Molecular Profiling of Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal CancerColon Cancer1 moreIn this translational research study, Formalin-Fixed-Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue blocks from patients with early-stage (II-III) colorectal cancer will be assessed for a comprehensive cancer gene panel from NIPD Genetics (https://www.nipd.com/) targeting regions in 37 clinically relevant cancer genes. The colorectal cancer panel includes an extended list of clinically relevant genes, designed to target clinically actionable and clinically significant mutations that will provide physicians with genetic information regarding a) prediction of the patient's response to targeted therapy, b) prognosis, that is, prediction of clinical outcome, c) diagnosis and molecular classification of colorectal cancer.

European Serrated Adenoma Classification Score
Colorectal NeoplasmsThe aim of the study is to develop a score system in order to differentiate adenomatous polyps, hyperplastic polyps and serrated adenomas on the basis of optical features. Endoscopic images of colorectal polyps will be collected from a prospectively managed database. Histopathological diagnoses are available for all polyps. Histopathological diagnoses serve as gold standard in this study. In the first phase of the study optical features of serrated adenomas are extracted from the database. Discriminators are then defined on the basis of the extracted features. In the second phase a test set of high quality pictures are provided to both novices and experts of colorectal endoscopy. Participants are asked to use the above named discriminators in order to rate pictures and to classify polyps into three classes (adenomatous polyps, hyperplastic polyps and serrated adenomas). In the third phase of the study accuracy of optical bases diagnoses is calculated by comparing optically derived diagnoses with histopathological diagnoses (gold standard).

Computed Tomography Perfusion Colorectal Cancer With Tumor Grade
Colo-rectal CancerColorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. The 5-years survival rate depends on the tumor stage and grade at patient presentation. Individual treatment strategy based on the tumor stage and grade should be applied to improve the prognosis, So the pre-operative diagnostic evaluation and grading of colorectal cancer are important.

Small Bowel Endoscopic Evaluation in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
Familial Adenomatous PolyposisBackground and study aim The relative risks of duodenal adenocarcinoma and ampullary carcinoma in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) have been estimated 100 to 330 times higher than in general population. However risk factors, including a genotype-phenotype association for duodenal cancer in FAP has not been fully understood. The aim of this study is to determine risk factors associated with the development of advanced duodenal polyposis and ampullary adenomas in colectomized patients with FAP.

Fast Track Module Based Colonoscopy Training Programme for Surgical Trainees at North Jutland Surgical...
Harm ReductionPerforation During Colonoscopy1 moreSpecially educated trainers will be responsible for colonoscopy training of junior doctors. The educated trainers will have attended seminars held by Valori et al. The following fast track colonoscopy training program for junior doctors will consist of: 1) Endoscopy simulation training and theory course 2) supervised and partly supervised lower endoscopy. 3) Directly observed practical skills according graded by MCSAT (Mayo Clinical Skills Assessment Tool) .

Observational Study of Early Contact With Palliative Care Unit for Patients Receiving First Line...
Tumor in Upper Gastrointestinal Canal or Patients With Colorectal CancerIn this trial, patients with cancer in the upper gastrointestinal canal who are going to receive first line palliative chemotherapy and patients with colorectal cancer who are going to receive second line palliative chemotherapy will be included. Participating patients will be randomized between early contact with a palliative care unit, or contact with a palliative care unit when needed. The objectives with the trial is to investigate if an early establishment with a palliative care unit will have a positive impact on the patients quality of life, this also applies for the nearest relative, survival, and if a difference in numbers of chemotherapy cycles can be detected.

Study to Evaluate Oxygen Monitoring at Different Stages of Neuromuscular Blockade in Colorectal...
Colorectal CancerAnesthesia favouring deep/intense neuromuscular blockade during laparoscopy may restore hemodynamics. However, no studies has been performed comparing oxygenation parameters during laparoscopy in colorectal surgery in either moderate or intense neuromuscular blockade. The investigators aim to investigate whether the intense neuromuscular blockade produces a better oxygenation profile measured by the central venous oxygen saturation than the moderate neuromuscular blockade. This is a one centre, prospective clinical trial to compare oxygenation data at different stages of neuromuscular blockade in high-risk patients scheduled for colorectal surgery. Data recording will be blinded to the anesthesiologist in charge of the patient, who will manage patients by a determined protocol, based on stroke volume data to direct fluidotherapy. Data analyzer will be not be involved in the study design or in writing reports from the study. Inclusion criteria: Be a candidate to a colorectal surgical resection procedure and one of these conditions: ≥ 70 y.o, or respiratory co-morbidity, or cardiac co-morbidity or haemoglobin level < 11g/dl. The primary outcome is the absolute number of the central venous oxygen saturation, measured at the following points: basal, after tracheal intubation, before pneumoperitoneum or abdominal incision, after pneumoperitoneum or abdominal incision, 5 and 10 minutes before administration of rocuronio to produce intense blockade, continuously during profound neuromuscular blockade until the end of surgery, before sugammadex administration, after sugammadex administration, after tracheal extubation, for the 24 hours post surgical. Data of the regional cerebral oxygen saturation will be measured at the same points. The investigators hypothesize that oxygenation data will be favourable by applying the intense neuromuscular blockade in comparison with moderate neuromuscular blockade. Also, the investigators hypothesize that oxygenation data obtained during the whole procedure including the first 24-hours post-surgery, measured by the regional cerebral oxygen saturation are comparable to data obtained by the central venous oxygen saturation. The investigators want to obtain information about influence in the outcome of producing profound neuromuscular blockade during laparoscopy colorectal by comparison of outcome data with matched historical control.

The Investigation of the EtCO₂- PaCO₂ Relation During Laparoscopic Colon Surgery
Colorectal CancerEt-C02 is used to predict PaCO2 during surgery. There are controversies regarding the value of ETCO2 to predict PaCO2. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between Et-CO₂ and PaCO₂ measurements in patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Patient and surgical characteristics, mechanical ventilation adjustments, and intraabdominal pressure values and the corelation between these parameters and EtCO₂ - PaCO₂ difference were also investigated.

A RETROspective Data Collection of comPRESSion Anastomosis Using the ColonRing
DiverticulumColon11 moreThe proposed study is a post marketing, observational, retrospective data collection intended to gather and record data on patients treated with the ColonRing device in routine clinical practice at 4-6 centers. The data will assist in future evaluating the performance of the ColonRing device in regards to the creation of a colorectal anastomosis in Low Anterior Resection procedures. Hypothesis: The performance of the ColonRing, determined by the rate of complications, will be within the acceptable range reported in the literature for alternative treatment modalities.

Does Surface Tell us About the Invasive Front in Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal CancerThe purpose of this study is to investigate the invasive front in growth mode (expanding or infiltrative) and dedifferentiation (tumor budding) and comparing these with the tumor surface (polypose or flat) + / - ulceration in surgical specimens at colorectal cancer.