Juntos Santiago: Gamification Strategy to Reduce Childhood Obesity in Schools in Santiago de Chile...
Pediatric ObesitySchool-based interventions have shown mixed results. Most studies have lacked enough statistical power and have been carried out in North America and Europe. The Juntos Santiago is a cluster-randomized trial based on a gamification strategy conducted in Santiago de Chile. The trial uses elements of a game such as points, levels and rewards along with a strong community participation component. Children voted their enrollment and collectively chose the rewards (two per year, one activity and another structural) they are playing for. The intervention consists of a healthy snacks challenge, a steps challenge and an activity challenge. The primary outcome is change in z-BMI and waist circumference.

Prevalence of Obesity and Overweight in Primary School Children in the Rhein-Neckar Region in Germany...
OverweightChildhood5 moreThe study will determine the weight status in primary school children in the Rhein-Neckar Region in Germany and will analyse the development of height and weight in these children during the time of COVID-19 related restrictions by asking parents to provide data from childhood examinations. Additionally, interactions between cognitive abilities and weight-status will be studied.

Evaluation of the Efficacy of an App for Parents to Promote Healthy Life-styles in Children: the...
Childhood ObesityThe objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the app in terms of changing lifestyles both related to nutrition and physical activity. The study is also aimed at evaluating the usability and the degree of acceptance of the app among parents. The primary objective will be assessed in terms of the change in the consumption of sugary drinks and high-calorie food and in terms of time spent in front of a screen. The secondary objectives are the evaluation of BMI (percentile and z-score) and waist circumference and the evaluation of the usability of the app. STUDY DESIGN The study is a randomized control trial. Both parents and children are recruited. Family paediatricians during the health balance of 3 or 5 years old (children between 3 and 6.5 years old) Sport medicine during the visits for sport ability (children between 7 and 11 years old) Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology of the Santa Maria Hospital during routine visits (children between 5 and 11 years old) When the study is presented to families, few clinical information are collected on the electronic platform designed for enrollment and randomization: Child weight and height Child waist circumference More information about children and parents are collected (through questionnaire). The families (both treatment and control ) are contacted after 12 month and after 24 months from the recruitment to answer to a questionnaire on lifestyle habits (food and physical activity) of the child and app utilization During this visit also child weight, height and waist circumference will be collected. Intervention group The app is explained and installed during the recruitment to the family in the intervention group. Some families in this group will be selected to take part to the qualitative research. Control group Every months during the first year of study a newsletter is sent only to the members of the control group.

Steroid Metabolism in Obese and Non-Obese Pediatric Patients Hospitalized for Status Asthmaticus...
Pediatric ObesityAsthma in ChildrenSingle center, open-label, non-randomized study to assess the pharmacokinetic profile of methylprednisolone in healthy children 2-20 years of age admitted for asthma exacerbation.

Pilot RCT of an Obesity Intervention for Primary Care Pediatrics: Helping HAND
Childhood ObesityThis is a feasibility study to evaluate a 6-month obesity treatment intervention (Helping HAND: Health Activity and Nutrition Directions) for pediatric primary care clinics. The program targets 5-8 year old children and their parents to change the child's lifestyle behaviors and the associated parenting practices to improve the child's weight status. Four community clinics participated. Families were recruited from clinics and after informed consent and baseline data have been obtained, the families were randomized into one of two groups: (1) the treatment group who immediately participated in Helping HAND or (2) the wait list control group, who started the program 7 months later. Data were gathered on all the participating children and their parents at three time points: baseline, post the intervention (month 7) and post the wait list control group completing the intervention (month 14). This was a pilot study to test the feasibility of an obesity prevention plus program delivered in the child's primary care clinic. The primary outcome was family attendance to the 3 data-collection meetings with research staff and the 6 prevention plus intervention sessions with a trained Health Advisor.

Comparison of the Effects of Two Different Exercise Programs in Obese Adolescents
ObesityAdolescentObesity is one of the most important health problems of developed and developing countries. Especially in children and adolescents, the prevalence of obesity is increasing at an alarming rate. In obese individuals, the effects of postural control and balance have been reported to cause musculoskeletal problems, and motor control skills have been found to decrease. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of balance exercises and strengthening exercises on balance, posture and lower extremity functions in obese adolescents.

Long-Term Outcomes of LSG in Pediatric Patients
ObesityChildhood2 moreThis project aims to assess the short- and long-term safety and efficacy of bariatric surgery in children and adolescents compared to adults.

Benefit of the Chalaxie Pedagogical Tool in the Management of Overweight or Obese Children With...
Pediatric ObesityThe main objective of this study is to determine the benefit of the Chalaxie pedagogical evaluation tool in the management of overweight or obese children with intellectual disability. Chalaxie is a software developped as a pedagogical evaluation tool. It is used in the therapeutic education of overweight and obese children and allow the clinican to explore several skills of the child, such as self-esteem.

Lace Up and Move: Structured After School Intervention for Hispanic and African American Youth
Childhood ObesityObesity1 moreThe purpose of this study is to test the efficacy of Lace Up and Move (LUAM), a structured after-school exercise intervention, designed to increase moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and enhance sleep quality among Hispanic and African American (AA) boys and girls.

A Protein-sparing Modified Fast for Children and Adolescents With Severe Obesity (PSMF)
ObesityChildhoodThis is a 12 month prospective observational cohort study of the outpatient protein-sparing modified fast diet for children with severe obesity and serious comorbid condition(s). The study will enroll 30 Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition patients aged 11-19 years who have been placed on a protein sparing modified fast as part of their treatment plan. The study-specific procedures consist of questionnaires/interviews on diet and PA behaviors, adherence and self-efficacy measures, data abstraction from the chart and tracking of activity using a Fitbit.