Treatment With Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor, in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis and Caloric Intake...
Cystic FibrosisThe aim of the study is to describe the evolution of caloric intake in patients with cystic fibrosis with an indication to start treatment with Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor according to the Marketing Authorization, between the start of treatment and at 12 months.

A Comparative Evaluation of TEG Versus ROTEM for Coagulopathy Correction
Liver CirrhosisStudies comparing Thromboelastography or Rotational thromboelastometry versus standard coagulation tests are abundant. Data comparing the two exclusively in a liver intensive care set up is limited. Studies show that TEG and ROTEM cannot be used interchangeably in trauma, liver transplant patients, but there is limited evidence of the same in critically ill cirrhotic patients. In this study, the investigators tried to demonstrate the comparison of blood products used to treat coagulopathy based on TEG versus ROTEM algorithms in cirrhotic patients presenting with non variceal bleeding

Quantification of Hepatic Fibrosis by IVIM Sequences in 1.5T MRI
Liver FibrosisMRI2 moreQuantification of hepatic fibrosis by IVIM sequences in 1.5T MRI.

Comparison of Biannual Ultrasonography and Annual Unenhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging for HCC...
CirrhosisHepatocellular CarcinomaThe purpose of this study is to investigate clinical feasibility of annual non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging for surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma in high-risk group, in comparison with biannual ultrasonography.

Assessing Kids for Liver Inflammation and Fibrosis Using Non-invasive MRI
Non-alcoholic SteatohepatitisLiver Diseases3 moreThis is a prospective observational study which will recruit up to 100 paediatric participants over a period of 30 months to determine whether MRI is as accurate at detecting, distinguishing, and monitoring liver disease as current standard of care techniques such as liver biopsy and fibroscan.

The Challenge of Obtaining Qualitative Bacterial Cultures in Non-expectorating Cystic Fibrosis Patients...
Cystic FibrosisAccurate identification of lower respiratory tract pathogens is standard of care in the management of CF patients and it is therefore recommended to perform regular bacterial cultures, at least once a year, but some even recommend monthly cultures. This can be done through different methods, of which sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) are the gold standard. However, BAL is an invasive method, not designated to repeat monthly. Therefore, the diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infections can be challenging in the non-expectorating CF patient. Other methods, such as induced sputum (IS), cough swabs and nasal swabs, have been developed to obtain bacterial cultures in these patients. Studies have investigated the reliability of these different sampling methods, however, with controversial conclusions.

Sputum Purulence as a Predictor of Cystic Fibrosis Exacerbations: a Prospective Cohort Trial.
Cystic FibrosisTo use the sputum colour chart as a predictor for cystic fibrosis exaerbations

Supplemental Oxygen in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary FibrosisTo enhance understanding of supplemental oxygen-its utility in and adoption by patients with pulmonary fibrosis-by examining how patients perceive it and by determining how perceptions and patient-centered outcome measures change from before to after supplemental oxygen is prescribed.

Non-invasive Biomarkers of Fibrosis in Pediatric Liver Diseases
Viral HepatitisLiver Fibrosis3 moreThis study is being conducted to develop new techniques for early diagnosis of liver disease. These techniques are: Shearwave Elastography (SWE) ultrasound and blood biomarkers. SWE ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to view soft tissues such as muscles and internal organs and measure stiffness. An ultrasound creates computer images that show internal body organs, such as the liver or kidneys, more clearly than regular x-ray images. Biomarkers are biological molecules found in the blood that provide important information about liver disease.

Validation of BIVA for Nutritional Assessment in Cirrhotic Patients
Liver CirrhosisMalnutritionDespite the importance of nutritional status in patient's outcome, there is no gold standard for nutritional assessment. Traditional techniques used in healthy subjects to assess nutritional status cannot be used in cirrhotic patients due especially to ascites and peripheral edema, and altered rates of biochemical markers due to liver failure. Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis has emerged as a useful method to assess body composition and nutritional status especially in patients at the extremes of body weight (fluid overload, excess of adipose tissue, etc.). With previous results from our research group, BIVA showed to be useful for evaluating cirrhotic patients. The aim of this study is to validate our previous results and validate BIVA for nutritional assessment in patients with liver cirrhosis