Endo-cuff Assisted Vs. Standard Colonoscopy for Polyp Detection in Bowel Cancer Screening
Colonic PolypsColonic NeoplasmsThe study evaluates whether the use of a novel endoscopic cap (the endo-cuff) at the tip of a colonoscope improves the numbers of polyps detected during bowel cancer screening colonoscopy. Half the patients will have standard colonoscopy and half will have colonoscopy with the cap attached.

Prognostic Value of the Lymphocytic Infiltrate in Colon Cancers
Colorectal CancerColorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in France (36,000 new cases / year) and nearly 16,000 people die each year from this disease. The lymph node involvement of the surgical specimen is today the main tool on which is based the adjuvant treatment decision after curative surgical resection. The study of new predictive factors to identify patients at risk for developing a local or metastatic recurrence is therefore a major challenge. It is now clear that the immune system plays a role in the control of tumor's development, and it was shown that there was a correlation between the presence of a CD3+ T-lymphocyte infiltrate in colorectal cancers and patient survival. Preliminary studies suggest an important role of regulatory T-lymphocyte in the modulation of the antitumor immune response. The aim of our study is to follow a cohort of patients operated for colon cancer with curative intent to highlight the prognostic characteristics of the tumoral infiltrate by various lymphocyte populations (particularly T-lymphocytes but also B-lymphocytes and regulatory lymphocytes). It will be performed a preoperative analysis of blood circulating lymphocytes with antibodies specific for different cell populations (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD56, CD16, CD19, CD2) and stage of activation (CD25, CD69, HLA-DR ) or differentiation (CD24, CD38, CD27, CD103, CD62L, CCR7, CD45RA / RO, IgD). The presence of regulatory T-lymphocytes will also be analyzed. It will be performed on tumor sample a Tissue Microarrays for immunohistochemical study to determine the presence of different lymphocyte populations. We systematically study the markers CD68 (monocytes / macrophages), CD56 (NK cells), CD20 and CD79a (B cells / plasma cells), CD3 (T cells), CD8 (cytotoxic T), CD4 (helper T) FoxP3 (regulatory T), cytotoxicity of CD8 markers (Fas ligand, perforin and granzyme) and MHC I (antigen presentation) to explore the innate and adaptive immune responses. For each section, the different zones will be analyzed (center and invasive margin and healthy tissue). The main objective of the study is the influence of the tumor infiltration rate by CD3 + T cells on disease free survival at 2-years in patients with non-metastatic colon cancer resection. The secondary objective is to search a correlation between the rate of T-lymphocytes on preoperative blood sample and on tumor sample.

Influence of Epidural Analgesia on Natural Killer Cell (NK) Activity After Colonic Cancer Surgery...
Colonic NeoplasmsRegional anesthesia may decrease the release of endogenous opioids, increase Natural Killer cell (NK) function and decrease development of metastasis. The recent analysis of the Cancer Registry has noted an improved 5-year survival in patients who received epidural analgesia during surgery for colorectal carcinoma.

A Novel Technique of HALS With CME and CVL for RCC
Colon NeoplasmsThe purpose of this study is to determine the short and long outcomes of the novel technique of hand-assisted laparoscopic right hemicolectomy with complete mesocolic excision and central vascular ligation for right colon cancer.

ScopeGuide-assisted Colonoscopy Versus Conventional Colonoscopy
Colonic NeoplasmsIron Deficiency Anemia1 moreColonoscopy is an established technology that enables doctors to obtain live video from inside patients' large intestines, which is essential for the diagnosis of numerous intestinal illnesses. It consists of a long, flexible tube fitted with a light-source and small video camera that transmits the images onto a display monitor. The doctor inserts the scope into the anus, moves it into the rectum and then guides it slowly through the entire colon. Because of the various twists and turns that are part of normal bowel anatomy, advancing the scope through the entire colon is not always successful and can become challenging when the scope forms loops inside the abdomen. Unfortunately, there is no way for the doctor to see the shape of the scope inside the body other than what is seen from the video at its front end, and so navigating the colon relies on instinct accumulated with experience and the "feel" of the scope as loops begin to form. This is important because not only can this loop formation cause pain, but it can also increase the likelihood of an incomplete test. Incomplete tests matter because a major reason for performing colonoscopy is colon cancer screening and surveillance; detecting early cancers at treatable stages and looking for polyps that may be pre-cancerous growths. When colonoscopy does not advance through the entire colon, parts are left unexamined where cancer may develop. A new technology called "ScopeGuide" has been developed that uses magnetic coils embedded within the scope to create a 3D image of the shape of the entire scope inside the body that is projected onto the monitor for the doctor to see. This will show if loops are forming and will provide information about how to eliminate loops once they have formed. In this research study, the investigators will compare colonoscopy with the assistance of ScopeGuide to colonoscopy performed in the standard fashion, to see if ScopeGuide results in more successful procedures that are easier for the doctor and more comfortable for patients.

Impact of a Mailed Educational Reminder on Fecal Occult Blood Testing (FOBT): A Randomized Controlled...
Colon CancerThe purpose of our randomized controlled trial is to determine whether mailed educational reminders would increase fecal occult blood test (FOBT) card return rates and, therefore, improve patient compliance with colonrectal cancer (CRC) screening. We will conduct a randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the hypothesis that compliance to FOBT referrals is at least 10% greater among patients who receive mailed educational reminders on the importance of CRC screening. The study will be conducted in Veteran Affairs Medical Center and surrounding VA clinics in San Diego.

Case Series With Saneso 3600 Colonoscope
Colonic NeoplasmsSaneso colonoscope is a novel FDA cleared colonoscope that provides a 360 degree integrated view of the colon. Saneso colonoscope has five cameras and multiple LED lights at the distal head. The objective of the present study is to evaluate clinical success of the Saneso colonoscope in intubation of the terminal ileum and to obtain user feedback with regards to usability characteristics compared to predicate devices.

Investigate the Radical Extent of Lymphadenectomy of LAparoscopic Right Colectomy for Colon Cancer(RELARC)....
Colon CancerTo investigate whether extended lymphadenectomy (CME) in laparoscopic colectomy could improve disease-free survival in patients with right colon cancer, compared with standard D2 radical operation.

Short Message Service in Colonoscopy Preparation (PERICLES-II-SMS)
Colon CancerThe purpose of this study is to analyze if integration of new media (SMS) could improve the quality of colonoscopy preparation.

Comparing Water Exchange, Water Immersion and Air Insufflation Methods During Colonoscopy With the...
Colon NeoplasmThis prospective, randomized controlled trial compares traditional air insufflation with water immersion and water exchange in patients undergoing colonoscopy using on demand sedation. We test the hypothesis that compared with air insufflation the proportion of patients who require on demand sedation during colonoscopy will be significantly lowered by water immersion and water exchange, and water exchange will produce the greatest reduction