Maternal Fatty Acids, Child Obesity, and Asthma Immunity
AsthmaLung DiseasesTo study pre- and post-natal influences on the development of childhood asthma-related immune responses.

Evaluation of the Effects of Obesity on Orthodontic Tooth Movement
ObesityChildhood1 moreIn this study, bone remodeling in the gingival crevicular fluid was evaluated biochemically during canine distalization in obese individuals and compared with normal weight individuals. At the same time, the speed of tooth movement was measured in obese individuals and compared with normal weight individuals.

Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle Interventions and Weight Development
Pediatric ObesityChildhood obesity has been associated with increased risk of both continued excess body weight, development of non-communicable lifestyle diseases and impaired mental health. Approximately 800 children with obesity were treated with a municipality based family-centered lifestyle intervention in the time period 2010-2020. In the same time period, approximately 2000 children with obesity who did not receive any treatment have been identified. Our aim is to investigate the efficiency of the two interventions and compare those to children not receiving any treatment. We will use data from both the clinical visits at the municipality health care workers and data from Statistics Denmark.

Evaluation of the Effects of Planned Trainings Given to Obese Adolescent Girls on Healthy Lifestyle...
ObesityAdolescent2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of training given to obese female students in mid-adolescence period for improving nutrition, physical activity, and menstrual symptoms on the improvement of their healthy lifestyle behaviors and menstrual symptoms. The research sample consisted of 128 obese female students divided into groups as intervention and control. In this randomized controlled trial, pretest-posttest control group and random process were used. In the first stage of the study, total of 12 hours of training, 120 minutes for each course per week, was provided. In the second stage, 120 minutes of reinforcement training were given every month for three months. The study lasted 16 weeks totally. Personal Information Form, Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale II (HLBS-II), Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire (MSQ) and Student Follow-up Schedule were used as data collection tools. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics 23 Version. Hypotheses were (i) there was a difference between the total HLBS-II and MSQ scores of the students before and after the training and (ii) there was a correlation between the scales.

Proactve Assessment of Overweight Risk During Infancy
Childhood ObesityChildren who are above healthy weight are more likely to be ill and to miss time off school. Being overweight in childhood can also sow the seeds for health problems in later life such as heart disease and diabetes. Most overweight children become overweight adults. One solution is to try to prevent children becoming overweight by intervening very early in life. The risk factors for childhood overweight are known and this project aims to facilitate parents' (and other carers') understanding about this for their infant and to enable them to access intervention. UK health visitors (public health nurses) will use an interactive, multimedia programme (Proactive Assessment of Overweight Risk during infancy (ProAsk)), with parents to calculate their infant's risk and to discuss strategies for risk reduction as appropriate. Health visitors will be trained to communicate obesity risk and in Motivational Interviewing techniques to enable them to offer intervention to parents of infants identified as at risk. A feasibility study of ProAsk will take place in two health provider organisations in the UK. The purpose of this is to a) determine the acceptability and utility of the ProAsk intervention with health visitors and parents and b) gather information to inform the trial design and data collection procedures for a future Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT).

Habituation to Food as a Risk Factor for Pediatric Obesity
Obesity in ChildrenThe study is designed to assess habituation of behavioral responding for food as risk factors for increases in Standardized Body Mass Index (zBMI) over two years in non-overweight children.

Biofeedback Gait Retraining to Reduce Lower Extremity Impact in Obese Children
Childhood ObesityThe purpose of the study is to explore if self biofeedback program can reduce ground reaction force (GRF) from the lower extremity of the body and in the knee in particular and help obese children to avoid knee injuries.

Using Herbs and Spices to Increase Children's Acceptance and Intake of Vegetables in School Lunches...
Pediatric ObesityHerbs and spices offer one potential solution to the recent decline in children taking school lunch because they can increase the palatability of foods without adding salt and fat. However, there is currently limited evidence on how to successfully integrate herbs and spices into the school lunch menu. Developing evidence-based methods to teach school cafeteria workers to prepare healthy and tasty vegetable dishes with the addition of herbs and spices is a research priority. The investigators hypothesize that herbs and spices can be used to increase acceptance, intake, and participation in the school lunch program among 6th - 12th grade students from Central Pennsylvania.

Unintentional Overfeeding of Formula Fed Infants
Childhood ObesityInfant DevelopmentAlthough breast milk is recommended exclusively until 6 months of age, two-thirds of infants in the U.S. are fed infant formula. Despite an almost identical energy density between infant formula and breast milk, formula fed infants experience greater weight gain in the first year of life. The investigators propose that unintentional overfeeding, of nearly one additional day of calories per week, due to the "over-scooping" of powdered formula contributes significantly to this phenomenon and potentially to the early development of childhood obesity, a significant public health problem.

Effectiveness of a Motivational Interviewing-based Intervention From Pregnancy to 2 Years of Age....
Childhood Obesity PreventionThe main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of an early and intensive intervention, based on techniques of effective counseling on healthy habits for parents, in order to reduce mean BMI at 2 years of age Secondly, the investigators will analyze the weighted increase of children's BMI, the eating habits of parents and children, duration of breastfeeding, physical activity level of parents and children and the children sleeping habits. In order to achieve it, the investigators have developed a randomized trial by Primary Care Centers, controlled by two parallel groups of study, open and multicenter study. The investigator team will recruit 414 pregnant women bwtween 12 and 16 weeks of gestation who will or will not receive an intervention, depending on their Primary Care Centers. The investigators will develop an intervention for parents, based on effective counseling techniques which are grounded on Motivational Interviewing approach with the objective of transmitting habits to reach a healthy lifestyle. The intervention consists in six workshops (90 minutes long), two prenatal and four postnatal, directed by professionals of the Field Researchers Basic Group (Family Practitioners, Pediatricians, Nurses and Midwives). Previously the field researchers will receive specialized training. This intervention will be compared to the usual model of care for children and women.