Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition vs Conventional Fluid in Colorectal Resection in ERAS
Colon CancerParenteral Nutrition1 moreAssess if administration of early nutrition support with Perioperative Peripheral Nutrition (PeriOliclimonel) N4-E) in patients undergoing colon cancer resection in an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocol improve the results of morbi-mortality and hospitalization versus standard intravenous fluid therapy.

Validation of Aer-O-Scope Colonoscope System Cecal Intubation
Colonic PolypColonic Neoplasms5 more61 subjects (male or female) between the ages of 45 and 75 will undergo colonoscopy. The primary outcome is Cecal Intubation

The Efficacy Of Complete Mesocolic Excision With Central Vessel Ligation Technique On Lymph Nodes...
Cancer ColonCancer Colon is one of the major public health problems worldwide. Complete eradication of the tumor with no recurrence or residual masses is a challenge which faces all the surgeons and medical staff all over the world. A lot of techniques were used to ensure 100 % eradication of the tumor and to cure the patients from cancer. Total Mesocolic Excision with Central Vessel Ligation is one of the recent techniques used for colon cancer surgeries. Here in the research the investigators answer the question of how this technique is superior and more beneficial in complete eradication of the tumor than the conventional surgery for colon cancer

Water Immersion and Polyp Detection: A Randomized Controlled Trial
AdenomaColonic NeoplasmsWe plan to conduct a randomized trial of tandem colonoscopies comparing water infusion and air insufflation for inspection of mucosa on withdrawal. In one randomized group, water infusion will be employed as the first method for mucosal inspection while in a second group, CO2 insufflation will be used first. This study will be different than usual care since the participants will receive two successive or tandem colonoscopies versus one

CT and MRI in Preoperative Colon Cancer Staging
Colonic NeoplasmsThe objective of this study is the evaluation of different imaging methods for the optimal preoperative staging of colon cancer patients. Imaging findings will be compared with the histopathologic results of the specimen following surgical resection.

The Laparoscopic Right Colectomy With Intracoroporeal Anastomosis
Colon CancerThis is a randomized, controlled, "non-inferiority" trial to determine the non-difference in post-operative complications rate in laparoscopic right colectomy with intracorporeal or extracorporeal anastomosis formation.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence Genius® System-assisted Colonoscopy vs. Standard Colonoscopy (COLO-GENIUS)...
Colonic PolypColonoscopy3 moreThis controlled-randomized trial compares the artificial intelligence Genius® system assisted (Genius+) to standard (Genius-) colonoscopy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of Genius® system on ADR in routine colonoscopy. The secondary aims will be the impact of Genius® system on polyp detection rate (PDR), serrated polyp detection rate (SPDR), advanced neoplasia detection rate (ANDR), mean number of polyps (MNP), polyp type and localization, and operator type (according to basal ADR).

Detection in Tandem Endocuff Cap Trial
Colonic NeoplasmsAdenomas Serrated2 moreA randomised back to back study comparing cap and Endocuff to detect adenomas during colonoscopy

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Resectable Locally Advanced Colon Cancer
Colon CancerA randomized controlled clinical trial to compare the short and long outcomes of Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with postoperative chemotherapy in patients with resectable locally advanced colon cancer

Study of Colorectal Cancer Screening Options
Colon CancerThe investigators propose to evaluate Guardant Health's commercially available colorectal cancer screening assay(Guardant SHIELD) in individuals who are not up to date with CRC screening.