Effectiveness of Dermoneuromodulation Techniques in Patients With Non-specific Chronic Neck Pain:...
Cervical PainCervicalPURPOSE: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the benefit of applying dermoneuromodulation techniques in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain. BACKGROUND: Chronic neck pain is one of the most commonly reported musculoskeletal pathologies in the general population. It has an immense impact on the physical, social, and psychological aspects and quality of life of the individual and society as a whole. Dermoneuromodulation(DNM) is recently popularising touch based pain relieving approach which is a gentle, structured method of interacting with patient's nervous system to help them resolve pain, regain function, and feel better. It was developed by Diane Jacobs, a Canadian physiotherapist specialised in pain science and the treatment of painful conditions. During her 40 years of practice, Jacobs was interested in Ronald Melzack, who developed the original Gate Control theory of pain along with Patrick Wall, and who later developed the NeuroMatrix model of pain. In 2007, Jacobs made a cadaver study that defined how peripheral cutaneous nerves divide into rami, which spread outward into the underside of skin. This work inspired her to develop a new conceptual approach to manual therapy for patients with pain. HYPOTHESES We hypothesize that there will be no effect of dermoneuromodulation techniques on clinical outcomes of patients with non-specific chronic neck pain. RESEARCH QUESTION: Is there a statistically significant effect of dermoneuromodulation techniques on clinical outcomes of patients with non-specific chronic neck pain?

Additional Benefits of Neck Exercises in Addition to Ergonomic Training in Office Workers With Neck...
Neck PainNeck pain is a multifactorial disease and the factors related to neck pain are physical workloads, poor ergonomic work design and certain psychosocial factors. It arises due to disease of cervical spine and soft tissues of the neck, muscle spasm, falling asleep in awkward position, prolong working at computer desk with bent neck. The objective of the study is to compare the effects of neck exercises in addition to ergonomic training and ergonomic training alone on pain severity, neck disability, cervical range of motion and burnout in neck pain among office workers

Effects of MET on PPDH, Neck Pain and Disability After Cesarean Section
Post-Dural Puncture HeadacheCesarean Section ComplicationsThe goal of this clinical trial is to determine the effect of Muscle Energy Techniques on post dural puncture headache, neck pain and disability after Cesarean Section. .

Effect of Lumber Core Stability Exercises on Chronic Non-specific Neck Pain
Neck PainChronic non-specific neck pain patients will be enrolled in 3 groups in this study including passive, active control and experimental groups to determine the effect of adding lumbar core stability exercises to patient's advices and cervical and scapular stabilization exercises. For the last two groups, the sessions will be applied 3 times per week for 4 weeks. All the outcomes will be measured after patient's enrollment and at the end of 4 weeks to determine the difference between groups.

Effect of Proprioceptive Training Using Head Mounted Laser in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain
Mechanical Neck PainThe purpose of this study is to compare the effect of conventional physical therapy with and without cervical proprioceptive training using head mounted laser system on cervical joint position sense error, pain, cervical range of motion and neck disability index. Proprioception disturbs in any function and structural impairments that is mechanical neck pain. Different studies has been done to find out the best therapy for pain management. our aim is to give cost effective, not so time consuming, most effective physcial therapy treatment. A literature gap exists on the effects of proprioceptive training combined with conventional physical therapy, no studies have directly compared the effect of proprioceptive training using head mounted laser with and without conventional physical therapy. In our clinical setting, proprioceptive training for mechanical neck pain is not used as much as it should be. It would be a new thing to add and it can be cost effective and better treatment for symptoms resolution

Effect of Dynamic Cupping Versus Myofascial Release Therapy in Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain...
Mechanical Neck PainA randomized controlled trial will be conducted to investigate the effect of dynamic cupping versus the effect of myofascial release therapy on patients with mechanical neck pain.

CEM-Plate and CEM-Cage First-In-Human Use Efficacy Study
Neck PainSpondylosis4 moreThe study is a prospective, first-in-human, multi-center, non-randomized, single-arm study to assess the safety and efficacy of the CEM-Cage used with the CEM-Plate in patients who are appropriate candidates for a 2-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). Fifty patients will be enrolled in the study and, after undergoing a 2-level ACDF, will be evaluated at 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months.

Dry Needling, Manual Therapy and Exercise for Neck Pain Management
Neck PainPosteriorSince neck pain is the fourth highest disabling condition (with an estimated point prevalence of 20%, lifetime prevalence up to 70% and high recurrence rates), dry needling targeting myofascial trigger points in neck muscles has been proposed as an effective treatment for reducing pain and disability in patients with chronic neck pain. A recent meta-analysis reported whether dry needling could be recommended for this population. Low to moderate evidence suggests that dry needling can be effective at the short-term, but its effects on pressure pain sensitivity or cervical range of motion are limited.

Effectiveness of a Telerehabilitation Program in Acute Cervical Sprain Grade I and II
Neck SprainNeck PainCervical sprain also known as whiplash-associated disorder is the result of a combined injury between extension/flexion of the soft tissues of the cervical spine due to an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer to the neck. The Neck-Specific Exercise Program focuses on relearning motor skills, neck muscle endurance, and postural correction. Telehealth improves patient satisfaction, overcomes barriers to access to physiotherapy services and reduces the costs of musculoskeletal care. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the neck specific exercise program by telerehabilitation compared to the usual intervention in functional recovery in adults with acute cervical sprain grade I and II at the first level of care. Material and Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial, the effectiveness of the telerehabilitation program is determined by the Neck Disability Index (NDI) and will be compared against the usual intervention. Participants assigned to the telerehabilitation program will complete a 12-week intervention consisting of 5 weekly sessions of 30 minutes of pre-recorded video, with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. The usual care group will be instructed to follow their doctors' orders during the 12-week intervention period. For each group, baseline measurements were made at 2, 6 and 12 weeks. Time to develop: The protocol has a duration of follow-up of the patients of 12 weeks.

A Novel Device for Neck Pain in Active-duty Military Personnel With Forward Head Posture.
Neck PainNeck pain is a common complaint among active duty military personnel, and can have tremendous impacts on quality of life and participation in duty-related activities. Treatments for spinal pain in military personnel are typically multimodal, relying upon physical therapy, pharmacological agents, spinal manipulation, and psychotherapy. However, there does not exist a wide body of evidence to support many of these treatments in active-duty military. The Cervigard neck collar was designed to treat posture-related neck pain with minimal effort and time required for treatment by the patient. However, this has yet to be tested experimentally. The objective of this study is to evaluate the treatment effect and safety of a novel device for the treatment of neck pain using self-reported pain and function measures, as well as objective radiological measures of cervical lordosis and head posture. Participants will be randomized to be fitted with and receive the Cervigard neck collar either immediately, or 6-weeks after being screened. Participants will complete neck pain and function questionnaires, and have cervical X-Rays collected at screening, treatment, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks (for the immediate group). Participants will be instructed to wear the collar every day for the duration of the trial. Self-reported neck pain and function measures will be collected, as well as cervical X-Rays, protocol adherence measures, and adverse events. The intervention is expected to reduce neck pain/discomfort, improve function, and improve cervical lordosis.