently reduce cardiovascular risk in resistant hypertensive subjects are promising. In this context, the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin, not yet investigated in resistant hypertension, arises as a potential drug in order to impact on blood pressure levels, as well as target organ damage and adiposity in this high-risk population.

Effect of Etelcalcetide on Cardiac Hypertrophy in Hemodialysis Patients
Secondary HyperparathyroidismChronic Kidney Disease Requiring Chronic Dialysis1 moreBackground: Calcimimetic therapy has been shown to reduce systemic FGF23 levels, which themselves are associated with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods/design: This is a randomized multicenter trial in which the effect of etelcalcetide in comparison to alfacalcidol on LVH and cardiac fibrosis in hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT) will be investigated. The investigators will perform a comparative trial testing etelcalcetide vs. alfacalcidol treatment on top of conventional HPT therapy for 12 months. A total of 62 hemodialysis patients with sHPT and LVH will be enrolled in the study. After a washout of all calcimimetic and vitamin D treatment, subjects will be randomized at 1:1 ratio to either etelcalcetide or alfacalcidol. The participants will undergo cardiac imaging consisting of cardiac resonance imaging (cMRI) and strain echocardiography before and at baseline and one year. Etelcalcetide or alfacalcidol will be administered intravenously three times per week following chronic hemodialysis treatment. The primary end point will be a change in left ventricular mass index (LVMI) measured in g/m2. As secondary end points the changes in left atrial diameter (LAD), cardiac fibrosis, wall motion abnormalities and left ventricular function, changes in serum FGF 23 and soluble Klotho levels as well as changes in proBNP as well as pre- and postdialysis troponin T (TnT) levels will be determined. Additionally a quantitative analysis of the treatment influence on the individual metabolites of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) will be performed using mass spectrometry ("RAAS fingerprint").

Cyclosporine A to Treat Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
CardiomyopathyHypertrophic1 moreThis study will examine the effectiveness of the drug cyclosporine in treating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a condition in which the heart muscle thickens. The thickened muscle can impair the heart's pumping action or decrease its blood supply, or both. Various symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and palpitations, may result. In animal studies, cyclosporine prevented heart muscle from thickening in mice that had been engineered to develop thick hearts. Patients with HCM 18 to 75 years old are screened for this study under protocol 98-H-0102 and this protocol. Screening tests include blood tests, echocardiogram to measure heart thickness, Holter monitor to record heartbeats, treadmill exercise test, and various imaging tests including a thallium scan, radionuclide angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and cardiac catheterization to examine heart function and blood supply. Patients admitted to the study will be randomly assigned to take either cyclosporine tablets or a placebo (a look-alike tablet with no active ingredient) twice a day for 6 months. During a brief hospital stay at the start of the study, blood samples will be taken to measure cyclosporine levels. After discharge, heart rate and blood pressure will be checked and blood tests done during follow-up visits once a week for 2 weeks and then every two weeks until the end of the 6-month treatment period. At that time, patients will be hospitalized a second time for repeat tests to determine the effects of the drug on the heart condition. They include thallium scan, radionuclide angiogram, MRI, treadmill exercise test, cardiac catheterization, and echocardiogram. An echocardiogram and MRI will be repeated 1 year after the start of the study to evaluate long term effects of the drug, if any.

Study of Oral PG-116800 Following a Heart Attack
Myocardial InfarctionHeart Failure1 moreThe main purpose of the study is to test whether a possible new drug (called PG-116800) can prevent some of the damage to heart muscle in patients who have had a heart attack. The study will also supply information regarding possible uses of this compound in cardiovascular disease.

Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of MEK162 in Noonan Syndrome Hypertrophic...
CardiomegalyThe purpose of the study is to determine whether the ability of MEK162 to antagonize MEK activation in NS HCM patients, who usually have upstream mutations in the Ras-Raf-Mek-Erk pathway that lead to MEK activation, would be beneficial over a 6 month treatment period in hypertrophy regression.