Competitive Accuracy of Radiological Imaging Compared to Liver Biopsy in Patients With Liver Fibrosis...
Liver FibrosesLiver CirrhosisThe study "Competitive Accuracy of Radiological Imaging Compared to Liver Biopsy in Patients With Liver Fibrosis" is designed to test the accuracy of non-interventional radiological imaging and compare its results with the "gold standard" liver biopsy. This is prospective non-randomized single patient group study.

Evaluation of Salt Status in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis
Salt; Deficit (or Low)Cystic FibrosisThe results of the annual check-up will be collected to evaluate the best urinary marker for fractional sodium excretion and salt status will be correlated to clinical outcome measures.

Pain in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis in Rouen University Hospital
PainCystic FibrosisObjectif Principal - To evaluate the intensity and frequency of pain episodes in patients with cystic fibrosis followed at the cystic fibrosis center of Rouen University Hospital, Normandy, France. Objectifs secondaires To assess the relationship between pain and disease severity. To assess the relationship between pain and the age of the patient. To describe the pain locations. To describe the use of pharmacological or nonpharmacological treatment. To evaluate the procedural pain.

Timing of Endoscopy for Acute Variceal Bleeding in Patients With Cirrhosis
CirrhosisLiver2 moreCirrhotic patients with AVB across 34 university medical centers in 30 cities in China from February 2013 to May 2020 who underwent endoscopy within 24 hours were included in this study. Patients were divided into an urgent endoscopy group (endoscopy <6h after admission) and an early endoscopy group (endoscopy 6-24h after admission). Outcomes included the incidence of 5-day rebleeding, in-hospital mortality, need for intensive care unit (ICU) and the length of hospital stay after the endoscopy management. Multivariable analysis was performed to identify risk factors for rebleeding. A propensity score matching (PSM) analysis was performed to achieve a balance at baseline between the urgent and early groups.

A Study of Web and Tablet-based Interactive Audiometry in Adults With CF
Hearing LossSensorineural1 moreAdults with CF regularly receive anti-infective therapy that can result in impaired hearing. Recent studies have identified that up to 50% of adults with CF have hearing loss with resulting significant impact on quality of life. At present, however, there is no national recommendation to screen for hearing loss within adult CF. Formal hearing tests are costly, require specialist staff and equipment and require further outpatient visits resulting in significant impact on health, social and financial resource. We propose to analyse over a 12 month period at two adult cystic fibrosis centres in London whether outpatient tablet based audiometry testing and web-based hearing apps are able to accurately screen for ototoxicity in adults with CF, and whether these methods of screening are acceptable. The results of this study will aim to streamline audiometry screening to improve detection rates, reduce cost of healthcare, enable equity in service delivery, and minimize disruption to the patient's social and work-life using smart technology.

Predicting the Progression to Chronic Fibrosis of Lung Lesions Related to Covid-19 Infection From...
CoV2 SARS PneumoniaThe main differences observed between SARSCoV-2 pneumonia and other epidemic viral pneumopathies (e.g., seasonal influenza) are the greater infectivity of SARSCoV-2, the clinical severity of the disease, particularly in young patients without co-morbidities, and the observation of radiological images related to significant parenchymal aggression in a large number of patients. The lesions in the acute phase correspond essentially to bilateral ground glass opacity more or less associated with condensations which would be markers of more severe infections. The major scope of the lesions in the acute phase raises the question of whether or not the scanning anomalies are completely resolved over time, and the possible impact on lung function. This risk of sequelae is very important to study given the large number of patients affected by SARSCoV-2, especially since these are often young patients who appear to be "healthy". In the current context of the CoV-2 SARS pandemic, the improved quality and availability of diagnostic scanners provides a wealth of information on the semiology and progression of lung disease with minimal exposure to ionizing radiation. A majority of hospitalized patients with SARSCoV-2 received a CT scan in the early phase of the disease. Indeed, the French Society of Radiology has recommended the performance of a CT scan without injection in thin sections in case of suspicion or for confirmation of the diagnosis in patients presenting initial or secondary clinical signs of severity and justifying hospital management due to the initial lack of reagents for performing biological tests (RT-PCR) and the high sensitivity of the CT scan and its specificity in epidemic periods. The present study aims to study the kinetics of lung involvement in SARS CoV 2, to study the predictive character of the chest CT scan performed at the patient's discharge on the existence of radiological sequelae at 3 months but also at 1 year in order not to misunderstand the constitution of late fibrosis after partial resolution of the CT images. The investigatos will study the correlation between possible radiological abnormalities and the clinical presentation (patient symptoms and lung function). The rigorous follow-up of these patients will allow us to set up, if necessary, early treatment of the detected abnormalities (inhaled corticoids in case of bronchial or bronchiolar damage, study of the place of an anti-fibrosis treatment in case of fibrosis,...).

Global Coagulation Assessment in Cirrhosis and ACLF
Acute-On-Chronic Liver FailureCirrhosis1 moreBackground: Patients with cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) may have bleeding complications which can lead to increased mortality. Standard coagulation tests (SCTs) like prothrombin time, platelet count and activated partial thromboplastin do not accurately depict in vivo coagulation profile. Point-of-care viscoelastic coagulation testing devices like thrombo-elastography (TEG) and Sonoclot may be better for guiding patient management. Methods: This prospective observational study compared and validated the point of care (POC) tests and SCTs in 70, 72 and 25 persons with ACLF, decompensated cirrhosis and healthy controls respectively.

Replicor Compassionate Access Program
Viral Hepatitis BViral Hepatitis D7 moreThe goal of this compassionate access program is to provide early access to REP 2139-Mg for patients with HBV mono-infection or HBV / HDV co-infection who either have advanced (decompensated) cirrhosis or who have failed to response to other other antiviral agents either approved or under development and who are in danger of progressing to decompensated cirrhosis. This compassionate access program will provide access to a once weekly regimen of subcutaneously (SC) administered REP 2139-Mg for a period of 48 weeks with the goal of achieving functional cure of HDV and or HBV, with the reversal of liver disease in the absence of antiviral therapy. The safety, tolerability and efficacy of SC REP 2139-Mg will be monitored during and after therapy

Dose Reduction and Discontinuation With Anti-Fibrotic Medications
Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisThe overarching aim of our study is to assess the incidence of dose reduction and discontinuations for pirfenidone and nintedanib.

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Fibrotic Drugs in Post COVID-19 Pulmonary Fibrosis
Post-COVID-19 SyndromeLung FibrosisIn this study we aim to evaluate the radiological and functional changes in post-acute covid-19 pulmonary fibrosis patients in relation to anti-inflammatory and/or antifibrotic drugs prescribed during and after covid-19 pneumonia.