
Active clinical trials for "Colonic Polyps"

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Comparing Cold Biopsy Forceps Versus Cold Snare Biopsy for Colon Polyps

Colon Polyps

Comparing the efficacy of cold biopsy forceps versus cold snare biopsy for removing colon polyps.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

UEMR vs. CEMR for Diminutive Non-pedunculated Colorectal Polyps

Colonic Polyps

This clinical trial is being conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of two standard methods of polypectomy,Conventional Endoscopic Mucosal Resection(EMR)and Underwater Endoscopic Mucosal Resection(UEMR),for small colorectal polyps.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Effective Withdrawal Time and Adenoma Detection Rate

Colonic PolypColon Adenoma1 more

The goal of this observational study is to assess the correlation between the artificial intelligence (AI) derived effective withdrawal time (EWT) during colonoscopy and endoscopists' baseline adenoma detection rate (ADR). The association between the AI derived EWT with ADR during the prospective colonoscopy series would also be determined. The colonoscopy video of participants will be monitored by the AI and the result of EWT will be blinded to the endoscopists

Not yet recruiting7 enrollment criteria

A Pilot Randomized Trial of Polypectomy Techniques for 4-6 mm Colonic Polyps

Colon Polyps

Complete polypectomy is one of the major factors for effectiveness of colonoscopy to prevent colon cancer. Given the prevalence of the 4-6 mm polyp, and the concern about interval cancers at polypectomy sites, there is a clear and significant need to determine which technique(s) are most appropriate for clinical practice. This study was to compare the three commonly used polypectomy techniques in terms of efficacy and efficiency.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

PROSpective Assessment of Post EmR Recurrence

Colonic AdenomaColonic Polyp

To prospectively validate the SERT (Sydney EMR Recurrence Tool) scoring system for adenoma recurrence rates around the endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) scar after wide field-EMR with thermal treatment applied to the defect margin. The primary aim of the study will be to ensure the safety of this approach and there will be constant monitoring to ensure that this is the case.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Clinical Trial Verifying C-REX LapAid and C-REX DMH/DMHC

Cancer ColonPolyp of Colon

In colorectal surgery, hand suturing and stapling are routine methods for performing intestinal anastomoses, and these methods appear to be similar in terms of clinical safety. Despite several years of experience with surgical procedures as well as improvements to the medical devices, problems with disturbed anastomotic healing leading to leakage and stenosis after colorectal surgery remain a significant challenge for surgeons. In addition, preoperative radiotherapy has been shown to increase the risk of anastomotic leakage even further. The methods that are used today to detect leakages are unfortunately inaccurately and limited to monitoring symptoms, temperature, CRP (C-reactive protein)-levels, and performing abdominal examinations and CT-scans. These clinical signs and parameters usually become apparent several days after onset of the leakage, which leads to a delayed diagnosis. Anastomotic leakage is not only a significant cause of increased morbidity of complications and mortality in patients, but also associated with increased risk of local recurrence and poor prognosis. Moreover, when reoperation is required to fix the leakage, a permanent stoma may be made at the level of the sigmoid colon and this procedure impacts quality of life negatively. Based on the above considerations, a novel, adaptive anastomotic method has been developed by CarpoNovum to achieve a safer anastomosis. The method's working name is C-REX Ring-locking Procedure (C-REX is referred to our Colorectal anastomotic rings for Re-join the intestinal ends and validate the anastomosis, with function of Extract samples for analysis and conduct X-ray through connected catheters). The novel adaptive anastomotic medical devices, C-REX LapAid and C-REX DMH/DMHC are easy to use, with unique possibility to control the anastomosis during and after surgery. The previous successful preclinical study encourages a clinical verification in patients undergoing colonic resection to evaluate the safety and performance of C-REX Ring-locking Procedure by use of C-REX LapAid and C-REX DMH/DMHC.

Completed20 enrollment criteria

Efficacy and Safety of a New Polypectomy Snare for Cold-polypectomy for Small Colorectal Polyps...

Polyp of Large IntestineColonic Polyps3 more

Colorectal cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Western countries. Scientific studies have shown that endoscopic polypectomy is efficacious in preventing CRC incidence and mortality. Endoscopic polypectomy carries a risk of major complications, such as bleeding or bowel perforation, so that a careful balance between efficacy and safety appears to be clinically relevant. Most of the polypectomies are performed for diminutive (<5 mm) or small (6-9 mm) lesions, which represent over 90% of all the polyps. To minimize the risk of complications when removing <10 mm polyps, cold-polypectomy techniques - i.e. without electric current - by means of biopsy forceps or snare, have been proposed. Although the risk of perforation is virtually excluded by cold-polypectomy, the lack of electrocautery may result in an increased risk of bleeding. The safety of cold-snare polypectomy has however been recently shown in controlled trials. Regarding the efficacy of cold-polypectomy for subcentimetric polyps, very few studies have assessed the post-polypectomy completeness of the removal of polyp tissue (i.e. residual disease), and no studies have compared it to conventional polypectomy. The investigators perform this study to assess both the efficacy and safety of a novel snare (Exacto™) for polyp removal.

Completed12 enrollment criteria

Effect of Prophylactic Clip Application for the Prevention of Postpolypectomy Bleeding in Pedunculated...


Although endoscopic colonic polypectomy has been an established procedure for two decades, the risk of bleeding is still higher after resecting of pedunculated polyps, because of the presence of a large artery in the stalk. Preventive methods such as endoloop and epinephrine injection have been proposed in the management of postpolypectomy bleeding in large colonic polyps. For prophylactic clip, there was no randomized controlled study assessing the efficacy in the prevention of postpolypectomy bleeding for the large pedunculated polyps. So the investigators designed a randomized controlled trial to confirm the efficacy of application of prophylactic clip in the prevention of postpolypectomy bleeding in large polyps.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

The Impact of Warmed Carbon Dioxide Insufflation During Colonoscopy on Polyp Detection

Colonic PolypsColonic Neoplasms

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the world and the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Colorectal cancers arise from precursor adenomatous polyps in a well characterized adenoma to carcinoma progression. The removal of such precursor lesions reduces colorectal cancer mortality between 30 to 50%. Colonoscopy is used for detection of neoplastic polyps but significant miss rates of such lesions are reported. Methods to reduce spasm of the colon have been investigated to increase adenoma detection rates including the use of warm water irrigation and hyoscine butyl bromide. Carbon dioxide warmed to body temperature is postulated to have spasmolytic effects. Administration of warmed carbon dioxide during colonoscopy may improve polyp detection. Objective: In this study, colonoscopy using warmed carbon dioxide insufflation will be compared to standard room temperature air insufflation to see if there is a greater detection of polyps per patient. Methods: Patients undergoing colonoscopy for screening and surveillance indications will be included and randomized to receive either room temperature room air or warmed carbon dioxide (37 degrees Celsius). Endoscopists and patients will be blinded to the intervention. Data on indication, preparation, sedation, withdrawal time will be recorded. Polyp detection rate will be the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes will include adenoma detection rate and advanced lesion detection rates.

Terminated7 enrollment criteria

EndoClot for Hemostasis and Preventing Post-procedure Bleeding After Endoscopic Mucosal Resection...

Endoscopic HemostasisColonic Polyps

Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) has been widely used as a diagnostic and treatment techniques of gastrointestinal small lesions. Para-procedure bleeding is one of the common complication following EMR. Several endoscopic hemostasis methods are currently in use including metallic hemoclip. EndoClot® absorbable polysaccharide hemostat (PAPH) as a new hemostasis material was previously used for surgical hemostasis, but the therapeutic effect and safety in endoscopic application remains unknown. This randomized controlled study has been designed to compare PAPH with metallic hemoclip in their hemostatic effect of intra-procedure bleeding control and rebleeding prevention during and after EMR.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

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