A Comparison of Activities of Daily Living, Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Obese and Healthy...
ObesityChildhood1 moreIt is known that activities of daily living, physical fitness, exercise capacity and quality of life are affected by the obesity. It is aimed to determine the effects obesity on daily living activities, physical fitness, exercise capacity and quality of life in obese adolescents compared to healthy subjects in this study. The relationship between these parameters and the activities of daily living which are less studied in obese adolescents will be evaluated.

The EAT-On Study: Sensitisation, Allergy and Child Health
Food Allergy in ChildrenObesity2 moreThe EAT Study showed a reduction in both sensitisation (to all foods) and clinical food allergy (to peanut and egg) among children who consumed allergenic food early compared with those who followed standard government feeding advice to exclusively consume breast milk for the first 6 months of life. The EAT-On Study aims to establish whether the effects seen at 3 years in the EAT study represent a delay in FA onset or sustained tolerance. EAT-On will also investigate the natural history (emergence and resolution) of FA in childhood; thus shaping dietary and management plans for allergic patients. Findings will inform future research and weaning recommendations for preventing FA.

Factors Associated With Changes in Weight-status in Danish School Children With Obesity
Pediatric ObesityChildhood obesity is increasing worldwide and causes a major health concern. Only limited insight exists into the natural history of childhood obesity at children already classified as obese. It is necessary to identify possible windows of opportunities to initiate treatment and to prevent further weight gain later in life. This observational study follows the natural weight change in younger children with obesity without known intervention. The objective is to identify factors associated with achieving normal weight, having persistent obesity, or reaching higher levels of obesity, when following children age 5-10 years with obesity through childhood and puberty. Data from health check-ups at school and Danish registries will be used to answer the research question.

Physical Activity and the Home Environment in Preschool-aged Children in Urban Bangladesh
ObesityChildhood2 moreThe overall goal of this study is to generate new knowledge regarding the nutritional and environmental determinants of physical activity in young children living in a densely populated urban community in Bangladesh. The investigators hypothesize that low levels of preschooler physical activity are associated with a lack of play-oriented physical attributes (i.e., total area of indoor floor space, presence and count of unsafe physical hazards, and presence and count of stationary and portable gross motor activity-oriented items) within the homes in urban Bangladesh. The investigators also hypothesized that low Hb may be associated with low physical activity levels in this population.

Prevention and Control of Obesity in Primary School Children in Tehran
Childhood Obesity PreventionThis study evaluates the effect of an interventional model for preventing and controlling overweight and obesity in male and female fifth-graders. First, based on WHO (World Health Organization) references obese (BMI-Z score ≥ 2) and overweight (BMI-Z score ≥ 1) students from 12 primary schools (randomly allocated to 6 intervention and 6 comparison) will be screened. Then from the screened students 30 students with the following inclusion criteria will be recruited: not metabolically ill, not on a weight losing diet and not professionally athlete. For selected students BMI-Z score as primary outcome will be calculated. Demographic data, as well as data on waist and hip circumference, triceps skin-fold thickness, food intake for 3 days (2 ordinary week days and 1 weekend) and physical activity will be collected at the beginning and at end of the 6-month intervention. The approach of the study will be Health Promoting Schools. The intervention includes three components, i.e., nutrition education (students and parents), increased physical activity, and changing environment (food items offered in schools' canteens). Nutrition education will be imparted (a 30-minute session per week) by health instructors; physical activity will be done under the supervision of the school coaches (2 one-hour sessions per week). Parents' education (a 1.5-hour session) will be monthly. Finally the efficacy of the intervention will be determined and reported.

Co-existent Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Obesity: Finding Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis...
Childhood ObesityChildhood Obstructive Sleep ApneaRationale: Obesity is an increasing childhood epidemic in Canada. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a complication of obesity which causes cardiovascular disease, reduced quality of life, and premature death. While the complex interactions between obesity and OSA are not entirely clear, we hypothesize that these conditions may compound each other by: decreasing physical activity and total energy expenditure by reducing both non-exercise physical pursuits (NEAT- non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and purposeful physical activity. alterations in the secretion of appetite-controlling hormones, which may lead to increases in energy intake. Objective: To determine whether the presence of both obesity and OSA in children is associated with a decrease in physical activity and alterations in appetite-regulating hormones greater than those seen in either condition alone or compared to controls. Methods: Comparison of children 10-17 years with obesity and OSA, obesity alone, OSA alone and neither condition, for the following outcomes: (1) NEAT (kcal/day) (2) Physical activity behavior, appetite regulating hormone profile and self-report appetite assessment. Unique Aspects: This study combines expertise in sleep medicine, exercise physiology and obesity. Conclusions from this study will better characterize this high-risk clinical population so that innovative strategies targeting improvements in lifestyle behaviors can be developed.

Impact of Body Weight on the Immediate Health of the Pediatric Population
Childhood ObesityObjective: Obesity amongst children is a public health issue in the United States and is rising at an alarming rate. The purpose of this study is to determine if there is any correlation between At Risk body weight (overweight and obese) and immediate health of the pediatric population. Methodology: As part of routine patient care, we measured length in addition to weight of patients 2 years to 18 years of age presenting to the pediatric emergency department. A report was run monthly to calculate the BMI of all patients for whom data is available. The data were plotted on the year 2000 gender based BMI for age percentile growth charts from CDC. A retrospective electronic chart review was conducted for patients At Risk body weight (BMI ≥ 85%), and were compared to "control" or healthy (BMI of 25 - 75 %) group for six groups of final ED diagnoses of infectious diseases.

CHAT at HOME Pilot Study
Childhood ObesityThis study is evaluating the acceptability and feasibility of a 10 session parent-targeted phone-based childhood obesity treatment (n=40). A factorial design (2 X 2 X 2) will be used to examine the acceptability and feasibility of 3 intervention components: 1) the first session being conducted in person, 2) involving a second adult caregiver, and 3) a weekly weighing of child via WiFi-enabled scales.

Mobile Health Intervention to Identify Early Responders to Treatment in Adolescent Obesity
Adolescent ObesityBackground: The Expert Committee on the Assessment, Prevention and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity recommends a staged based approach to the management of adolescents with overweight and obesity from Stage 1-4 with increasing intensity of management in higher stages. Mobile health application is an attractive community based treatment for adolescent obesity due to its wide penetration and convenience. Early weight loss has been found to be the strongest predictor of good long term outcome in obesity. However there is currently no known study that use early weight loss as a predictor factor for a stepped up approach using a mobile health application. Clinical significance: The current study use a mobile health intervention to identify participants with early weight loss in a stepped up approach. Primary objective will be to examine the proportion of patients triaged to the low risk Weight Management Clinics (WMC) after brief intervention by a nurse coordination and completion of 4 sessions of Kurbo Program over a 12 month recruitment period. Secondary objectives will be to examine changes in BMI z-score, metabolic profile, examine program feasibility and fidelity and explore other predictors of poor response to program. Methodology: Children aged 13-17 years old with BMI percentile of above 90th percentile, who are referred to the WMC, will receive a brief intervention by the WMC nurse coordinator followed by introduction to Kurbo program, a multifunctional mobile application, for more detailed dietary and physical activity recommendations and implementation of behavioural changes. Patients that are able to engage with Kurbo intervention and showed a decrease in BMI percentile over 4 sessions of Kurbo will be offered the low risk weight management clinic. At baseline, month 3 and month 6, the patient's weight and height, body fat composition, waist circumference and blood pressure will be measured as per usual standard protocol. Questionnaires to assess eating, quality of life and dietary recall will be administered as part of the research. Accelerometers will also be fitted to assess physical activity. At baseline and month 6, metabolic blood tests (HbA1C, fasting lipid panel, oral glucose tolerance test, fasting insulin level and liver function test) were collected after a minimum 8 hour fasting period together with bloods for aromatic amino acid, branch chain amino acid and long chain acylcarnitines . Current low risk WMC patients will be offered 2 monthly follow up with optional dietician and exercise physiologists counselling and exercise sessions. The high risk WMC patients will be routinely offered the standard high risk follow up protocol consisting of weekly follow up with the multidisciplinary team for 4 weeks followed by 2 weekly appointments for 2 months and monthly appointment thereafter based on clinical response.

The Effect of Decaffeinated Green Tea Polyphenol Intake on the Risk of Precocious Puberty Among...
Pediatric ObesityPuberty1 moreIn this study, 6-10 years old obese girls will be recruited to test the preventive effect of decaffeinated green tea polyphenols on the risk of precocious puberty by the random, placebo-control and single blind design. The intervention group will be given decaffeinated green tea polyphenols capsule (400mg/d) and the control group will be given placebo. The oral treatment will be lasted for 12 weeks.Then all the subjects will be followed up every 3 months until three months after menstruation. At the baseline and after the 12 week intervention, the clinical manifestations of secondary sexual characters, the serum levels of sex hormones will be determined as the outcome variables. After controlling confounding factors, the preventive effect of the green tea polyphenols on precocious puberty or early puberty among obese girls will be analyzed.