
Active clinical trials for "Colonic Polyps"

Results 241-250 of 263

Confocal Probe-based Endoscopic Imaging, Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal (GI) Pathologies

Colonic PolypsEsophageal Diseases

The recently developed endoscopic Confocal probe microscopy system allows imaging of surface epithelium during ongoing endoscopy (upper and lower) with the potential of immediate diagnosis of various GI pre-malignant and malignant lesions. The purpose of this study is to determine if using this new Confocal probe system can find pre-cancerous abnormalities in the stomach and colon. Hypothesis: The confocal endomicroscopy images of colorectal lesions during the standard colonoscopies could help the classification in vivo of colorectal neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. This could direct further endoscopic interventions such as targeted biopsies of early colorectal cancer lesions and the endoscopic resection of such lesions during screening colonoscopies. Primary Aim To determine the key confocal image features of neoplastic and pre-neoplastic colorectal lesions including flat and raised adenomatous polyps, intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer as well as benign lesions such as hyperplastic polyps and normal colonic epithelium and to estimate which morphologic features best distinguish neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues. Secondary Aims: To determine the initial sensitivity and specificity of confocal microendoscopy imaging for classification of adenomatous from hyperplastic polyps of the colon. In this exploratory phase of the study to develop a library of confocal microendoscopic imaging characteristics of other GI pathologies such as: Barrett's esophagus in comparison to Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia, and normal squamous esophagus. Other encountered inflammatory and neoplastic conditions within the GI tract in which biopsy or removal of tissue would routinely be indicated. The second phase of the study will focus on establishing the sensitivities, specificities, accuracy of confocal images of colorectal lesions and other GI pathologies as well as inter-observer agreement and learning curve in interpretation of confocal images.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Discard:Characterisation of Colonic Polyps in Vivo

Colorectal Polyps

Prospective study of accuracy of colonic polyp characterisation in vivo using high resolution white light endoscopy, narrow band imaging and chromoendoscopy.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Resect and Discard Approach to Diminutive Colonic Polyps

Benign Polyps of Large Intestine

Resect and discard (RD) is a new paradigm for management of diminutive colorectal polyps wherein histology is determined by real-time endoscopic imaging; polyps are then resected and discarded rather than sent for histopathological review. The aims of this study were to compare the surveillance recommendations between RD and the standard of care where polyps are sent for histopathological review in a mixed setting of academic and community gastroenterologists and to evaluate the diagnostic performance of an RD program for management of diminutive polyps.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Cold Polypectomy Site Study

Colonic Polyps

Removal of polyps at colonoscopy reduces colon cancer. Snare polypectomy is the conventional method for removal however the snared area after removal can occasionally appear uneven raising the possibility that complete removal has not occurred. The significance of this irregularity has not be studied. This study aims to separately sample the irregular area and determine the constituents while recording how frequently this occurs during routine colonoscopy and polypectomy. We hypothesize that the irregular areas are submucosal tissue and do not represent polyp tissue left behind.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Difficult Colon Polypectomies

Colon Polyps

The investigators aim to define the concept of difficult colonic polypectomy and investigate whether resection methods (hot/cold snare, Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)), adjuvant techniques (endoloop, prophylactic hemoclip placement, submucosal injection) and operator experience have an impact on polypectomy outcomes and complication rate.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

UEMR for Medium-sized Pedunculated Colon Polyps

Colon Polyp

Underwater EMR (UEMR) is an emerging technique for endoscopic resection. The purpose of this research is to observ wether the UEMR for medium-sized pedunculated polyps is safe and effective.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

Comparison of Cold and Hot Snare Resection for Colorectal Polyps Sized 10-19mm.

Colonic Polyps/Colonoscopy/Colorectal Neoplasms

Patients who met the criteria for removal of 10-19mm colorectal polyps using cold snare or hot snare were included in the study, signed by endoscopic treatment written informed consent for surgery, patients with detailed tracking and record the basic information and information related to the operation, postoperative lack of region and edge endoscopic observation carefully no residue, additional excision may be took if necessary,after resection specimen inspection, and in 6 months review colonoscopy, assess whether there is residual or recurrence of polyps.Main outcome: technical success rate (no other auxiliary resection), complete resection rate, secondary outcome: intraoperative and postoperative complications, polypectomy time and related costs, influential factors of incomplete resection.Research significance: The effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of cold and hot snare resection of 10-19mm colorectal polyps were compared, and the influencing factors of incomplete polyps resection were analyzed, so as to provide evidence for the decision on the best method of medium-size polyps resection.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

Detect InSpect ChAracterise Resect and Discard 2

Colonic Polyps

Bowel cancer is a common disorder in the UK. Most cancers happen when a type of polyp, called an adenoma, becomes cancerous. Polyps are growths in the large bowel that can be cancerous, non-cancerous, or pre-cancerous (adenoma). Polyps are most commonly detected during colonoscopy (camera test of the lower bowel). The removal of adenomas has been shown to reduce the subsequent risk of bowel cancer. Current practice is that all polyps are removed or biopsied to allow a laboratory diagnosis (histology). This is important as it influences if and when patients require follow-up colonoscopies, known as the surveillance interval. Patients with only non-cancerous polyps do not need surveillance. A new blue light technology, called narrow band imaging (NBI), used during colonoscopy can help colonoscopists (doctor or nurse performing the procedure)differentiate between polyp types during colonoscopy. NBI is currently available in a large number of UK endoscopy units however is variably used. Studies from 'expert' centres have demonstrated that NBI allows accurate optical diagnosis of colonic polyps. Benefits of optical diagnosis include avoiding removal of non-cancerous polyps and an immediate (on the day) diagnosis for the patient including the surveillance interval. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy with which colonoscopists assess the required surveillance interval using optical diagnosis when compared with histology in non-expert centres. The investigators will invite 2500 patients, who have been referred for colonoscopy, to participate. Patients will undergo a routine colonoscopy the only addition being the use of NBI during the procedure. Colonoscopists will provide an optical diagnosis at the time of colonoscopy in addition to polyp removal or biopsy. The investigators will compare surveillance intervals provided using optical diagnosis with the diagnosis from histology and thereby the accuracy with which colonoscopists can use the technology. The investigators will also calculate the cost savings to the NHS.

Unknown status11 enrollment criteria

Registry Evaluation of a Double Balloon Accessory Device

Adenomatous Polyp of Colon

This study is collecting standard of care information pertaining to the use of the accessory device and patient outcomes when this double balloon accessory device is used during endoscopic procedures in the colon.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

Prospective Study of a New Endolumenal Device Used During Endoscopic Polypectomy in the Colon

Polyps of Colon

This prospective observational study will evaluate the performance of the DiLumen C2 Endolumenal Interventional Platform and its instruments. Up to 100 subjects will be enrolled at up to 5 clinical sites. Patient data will be collected before the procedure, during the procedure, and up until the patient is discharged from the hospital.

Unknown status23 enrollment criteria

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