App-based Intervention for Treating Insomnia Among Patients With Epilepsy
EpilepsyInsomniaSleep can affect frequency and occurrence of interictal spikes and occurrence, timing, and threshold of seizure. Epilepsy can worsen sleep architecture and severity of sleep disorders. Thus, a vicious cycle is set. Certain epilepsy syndromes are so intertwined with sleep that they are considered sleep-related epilepsies. Poor sleep in epilepsy is multifactorial and is worsened by poorly controlled seizures. App-delivered intervention has shown promise as a method to overcome health issues; however, the long-term effectiveness has not been proven in epileptic patients with chronic insomnia.

The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia on Type 2 Diabetes Health Outcomes
Type2 DiabetesInsomniaInsomnia is a common sleep disorder, with three main symptoms: difficulty in initiating sleep, difficulty in maintaining sleep, and/or waking up early without ability to return to sleep. Insomnia can contribute to metabolic dysfunction, which can lead to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Diabetes self-care behavior (DSCB) is important in attaining and maintaining glycemic control, which worsens as a result of fatigue. People with insomnia usually suffer from fatigue and inconstant sleep schedule, which negatively influence quality of life. However, the additive effect of behavioral sleep intervention on diabetes outcomes and health status in people with T2D is unknown. Therefore, The overall purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of both insomnia symptoms and CBT-I on people with T2D. The central hypotheses are that people with T2D and insomnia symptoms will have worse sleep, diabetes measures and self-reported outcomes compared to people with T2D only, which might be adjusted with CBT-I.

Low-intensity Cognitive-behavioural Therapy for Insomnia
InsomniaA randomized controlled trial is proposed to compare the effectiveness of workshop-based and self-Help cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI), and sleep hygiene education (SHE) to treat insomnia in Hong Kong adolescent and adult patients, in terms of alleviation of insomnia severity, reduction in associated insomnia symptoms/ complications, and enhancement in quality of life. Insomnia is prevalent in Hong Kong and can cause severe impacts on patients and society, but there is a dearth of related research in the local population. Therefore, it is significant to conduct this study. A total of 210 participants aged > 18 with insomnia will be recruited and randomized into 3 groups to receive one of the 3 treatments. Outcomes will be measured using relevant questionnaires filled in at the baseline, 6 and 12 weeks afterwards. The results obtained will be compared within each group and among the 3 groups using statistical testing to determine the most effective treatment option for insomnia.

RELAXaHEAD for Headache Patients (Phase II)
MigraineHeadache2 moreThe goal of this research is to assess the utility of smartphone-based progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) for the treatment of migraine and sleep. While there are many commercially available electronic diary and mind-body intervention apps for headache, there is little data showing their efficacy. RELAXaHEAD app incorporates the electronic PMR that was successfully used in an earlier epilepsy study and beta tested with headache specialist and migraine patient input. It also is an electric headache diary. The app has been studied and findings have been reported in multiple peer reviewed publications. Also, the app has been updated based on prior feedback from the studies. Now, this 2-arm randomized controlled study will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of RELAXaHEAD for use with patients with migraine and comorbid insomnia. . One arm will be the RELAX group (the RELAXaHEAD app) and the other arm will be a monitored usual care (MUC) group (this group receives standard of care and uses the electronic daily symptom reporting diary). The goals are to assess the feasibility and adherence of the RELAX intervention in persons with migraine and insomnia (Aim 1) and to gather exploratory data on the effects of the RELAX intervention on headache and sleep related outcome measures (Aim 2).

Digital CBT-I for Insomnia Disorder
Insomnia DisorderThis study will examine the effectiveness of digital CBT-I versus sleep hygiene education in reducing insomnia severity, sleep onset latency, and wake after sleep onset in those with insomnia disorder.

Effect of Medical Hypnosis in Virtual Reality on Insomnia Disorders
Insomnia ChronicThe prevalence of chronic insomnia is 13.3% in France in 2019 (8.9 million). The consequences for these people are multiple: drowsiness, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, anxiety. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is today the reference treatment recommended by the "Haute Autorité de Santé" and the American College of Physicians for chronic insomnia. Today, however, few patients use CBT treatment due to the lack of trained practitioners, the cost of non-reimbursed sessions and the time and involvement that these sessions require. Several clinical trials have shown beneficial effects of hypnotherapy on sleep disorders. The hypothesis of this work is that the use of hypnosis in virtual reality improves sleep time in patients suffering from insomnia disorders.

Feasibility and Acceptability of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in a Primary...
Insomnia ChronicThis pilot-feasibility study of a cluster parallel randomized design comparing CBT-i against usual care (UC) was performed at two primary health care centers in Majorca, Spain. Patients were included if they were 18 to 65 years-old; had diagnoses of chronic insomnia according to the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI more than 8) and had insomnia longer than 3 months; and did or did not use a hypnotic medication. 25 GPs and nurses and 32 patients were randomly allocated to two groups: The outcome of the trial was improving the quality of sleep. Other primary outcomes on feasibility and applicability of the intervention were collected through nominal groups. Description of usual care was described through previous studies. Moreover we assessed recruitment process, compliance with the intervention sessions, and patient's retention.

Treating Comorbid Insomnia in Transdiagnostic Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
InsomniaAnxiety1 moreTransdiagnostic Internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (ICBT) is an efficacious treatment option for anxiety and depression; however, not all patients benefit equally and some leave treatment before program completion. Comorbid symptoms of insomnia are extremely common among individuals seeking ICBT, yet sleep problems are rarely a primary focus of treatment in transdiagnostic ICBT despite insomnia being a known risk factor for anxiety and depression. This trial is designed to test whether an ICBT program for anxiety and depression can be improved by providing therapy for insomnia alongside the standard transdiagnostic program. For this randomized controlled trial, patients will be randomly assigned to receive either the standard ICBT program for anxiety and depression, which includes only brief supplementary information about sleep (n = 68), or a modified version that includes a lesson specifically on sleep (n = 132). The sleep lesson will introduce patients to two key behavioural strategies: sleep restriction and stimulus control, which previous research has demonstrated are effective at reducing insomnia. Patients will monitor their sleep throughout treatment and will complete measures of insomnia, anxiety and depression before treatment, at the end of the 8-week program, and 3 months after program conclusion to allow for a comparison of patient outcomes and completion rates between conditions. The acceptability of the new intervention will also be assessed by asking participants to provide feedback on the new materials and to complete measures of treatment satisfaction and working alliance.

Internet-delivered CBT-I (Space for Sleep): Pilot and Feasibility
InsomniaThe principal objective of the study is to assess the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an online-delivered CBT-I intervention for those with insomnia or reporting sleep difficulties. The program will be offered to service users of IAPT to establish criteria for the planning of a future large scale RCT study.

A Study of Lemborexant in Chinese Participants With Insomnia Disorder
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThe primary purpose of this study is to confirm using polysomnography (PSG) that lemborexant 10 milligram (mg) is superior to placebo on objective sleep onset as assessed by latency to persistent sleep (LPS) during the last 2 nights of 1 month of treatment in participants with insomnia disorder.