Single Dose Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of Eplivanserin...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersGiven the potential age-related differences in safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and differences in sleep architecture in young children versus adolescent versus adult, studies to identify the appropriate drug and dosage for children of all ages are essential in addressing this health problem that impacts the child and their family. The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics and preliminary efficacy of eplivanserin. Primary objective: to assess the safety and tolerability after administration of single ascending oral doses of eplivanserin to children aged 6-17 years with insomnia of various origins. To assess the pharmacokinetics of eplivanserin (and active metabolite: SR141342) after administration of single ascending oral doses of eplivanserin to children aged 6-17 years with insomnia of various origins. Secondary objective: to assess the effect of single ascending oral doses of eplivanserin on global sleep parameters and sleep architecture measured via polysomnography recordings in children aged 6-17 years old with insomnia of various origins.

Brief Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia in Military Veterans: Phase 2 (BBTIMVII)
Chronic InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to adapt and test the effects of a 4-week behavioral treatment that targets chronic insomnia (lasting >1 month) in service members returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), finalizing a treatment manual.

Long Term Safety Study of Study Drug (Eszopiclone) in Children and Adolescents With ADHD -Associated...
InsomniaAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderA multicenter study to evaluate the safety of eszopiclone in children (6 11 years of age, inclusive) and adolescents (12 17 years of age, inclusive) with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) associated insomnia.

Internet-based Treatment for Chronic Insomnia
InsomniaInsomnia DisorderStudy Objectives. Despite effective cognitive behavioral treatments for chronic insomnia, such treatments are underutilized. This study evaluates the impact of a 6-week, online treatment for insomnia. Design This is a randomized controlled trial with online treatment and waiting list control conditions. Participants Participants are adults in Manitoba Canada with chronic insomnia. Setting Participants receive online treatment from their homes. Intervention. Online treatment consists of psychoeducation, sleep hygiene and stimulus control instruction, sleep restriction treatment, mindfulness training, relaxation training, cognitive therapy, and help with medication tapering. Measurement and Results. The impact of online treatment on primary end points of sleep quality, insomnia severity, and daytime fatigue will be assessed.

A Long Term Safety Study of Suvorexant in Participants With Primary Insomnia (MK-4305-009 AM3)
InsomniaThis study will establish the safety and tolerability of suvorexant (MK-4305) when administered for up to 14 months. Participants will be randomized to receive suvorexant or placebo for a 12-month double-blind (DB) Treatment Phase. Participants who complete the 12-month DB Treatment Phase will enter a 2-month DB Randomized Discontinuation Phase. At the time of initial randomization, participants assigned to receive suvorexant during the initial 12-month Treatment Phase will be simultaneously randomized, in a 1:1 ratio, to receive either suvorexant or placebo during the 2-month Randomized Discontinuation Phase. Participants randomized to receive placebo in the initial 12-month Treatment Phase will continue to receive placebo during the 2-month Randomized Discontinuation Phase. The first 3 nights of the Randomized Discontinuation Phase are referred to as the Run-Out Phase, and will assess rebound and withdrawal.

15-Day Repeated-Dose Study With SB-649868 And Its Interaction With CYP3A4 Isoenzyme In Healthy Male...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersSubjects will be screened within 28 days, Simvastatin dose and single SB-649868 dose 10 and 7 days prior to repeat dosing respectively, 15 days SB-649868 repeat dosing with safety and cognition function tests.

Efficacy and Safety of M100907 on Sleep Maintenance Insomnia With a Sub-study in Stable Type II...
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersThe purpose of this study is to assess efficacy and safety of volinanserin in the population of patients complaining of sleep maintenance insomnia. The objective of the substudy is to assess glycemic control in the subgroup of patients with type II diabetes mellitus.

Disturbed Sleep Model Study.
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersSubjects will be screened within 28 days. Each treatment session will consist of 2 PSG nights, study drug administration and noise model is conducted on second night.

A Study of Eszopiclone Co-administered With Venlafaxine in Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder...
Major Depressive DisorderInsomniaTo evaluate the antidepressant effect of adjunctive treatment with Eszopiclone in subjects receiving venlafaxine for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Safety and Efficacy Study of APD125 in Patient With Insomnia
InsomniaThe purpose of this study is to determine the effects of APD125 in patients with sleep maintenance insomnia.