The Effect of Muscular Endurance on Disability Level and Participation in Life
Neck PainNon-specific neck pain (NSBA), which is one of the most common causes of neck pain in the literature, occurs as a result of a postural or mechanical cause without a specific pathology or injury to the musculoskeletal system. NSBA causes an increase in superficial cervical muscle activity, and a decrease in deep cervical muscle activity, which contains a large amount of muscle spindles. Patients with chronic neck pain face functional limitations in many ways. Evaluation of disability as a result of loss of functions related to neck pain is necessary to cope with neck pain. In the ICF activity and participation section due to neck pain, it is stated that the daily life activities of the person are limited due to neck pain, both at work and at home, and with this, the level of disability of the person increases. Loss of endurance, on the other hand, appears as a physical marker in the development of chronic neck pain due to the effect of muscle functions in patients who have problems in the neck region, according to ICF.

Effects of Autogenic and Reciprocal Inhibition on Trapezitis
Neck PainAim of my study is to compare two techniques of METS i.e., autogenic and reciprocal inhibition techniques on pain, disability and Range of motion among smart phone user with trapezitis.

Scapular Stabilization vs Functional Exercises on Chronic Neck Pain
Neck PainThis project is a Randomized clinical trial, will be conducted to check the comparative effects of scapular stabilization versus scapular functional exercises in patients with chronic neck pain. Study duration will be of 8 months, convenient sampling will be done, subject following eligibility criteria from Amina Physical therapy and rehab Centre Lahore, will be randomly allocated in two groups, baseline assessment will be done, Group A participants will be given baseline treatment along with scapular stabilization exercises, Group B participants will be given baseline treatment along with scapular functional exercises. Assessment will be done in 4th week and 8th week via, Visual analogue scale for neck pain, Function of neck will be assessed by Neck disability index and inclinometer measurements of cervical ranges,3 sessions per week will be given, data will be analyzed by using SPSS version 21.

Evaluating Different Low-level Laser Therapies to Treat Neck Pain in Air Force Pilots and Flight...
Neck PainDetermine the most effective and efficient treatment protocols for treating neck pain with LLLT.

Trigger Point Injections in Anterior Cervical Surgery
Myofacial PainPain4 moreTo achieve appropriate exposure for an anterior neck surgery (for example an Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion or ACDF), patients are positioned supine with their neck extended. Due to being in this position, patients frequently complain of posterior neck stiffness and pain postoperatively in addition to the anterior incisional pain. This posterior cervical pain can be classified as myofascial pain. Cervical myofascial pain is thought to be the result of overuse or trauma to the supporting muscles of the neck and shoulders. Trigger point injections are one of the methods used to treat myofascial pain. The trigger point injection procedure is where a physician (typically an anesthesiologist) performs an exam of the patient neck and upper back and finds areas of point tenderness. The physician will then inject a small amount of numbing medication (such as bupivacaine) into the muscle or tissue in that area. Trigger point injections have been shown to be superior to botox injections or dry needling, and equivalent to physical therapy. However, these studies were performed on patients with chronic neck pain. There are no studies evaluating the effectiveness of trigger point injections on post anterior cervical surgery patients. At our institution, trigger point injections with local anesthetic are used as part of a multimodal pain control regimen for post-anterior cervical surgery patients. Our hypothesis is if the addition of trigger point injections to standard of care multi-modal post-operative pain control will decrease patients' myofascial pain, and thereby decrease the amount of narcotic pain medication used.

Effectiveness of Radial Pressure Waves Therapy in the Treatment of Non-Specific Neck Pain (rPWT)...
Neck PainThe present study aims to know the effectiveness of radial pressure wave therapy in the treatment of people with nonspecific neck pain. The study hypothesis is that including radial pressure wave therapy in a protocol based on manual therapy and therapeutic exercise is more effective than the protocol alone for the treatment of nonspecific neck pain. Participants will be randomly assigned into 2 groups, one will be applied only the manual therapy and exercise protocol and the other the same protocol, plus shock wave therapy. Data related to the pathology will be collected and compared between the two groups to determine which treatment is more effective.

Monopolar Dielectric Diathermy and Yoga on Chronic Neck Pain and Therapeutic Yoga on Pain, Functionality,...
Chronic PainNeck PainThe aim of this study is to compare the effects of applying monopolar dielectric radiofrequency diathermy plus therapeutic neck yoga with performing only therapeutic neck yoga in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain.

Effects of MET on PPDH, Neck Pain and Disability After Cesarean Section
Post-Dural Puncture HeadacheCesarean Section ComplicationsThe goal of this clinical trial is to determine the effect of Muscle Energy Techniques on post dural puncture headache, neck pain and disability after Cesarean Section. .

Additional Benefits of Neck Exercises in Addition to Ergonomic Training in Office Workers With Neck...
Neck PainNeck pain is a multifactorial disease and the factors related to neck pain are physical workloads, poor ergonomic work design and certain psychosocial factors. It arises due to disease of cervical spine and soft tissues of the neck, muscle spasm, falling asleep in awkward position, prolong working at computer desk with bent neck. The objective of the study is to compare the effects of neck exercises in addition to ergonomic training and ergonomic training alone on pain severity, neck disability, cervical range of motion and burnout in neck pain among office workers

The Effectiveness of Temporomandibular Joint Mobilization and Exercise in Individuals With Chronic...
Temporomandibular Joint DisordersTemporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome2 moreTo examine the effects of temporomandibular joint mobilization and exercises added to the conventional physiotherapy program on posture, functionality and muscular endurance in individuals with chronic neck pain.