Fast Track Module Based Colonoscopy Training Programme for Surgical Trainees at North Jutland Surgical...
Harm ReductionPerforation During Colonoscopy1 moreSpecially educated trainers will be responsible for colonoscopy training of junior doctors. The educated trainers will have attended seminars held by Valori et al. The following fast track colonoscopy training program for junior doctors will consist of: 1) Endoscopy simulation training and theory course 2) supervised and partly supervised lower endoscopy. 3) Directly observed practical skills according graded by MCSAT (Mayo Clinical Skills Assessment Tool) .

Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer in Taiwan-Related Genetic Study and Clinical Applications...
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal CancerThe purpose of this study is to establish the HNPCC related information in Taiwan, and to characterize relevant susceptibility genes related to colorectal cancer to provide better disease control for the high-risk people. To accomplish this objective, we will collect detailed information of the HNPCC patients and their families from the collaborative hospitals and relate the information to the risk of CRC in order to provide sound disease control system in Taiwan.

Emilia-Romagna Surgical Colorectal Cancer Audit- ESCA
Financial BenefitColorectal Cancer2 moreFocus of this project is to evaluate the possible financial benefit resulting from an optimization of surgical outcomes throughout a collaborative and systematic auditing activity.The primary objective of this analysis is to assess the employed resources by National Health System related to surgical activities for primary colorectal cancer during a collaborative and systematic auditing activity in 8 Surgical Units of Emilia-Romagna

Evaluation of Somatic Mutation Spectrum as Biomarker for Survival Outcome in Chinese CRC
Colorectal CancerBy analyse the tissue/blood variant spectrum model using NGS, the present clinical trial aims to elucidate the genetic basis of CRC in Chinese; to establish of CRC genetic map in Chinese patients; to identification new genetic biomarkers, drug and pathways; and to subtyping for precision treatment and management for Chinese CRC patients.

Early Detection of Relapses in Stage IV Colorectal Cancer Patients
Metastatic Colorectal CancerThis study is a prospective, multicenter, observational study on metastatic, operable colorectal cancer to evaluate the proof of concept of the cfDNA analysis for the early detection of recurrences

A Pilot Study to Explore the Role of Gut Flora in Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal CancerColorectal Neoplasms4 moreThis study seeks to correlate microbiome sequencing data with information provided by patients and their medical records regarding colorectal cancer.

Application of Radiomics in Precise Preoperative Diagnosis and Prognsis Evaluation of Colorectal...
Colorectal Cancer Stage I-IVThis is a prospective, clinical study. This study is to collect and analyze data of radiomics of primary site or metastasis of colorectal cancer aiming to precisizing preoperative diagnosis and long-term prognsis evaluation.

Use of Plasma ctDNA Methylation Haplotypes in Detecting Local Residual or Lymph Node Metastasis...
Colorectal CancerLymph Node MetastasesThis is a prospective, clinical study. This study is to evaluate the sensitivity of plasma ctDNA methylation haplotypes in detecting local residual or lymph node metastasis.

The Relationship Between Postoperative Changes of Oral and Intestinal Flora and Prognosis
Gut MicrobiotaOral Microbiota1 moreSpecific oral microbiome has been found to contribute to the development of colorectal cancer. We speculate that specific oral microbiota related to colorectal cancer relapse after curative treatment. This study aim to discover if any difference of oral microbiota exist in patients who suffer from cancer relapse compared with patients who do not. Finally develop patient-centred programmes of surveillance protocols base on microbiota analysis.

Lifestyle and Dietary Pattern in Relation to Precursor Lesions of Colorectal Cancer
PolypsThe association between lifestyle and dietary pattern with precursor lesions of colorectal cancer is still unclear. This study is conduced in Jinhua, a city with a high prevalence of colorectal cancer in China, to assess relations between precursor lesions of colorectal cancer and lifestyle and dietary factors.