Adherence to Survivorship Care Guidelines in Health Care Providers for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer...
Adenocarcinoma of the LungMucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Colon24 moreThis clinical trial studies adherence to survivorship care guidelines in health care providers for non-small cell lung cancer or colorectal cancer survivor care. The completion of an educational intervention by health care providers may increase compliance and adherence to National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for survivorship care.

Garden-fresh Produce and Exercise Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
Garden-fresh Produce and Exercise (GFPE)The investigators propose a church-based health promotion program designed to reduce colon cancer risk in a mostly African American community served by the Lincoln Memorial Church in South Los Angeles. The investigators propose involving 20 overweight/obese community members in a 10-session health promotion program featuring weekly cooking classes, didactic nutrition instruction and brief bouts of exercise. Behavioral aim is to increase participants' fiber intake from commonly consumed plant foods and reduce their intake of pro-inflammatory foods. They will be followed for 3 months from time of enrollment. Intervention is expected to increase participants' mean stool weight and improve their Bristol Stool Chart score. Intervention is expected to reduce waist circumference and systolic blood pressure of participants. These effects are expected to be accompanied by self-reports of increased fiber intake and reduced intake of saturated fat and refined sugar as well as evidence of increased physical activity.

Colonoscopy Motivation for Patients With Positive Immunochemical Fecal Test
Colon CancerPatients with an immunochemical fecal test positive, have to undergo a colonoscopy. Around 10% doesn't realize the colonoscopy. This study evaluate the impact of a motivational phone call (given by a doctor) to improve colonoscopy participation. And try to understand why this patients don't want to make this examination.

The Efficiency of Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Colon Cancer Screening
Colon CancerMain objective is to improve colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programme in the Czech Republic and decrease the disease incidence and mortality. The secondary aim is to verify the effectiveness of incorporation of the new minimally invasive device in the prevention programme.

Real-World Validation of an Artificial Intelligence Characterization Support (CADx) System
Colonic PolypColonic Neoplasms1 moreColorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality worldwide, with rates of CRC predicted to increase. Colonoscopy is currently the gold standard of screening for CRC. Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as a solution to bridge this gap in adenoma detection, which is a quality indicator in colonoscopy. AI systems utilize deep neural networks to enable computer-aided detection (CADe) and computer-aided classification (CADx). CADe is concerned with the detection of polyps during colonoscopy, which in turn is postulated to help decrease the adenoma miss-rate. In contrast, CADx deals with the interpretation of polyp appearance during colonoscopy to determine the predicted histology. Prediction of polyp histology is crucial in helping Clinicians decide on a "resect and discard" or "diagnose and leave strategy". It is also useful for the Clinician to be aware of the predicted histology of a colorectal polyp in determining the appropriate method of resection in terms of safety and efficacy. While CADe has been studied extensively in randomized controlled trials, there is a lack of prospective data validating the use of CADx in a clinical setting to predict polyp histology. The investigators plan to conduct a prospective, multi-centre clinical trial to validate the accuracy of CADx support for prediction of polyp histology in real-time colonoscopy.

Defining Inflammation Related to Peritoneal Carcinomatosis in Women With Ovarian or Colon Cancer....
Peritoneal CarcinomatosisOvarian Cancer1 moreInflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of peritoneal carcinosis. Patients with elevated levels of different inflammation cytokines show a worse prognosis at the time of diagnosis. In women, ovarian and colon cancer are the main causes of peritoneal carcinosis and a comparison of these two different types of peritoneal invasion have not been conducted yet. We found interesting studying the role of immune response, in particular tumour-associated antigens (TAA) that modulate the metastatic process. We will investigate also mitochondrial defects, such as mutations in mt-DNA, potentially involved in carcinogenesis.

Preventive Health Behavior in Women
Colon CancerThe overall goal of the proposed research is to explore behavioral correlations between colorectal cancer screening and screening mammography.

Immune Response in Peripheral Blood of Patients With Colon Cancer
Colorectal CancerRATIONALE: Studying samples of blood from patients with cancer in the laboratory may help doctors learn more about changes that may occur in the immune system that may help kill cancer cells. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is looking at anticancer immune responses in the peripheral blood of patients with colon cancer.

Identifying Prognostic Factors in Patients Receiving Tegafur-Uracil for Stage II Colon Cancer That...
Colorectal CancerRATIONALE: Studying samples of tumor tissue in the laboratory from patients with cancer may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in DNA and identify biomarkers related to cancer. It may also help doctors predict which patients will respond to treatment. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is looking at prognostic factors in patients receiving tegafur-uracil for stage II colon cancer that was completely removed by surgery.

Gene Expression Profiling in Normal Tissue and Tumor Tissue From Patients With Colon Cancer That...
Colorectal CancerMetastatic CancerRATIONALE: Studying the genes expressed in samples of tissue from patients with cancer may help doctors identify biomarkers related to cancer. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is using gene expression profiling to evaluate normal tissue and tumor tissue from patients with colon cancer that has spread to the liver, lungs, or peritoneum.