Online Programs to Promote Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Cancer ScreeningTo evaluate online peer support and colorectal cancer screening behavior among individuals who are not currently meeting colorectal cancer screening guidelines. This is a randomized controlled trial.

Gene Testing in Patients With Colon Cancer
Colorectal CancerRATIONALE: Analyzing the structure of genes found in a person's cancer cells may help doctors improve methods of treating patients with colon cancer. PURPOSE: Clinical trial to study the genes of patients treated with chemotherapy for colon cancer.

Exploratory Study Of The ERCC-1 Gene
Colon CancerRectal CancerThis study is for patients with advanced or stage II and III colon or rectal cancer. The primary purpose of this research study is to determine if a particular protein in the patient's blood will change when they receive treatment with a drug called oxaliplatin, which is used to treat the colon or rectal cancer. This protein is called ERCC-1. It is thought that the amount of this protein in the blood could influence the manner in which the patient responds to oxaliplatin.

Augmentation of Screening Colonoscopy With Fecal Immunochemical Testing
Colon CancerThe study will determine if adding fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) at yearly intervals to a colonoscopy screening program will improve colon cancer detection rates.

VTE Incidence After Curative Colon Cancer Surgery in an ERAS Program
Deep Vein ThrombosisPulmonary Embolus1 moreBased on data on a cohort of 2,141 patients undergoing elective colonic cancer resection in an ERAS program, the incidence of postoperative thromboembolic events is estimated in patients no receiving prolonged thromboembolic prophylaxis.

Novel Biophotonics Methodology for Colon Cancer Screening
Colon CancerThis is a proposal to establish a Bioengineering Research Partnership (BRP). The major objective of the BRP is to refine and provide comprehensive, definitive multi-center validation of these novel methodologies for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, thus providing a quantum leap in population screening.

Follow up to the AVANT Study up to 8 and 10 Years (Median Follow up) in Patients With Colon Carcinoma...
Colon Cancer Treated With Bevacizumab After Colon SurgeryThe aim of the S-AVANT study is to collect additional data at 8 and 10 years median follow up of patients previously included in the AVANT trial from December 2004 to June 2007. Clinical data of the AVANT trial will be updated. Neither additional examination nor administration of any treatment will be performed on the patients. 330 centers in 34 countries participated to the AVANT trial (Australia, Austria , Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China/Hong-Kong, Czeck Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israël, Italy, Japan, Korean Republic, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Russia Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taïwan, Thaïland, United Kingdom, U.S.A). The AVANT study aiming at demonstrating superiority of bevacizumab in combination with FOLFOX-4 or XELOX compared to FOLFOX-4, did not show prolongation of DFS at 3 year when adding bevacizumab to chemotherapy in resected stage III colon cancer. Adverse events were consistent with the known safety profile of bevacizumab. However, more relapses and deaths due to disease progression have been observed in both bevacizumab arms. A more prolonged follow-up is necessary to assess overall survival and to evaluate long-term results and safety. Collection of additional follow-up data will start Q3 2014. Clinical data are to be collected at 8-year median follow-up (expected to be reached around Q2 2014) and at 10-year median follow-up (expected to be reached around Q2 2016). All analyses will be performed on an exploratory purpose only. An analysis at 8 years median follow-up and a final analysis at 10 years median follow-up will be performed in the main population (all randomized patients in the AVANT trial including patients lost to follow up or died).

Assessment of the Anesthetic Effect on the Activity of Immune Cell in Patient With Colon Cancer...
Colon CancerAnesthetics agents has variety inflammation during the cancer surgery. This perioperative inflammation can influence to cancer metastasis or recurrence. The purpose of this study is to prove the variation of immune cell activity between preoperative and postoperative period.

MOST: Mediterranean Oncology Senior Tests
Colon Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy in the Adjuvant or Metastatic SettingAged 70 or OlderMOST is a longitudinal study whose aim is to test the hypothesis that frailty markers are better at detecting vulnerable patients and that they are a better "Adverse Events" predictive tool than the CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) in older cancer patients referred for chemotherapy. The second hypothesis is that a brief screening tool based on a combination of some frailty markers and some used in the CGA would help the oncologist detect patients requiring a more complete geriatric assessment

Comprehensive Gene Sequencing in Guiding Treatment Recommendations Patients With Metastatic or Recurrent...
Recurrent Breast CancerRecurrent Colon Cancer6 moreThis pilot clinical trial studies comprehensive gene sequencing in guiding treatment recommendations in patients with metastatic or recurrent solid tumors. Studying samples of blood and tissue from patients with cancer in the laboratory may improve the ability to plan treatment.