Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Patients With Colonic Diverticulitis
DiverticulitisColonicIntroduction: Follow-up after colonic diverticulitis is a common indication for colonoscopy, even though studies have shown a low risk of positive findings in this population. The objective is to investigate colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) as a follow-up examination in patients with colonic diverticulitis compared to colonoscopy, on patient satisfaction and clinical performance. Methods and Analysis: The investigators will conduct a single centre prospective randomized controlled trial. Patients seen at Odense University Hospital with acute diverticulitis confirmed by CT will be included and randomized to either follow-up by colonoscopy or CCE. Detection of suspected cancer, more than two polyps or any number of polyps larger than 9mm in CCE will generate an invitation to a diagnostic colonoscopy for biopsies or polyp removal. The investigators will compare colonoscopy and CCE regarding patient satisfaction and tolerance, the number of complete examinations, the number of patients referred to a subsequent colonoscopy after CCE and the prevalence of diverticula, polyps, cancers and other abnormal findings.

Safety and Feasibility of ActivSightTM in Human
Acute CholecystitisColorectal Cancer5 moreActivSightTM combines an innovative form factor and proprietary software to deliver precise, objective, real-time visualization of blood flow and tissue perfusion intraoperatively for laparoscope-based surgery. A small adaptor that fits between any existing laparoscope and camera systems and a separate light source placed along any current commercial system will deliver objective real-time tissue perfusion and blood flow information intraoperatively. Primary Objective: To determine safety and feasibility of ActivSightTM in displaying tissue perfusion in intestinal anastomoses including colorectal and bariatric surgery. Secondary Objective: To determine the efficacy of ActivSightTM in; (1) displaying tissue vascularity and perfusion in comparison to indocyanine green (ICG) during gastrointestinal anastomoses; and (2) displaying biliary tree during laparoscopic cholecystectomy using ICG-based intraoperative cholangiography (IOC).

Probiotic After Acute Colonic Diverticulitis
DiverticulitisColonic1 moreThe goal of this observational study is to assess the efficacy and safety of the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN®, Ca.Di.Group S.p.A) in the treatment of symptomatic patients after an episode of both complicated and uncomplicated acute colonic diverticulitis. The main question it aims to answer are: Is the studied probiotic able to significantly reduce symptoms, assessed by means of a validated and dedicated score? Is there any difference in microbiota among the study group at baseline and a selected cohort of patients subdivided in subjects with diverticulosis and asymptomatic subjects after an episode of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis or an episode of complicated diverticulitis submitted to surgery with colonic resection without stoma? Is there any difference in microbiota in the study group at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of treatment with the probiotic? Is there any correlation between microbiota modification and symptoms during follow-up? Is there any impact on fecal calprotectin values before and during probiotic therapy? Is there any modification of evacuation before and during follow-up? Is probiotic able to prevent recurrent episodes of acute diverticulitis during follow-up? The safety of the probiotic will be assessed during the follow-up. The study group will be assessed at baseline and during follow-up with a dedicated clinical score and Bristol stool scale. Microbiota and fecal calprotectin values will be also assessed at baseline and during follow-up. Microbiota at baseline will be also evaluated for comparison in the three selected groups with diverticulosis and both asymptomatic and symptomatic after an episode of acute diverticulitis.

Scandinavian Diverticulitis Trial SCANDIV-II
Diverticulitis ColonThis study focuses on the treatment for complicated diverticulitis classified as Hinchey I-IV. The aim of this prospective observational study is to evaluate type of treatment and the success rate of treatment in acute complicated diverticulitis (ACD) at participating hospitals in Sweden and Norway. Furthermore, the effects on quality of life for this patient group will be evaluated.

The Diverticulitis Study
Colonic DiverticulitisColorectal Cancer1 moreAcute colonic diverticulitis is when a part of the colon gets swollen and inflamed. The diagnosis is based on a CT scan, which can show thickening of the colonic walls and infiltration of the diverticula. These changes and the concomitant symptoms can overlap with colorectal cancer (CRC). Therefore, the guidelines suggest that people with diverticulitis should be offered a colonoscopy to ensure, that CRC is not the underlying cause of the changes and symptoms. In Denmark, a lot of people get hospitalized each year due to diverticulitis, and many of them end up having colonoscopies with the purpose of excluding CRC. Currently, there are no methods for guiding colonoscopies following a diverticulitis episode, resulting in numerous unnecessary colonoscopies each year. In the Diverticulitis study, we want to investigate if a simple blood test analyzed for the presence of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), can help us decide who needs a colonoscopy. We will collect blood samples from 220 people with diverticulitis and categorize them into ctDNA positive and negative groups. The ctDNA category will be compared to the colonoscopy results to see if there is a correlation between being ctDNA positive and having a CRC diagnosed at the colonoscopy. This study could change clinical practice since we anticipate that ctDNA-guided triaging of diverticulitis patients is a cost-effective strategy for selecting diverticulitis patients needing colonoscopy, ensuring detection of the underlying CRC, and significantly reducing the number of patients undergoing unnecessary colonoscopy.

Quality of Life and Surgery in Diverticular Disease
Diverticulitis ColonQuality of Life1 moreDiverticular disease is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in industrial countries. Prevalence and admission rate due to diverticular disease increases. Symptomatic patients usually present with acute uncomplicated or complicated diverticulitis. Recurrence rates of complicated diverticulitis are estimated to 10-30%. Recurrences, chronic complications or persisting pain, here collectively referred to as chronic diverticular disease, may be treated by elective sigmoidectomy. Currently, there is no specific criteria for elective surgery, but only a recommendation of a tailored approach depending on the patient's symptoms. It is well established that diverticular disease has a negative impact on quality of life (QoL). Elective laparoscopic sigmoidectomy may increase QoL. In this prospective study, we will prospectively examine QoL, patient-related outcomes and peri- and postoperative outcome of elective sigmoidectomy for chronic diverticular disease, and compare it to conservatively treated patients.

Randomized Multicentric Trial to Evaluate a Free Diet With a Progressive Diet in the Treatment of...
DiverticulitisAcute Diverticulitis6 morePhase III trial is designed to demonstrate the non-inferiority of a free diet versus a progressive diet in the treatment of acute diverticulitis (AD) without complications. In this study, the effectiveness of the short-term free diet is evaluated, as well as its safety and the quality of life that is perceived in front of the progressive diet.

Treatment in Right Colon Diverticulitis Patients
OutcomeThe right colon diverticula, unlike those in the left colon, contain all layers of the colon and is called the true diverticulum. Perforation is observed less frequently due to its full thickness. Conservative treatment can be applied unless complications such as abscess formation and free perforation occur. Unlike the left, right colon diverticulitis has low complications and can be treated conservatively. The differential diagnosis of right colon diverticulitis should be kept in mind in order to prevent unnecessary surgeries. Surgical treatment is inevitable in cases such as recurrent diverticulitis, generalized peritonitis, and suspected malignancy.

Hartmann vs R/A in Peritonitis by Perforated Diverticulitis
Peritonitis Caused by Perforated Left-sided Colon DiverticulitisThis prospective randomized trial is to prove the equivalence of primary sigmoid resection with end colostomy(Hartmann)(GROUP A) and primary sigmoid resection and immediate anastomosis with diverting stoma (GROUP B)with regard to morbidity and mortality in patients with peritonitis caused by perforated left-sided colon diverticulitis.

Antibiotic Therapy of Acute Uncomplicated Colonic Diverticulitis
Colonic DiverticulitisThe purpose of this study is to evaluate if antibiotic therapy is necessary for treatment of uncomplicated colonic diverticulitis. The hypothesis is that Patients with acute uncomplicated colonic diverticulitis will recover the condition without antibiotic therapy and the lack of antibiotic therapy will not lead to complications. The patients will be randomized to conservative treatment with and without antibiotic therapy.