Weight Abnormalities With Diet and Exercise Frequency in Egyptian Children With Cerebral Palsy
ObesityChildhood4 moreThe goal of this study was to find prevalence and correlations of different weight abnormalities and risk of abdominal obesity in a random sample of Egyptian children suffering from cerebral palsy. This cross- sectional study hypothesize the prevalence of weight abnormalities and risk of abdominal obesity in addition to positive correlations between weight abnormalities and number of exercise hours and frequency of meals in a random sample of Egyptian children suffering from cerebral palsy RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the prevalence of weight abnormalities and and risk of abdominal obesity in Egyptian children with cerebral palsy? Does the weight abnormalities correlates with number of exercise hours or frequency of meals in children with cerebral palsy?

Childhood Obesity Prevention Trough Education Innovation in Primary School: A Quasi-experimental...
Childhood ObesityDietary Habits1 moreThis study evaluates the effect of the education innovation program"chiquichefs" on anthropometric variables, quality of life and nutritional habits in an elementary school children. Compared with a control group of the same age but in another school.

Providing Healthy Food Access and Physical Activity Opportunities at Boy Scouts of America Summer...
Childhood ObesityTo measure impact of improved healthy food access and physical activity opportunities at summer Boy Scout camp, a four-week intervention to address nutrition and physical activity with youth (n=911) and adults (n=247) was conducted at Bashore Scout Reservation in Jonestown, Pennsylvania between June and July of 2016. Intervention components included dining hall menu modifications, healthy messaging, introduction of nutritious snacks available for purchase, and a physical activity challenge. Menu modifications resulted in improved satisfaction scores related to portion sizes (+28%) and variety (+14%), decreased plate waste, and consistent food costs. Introduction of nutritious snacks at Trading Post resulted in increased satisfaction (+13%) and increased sales per person (+20%). Physical activity increased (+22%) as a result of a step competition between troops. Small changes towards a healthier camp were widely accepted and successful, indicating potential for translation to other camps within the organization.

Pediatric Obesity Observational Prospective Trial
Pediatric ObesityUsing an observational case-control cohort design, the investigator aims to define the mechanisms underlying microbiome regulation of metabolism in adolescence before and after medically indicated therapies for obesity. The investigator's overarching hypothesis is that gut bacteria control host weight, insulin sensitivity, and response to weight-loss treatments by modifying host metabolism.

Translational Investigation of Growth and Everyday Routines in Kids
Childhood ObesityThe purpose of this study is to determine the effect of severe obesity on physical activity, sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic risk factors during childhood and adolescence and whether these associations are modified by race. Additionally, the study will investigate the contributions of (total, regional, and depot-specific) fat accumulation on changes in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and cardiometabolic risk factors during childhood and adolescence.

Systems-oriented School Healthy Weight Promotion Based on NASA Mission X Campaign
Pediatric ObesityThis study assessed the effect of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Mission X (MX) program on children's knowledge, attitude, and practice of healthy eating and active living (HEAL) and weight status in rural elementary schools in Taiwan.

Low Grade Inflammation in Childhood Obesity : an Independent Risk Factor for Endothelial Dysfunction...
ObesityChildhood4 moreEligible candidates will be recruited within the children with overweight and obesity having a metabolic risk evaluation before treatment in the period 2006 and 2010 at the pediatric clinic of the UZ Brussel In total 60 participants will be investigated. Firstly, 30 participating patients with initially elevated hsCRP will be selected at random ( following the date of their initial investigation) and afterwards matched for age, BMI z-score, and blood pressure with the same number of patients without initially elevated hCRP values Data will be collected as follows: questionnaires clinical examination/ anthropometry blood sample (hsCRP) peripheral arterial tonometry (endoPAT)

A Comparison of Activities of Daily Living, Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Obese and Healthy...
ObesityChildhood1 moreIt is known that activities of daily living, physical fitness, exercise capacity and quality of life are affected by the obesity. It is aimed to determine the effects obesity on daily living activities, physical fitness, exercise capacity and quality of life in obese adolescents compared to healthy subjects in this study. The relationship between these parameters and the activities of daily living which are less studied in obese adolescents will be evaluated.

Painted Playgrounds Aim 1
Childhood ObesityPainted Playgrounds Aim 1: Observation will examine the physical environment of licensed childcare centers before and after painting stencil activities (hopscotch, foursquare, fun trails, etc.) on playgrounds. The stencils are a promising intervention to help decrease obesity and sedentary behaviors in preschool aged children because they are cost-effective and easily scalable. Observations will be held at follow-ups by video recording during recess and using a modified behavioral observation method, called SOPLAY. Surveys will be administered to childcare center directors to report further on their physical activity environment and how much they are interacting with the stencils.

Exposure to CARDIovascular Risk Assessed by Cardiac Adiposity in oBese adOlescents Eligible to a...
ObesityAdolescent ObesityThe high prevalence of childhood obesity is a major public health issue, worldwide. Childhood obesity is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular events in adulthood, but recent studies also point out the development of cardiovascular complications in childhood or adolescence justifying the need for early detection and appropriate therapeutic management to prevent the development of more severe abnormalities. This project proposes to evaluate the myocardial function in a fine and comprehensive way (longitudinal, circumferential and radial linear deformations, and rotation / torsion mechanics) from the deformation imaging (MRI and high-resolution echocardiography), in obese adolescents following a lifestyle intervention combining diet and physical activity.